Chapter 1 Flashcards
Definition of psychology
The scientific study of behavior and mental processes
Two parents of psychology
Philosophy and physiology
Father of psychology?
Wilhelm Wundt
Where did psychology start?
Germany, 1879
What did wilhelm wundt focus on?
Study of conscious experience
Who was the first president of apa?
G. stanley hall
What does APA stand for
American psychological assocciation
What else did Stanley do?
Make the first research lab in america
Who was in structuralism
Edward titchener
What did structuralism do?
Examine components of conscious experience; sensation, feelings
Who was part of functionalism?
William James
Who was functionalism inspired by?
What was functuonalism?
“Purpose of behavior”
What is the stream of contionus?
How one thought is connected to another
Who was margaret washburn?
First lady to get a phd in psych
Who was mary calkins?
First lady to become president of apa
Who was leta hollinworth?
Gender diff and behavior
What was behavioralism?
Finding truth by physical evdence
Who were the two people in behavioralism?
John watson and B.F skinner
Behaviorist opinion on free will
Its an illusion
What did john watson think
That genetics dont matter on who u become
Did behaviorist use animals for testing?
What is the law of effect?
Do something - good outcome - do it again
Do something - bad outcome - not do it again
Who was the person in psychoanalytic?
Sigmund freud