Pg 13 Flashcards
What is involved in the self authenticating category of certified copies of official public records?
Things that are filed with the public office, like land deeds, as long as you have a certified copy (certified by a custodian or person authorized to make certification, or a federal statute or rule of the SC) and a public record they are self authenticating.
- document purports to be a copy of an official record
– certificate is attached to the copy
– certificate states the signatory is a public custodian of the official records
– certificate states the document is true and accurate copy of the original
– certificate has an authentic signature or seal
What is the rationale for certified copies of official records being self authenticating?
It’s risky to remove documents from public records because they might get lost or destroyed, so this allows for copies to be used
What should an attesting certificate that accompanies a certified copy of an official public record say?
“I, custodian, certified that I am a clerk of LA and the attached document is a true and accurate copy of the original in my custody.”
– Signed and sealed with the office’s seal
What is involved in the self authenticating category of official publications?
This is for books, pamphlets, publications or docs that are published by a public authority and are thus taken to be authentic. Ie: IRS docs
What should you watch out for regarding official publications as a self authenticating category of evidence?
The contents are not self authenticating, it just gives a way for these things to be admissible
What is involved in the self authenticating category of newspapers and periodicals?
The content of a newspaper or periodical is a self authenticating only to the fact that it was inserted by the authority of the person that inserted it. If the content is offered for its truth, that is not self authenticating. An item that purports to be a newspaper is self authenticating but a story in it is hearsay
What is involved in the self authenticating category of trade inscriptions/trademark?
Any inscription, sign, tag, or label purporting to have been affixed in the course of business and indicating a written, ownership, or control is self-authenticating
What is the rationale for the self authenticating category of trade inscriptions?
Day-to-day reliance by the public on signs and tags and inscriptions being correct and unlikely fabricated, plus there are serious penalties for trademark infringement, so a lot of effort is made to get the public’s reliance on brand names
What is different for the self authenticating category of trade inscriptions for California?
California doesn’t have this category
What is involved in the self authenticating category of acknowledged notarized documents?
If a document has a certificate of acknowledgement lawfully executed by a notary public or an officer authorized to acknowledge it, it is self authenticating as long as the certificate says: the person executing the document came to the public official or notary, his identity was known to the official or he produced sufficient identification, he stated to the official that he executed the documents of his own free will
If documents have been notarized for a partnership or a corporation, what is necessary in order for the self authenticating category of acknowledged notarized documents to apply?
- partnership: person must say he acknowledges the document on behalf of a partnership
– corporation: person must say he executed the document or a fixed the corporate seal by authorization of the corporation
What is involved in the self authenticating category of commercial paper and related documents?
These are self-authenticating if they have signatures on them and to the extent they are allowed by commercial law. I.e.: money or checks
What does California say about the self authenticating category of commercial paper and related documents?
California doesn’t include this as a self authenticating category
What is involved in the self authenticating category of presumption under federal statute?
A signature, document, or anything else that a federal statute declares is presumptively or prima facie authentic is considered to be self authenticating. It is necessary that a statute is provided for this to apply
What is involved in the self authenticating category of certified domestic records of a regularly conducted activity?
The original or a copy of the record, federal statute, or supreme court all apply. Before trial, the proponent must give the adverse party reasonable written notice of his intent to offer the record and make it available for inspection so the party has a fair opportunity to challenge it