Pg 37 Flashcards
What is involved in the criminal cases only corroboration rule for statements against interest?
The statement must be corroborated by circumstantial guarantees of trustworthiness if it tends to show that the declarant is criminally liable.
Test: if there is reasonable doubt about whether defendant really committed the crime, he gets off because the law is sceptical of the defendant offering testimony that some absent party admitted to the crime that the defendant is charged with
If a defendant is charged with grand theft auto and on direct his attorney asked, “what did your unavailable friend to tell you?“ “That he stole the car.“ Would this be allowed under statement against interest?
– Civil case: all that is needed is a statement against interest and the unavailability of the declarant
– criminal case: you also need corroborating circumstances to show the trustworthiness of the statement. This is likely a criminal case, so they would need to be more to corroborate the statement.
What is an example of corroboration which would be enough for a criminal case involving a statement against interest?
A statement about something that no one else knew yet, like how the victim was murdered
What are the differences between statements against interest and party opponent admissions?
It is rare that both apply.
– for party-opponent admission, the declarant doesn’t have to be unavailable and for statements against interest, he does.
– for statements against interest, these can be used for or against any party, but for party-opp, the admission can only be used against a party
- in statements against interest the witness that is giving testimony must have some basis in personal knowledge to speak about the matter, but for party opponent they can speculate
What is the difference between the FRE and California when it comes to corroboration for criminal cases for statements against interest?
California has no requirement for corroboration
If a defendant is prosecuted for reckless driving and he testified that Z who is now dead told him the day after the accident that he shone a laser into the defendant’s eyes and caused the accident. Would that be allowed as a statement against interest in either federal court or California?
I would not be allowed federally because they would need to be corroborating evidence, but in California it would be allowed since corroborating evidence is not necessary
What is the other name for dying declarations?
Statements under belief of impending death
Is dying declarations an 803 or 804 exception?
804, so the declarant must be unavailable
What are each of the blurting exceptions to hearsay as far as 803 or 804?
– statements against interest: 804
– dying declarations: 804
– excited utterances: 803
– present sense impressions: 803
What is included in dying declarations as a blurting exception to hearsay?
This is a hearsay exception for unavailable declarant’s statements made under belief of imminent death regarding the cause/circumstances of their death
What is the rationale for dying declarations as a hearsay exception?
People don’t want to die with a lie on their lips, so if someone is about to die and says what caused it, that is more reliable
What are the elements for dying declarations?
– unavailable declarant
– belief of impending death
– statement related to the cause or circumstances of the impending death
– type of case
Is it necessary that a declarant die in order for dying declarations to be admitted?
- FRE: No, he could be about to die, recover, and then later forget what he said and his prior statement could be admissible. He just has to be unavailable when it comes to trial
- CA: yes, he has to die
What are some circumstances that would have an unavailable declarant so that dying declarations could count?
The declarant could be dead, too sick to testify, out of the jurisdiction so beyond subpoena power, in court but his testimony can’t be gotten because of privilege, he could refuse to testify, or he could no longer remember something
What is involved in the “belief of impending death” element for dying declarations?
The declarant must have believed his death was imminent. Objective standard test: whether a reasonable person would have believed he was about to die
If a declarant was shot and thought he had only minutes or hours to live, would that be an appropriate situation for a dying declaration to apply?