PFT Flashcards
Factors that affect PFT testing; What happens if you get an error?
- Caffeine, sedatives, smoking, large meal, pregnancy, cognition, cooperation and motivation
- Error requires you to restart the entire process over
Normal Lung Volume and Capacities
TV: 500 cc
IRV: 2000 cc
ERV: 1500 cc
RV: 1500 cc
- Forced Vital Capacity
- The volume of air that can be maximally forcefully exhaled
1 second expiratory volume
FEF 25-75
Forced expiratory flow between 25% -75% [middle 50% of expiration] [L/sec]
Peak expiratory flow rate [L/sec]
How fast you can blow air out
Normal Ranges: FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC, FEF 25-75
FVC: Greater than 80% predicted volume
FEV1: Greater than 80% predicted voume (80-120% Range)
FEV1/FVC: Greater than 70%
FEF 25-75: Greater than 60% [Up to 130%]
Restrictive Disorders: Lung volumes may show:
- Decreased FVC, FEV1 and TLC
Restrictive Disorders Steps/Criteria
A reduction in all lung volumes
1. FEV1/FVC Ratio: <70% predicted? No
2. FVC: Less than 80% predicted? Yes
Obstructive Disorder Criteria
- Reduced Flow Rates
- Depending on the area obstructed will change FEV1 (upper) and FEF (lower) values
- FEV1/FVC Ratio: <70% predicted? Yes
- FEV1 is decreased out of proportion to FVC which is why the ratio decreases (Increase in TLC and RV)
What would an obstructive lung disorders PFT look like?
- Scoop Out
- Initial exhalation is reduced; looks like ice cream scooped it out
FEV1 Stages:
- Mild (Stage 1): Greater than or equal to 80% predicted
- Moderate: 50-80% predicted
- Severe: 30-50% predicted
- Very Severe (Stage 4): <30% or <50% with respiratory failure
COPD vs Asthma: What value must change?
- FEV1.
Does it change with inhaled bronchodialator?
* No: COPD, remains <0.7 FEV1/FVC ratio, FEV1 does not improve
* Yes: Increase 12% FEV1 improvement = reversible
Draw out diagram of the process of differentiating PFTs
Obstructive or Restrictive? How severe?
- FEV/FVC is less than 70% predicted
- FVC is not less than 80% = Obstructive
- Severity = Moderate (50-80% FEV1)
What is DLCO? What does it measure?
- Measures ability of lungs to transport inhaled gas [Carbon monoxide & Helium] from alveoli to pulmonary capillaries
- Measure how much CO and Helium goes in and how much in exhaled air.
– Anemia, COPD - This is due to carbon monoxide having such a high affinity for Hb