PFMC-Exam 2 Flashcards
What is the purpose of a UTC?
Identifies a potential capability focused on accomplishment of a specific mission the military service provides.
Why we do an economic analysis?
It is an approach to decide how to use scarce resources to meet a given objective, weighs costs, benefits and uncertainly for each alternative.
What are we evaluating when we conduct an economic analysis?
to weigh costs, benefits, and uncertainty for each alternative
What do we mean by a cost benefit analysis?
Cost analysis is depicted in dollars, reflect the monetary
impacts (good/bad) of the status quo or alternatives.
Benefit analysis- limited to non-monetary impacts (good and bad) of the status Quo and alternatives.
What is inflation?
a rise in the general level of prices unaccompanied by a rise in output.
Why do we normalize costs that occurred over time?
If we are examining costs that occurred over different time periods, we need to normalize them in order to make
an “apples to apples: comparison among alternatives.
What is the purpose of the PPBE?
The objective is to provide the best mix of forces, equipment, manpower, and support attainable within fiscal constraints.
The goal is to achieve defense objectives established by the President and Secretary of Defense. The Ultimate Product is the President’s budget.
What are the three things needed in order to develop the POM.
Baseline, fiscal guidance and program guidance.
What does the budget baseline contain?
Those things already in the budget…..things to which resources are currently allocated.
What is the primary function of the Air Force Corporate Structure?
The primary function in the budget build is to evaluate the relative importance of currently funded activities compared to competing new requirements. Make resource realignment recommendations to senior leadership - e.g. rack and stack.
What do we mean by floor?
A minimum amount required to spend for a specific purpose.
What do we mean by ceiling?
Maximum amount that can be spent in a certain area. Can’t be exceeded without prior approval.
Who legally imposes floors and ceilings on us?
Congressional Appropriation or Authorization Acts, the DoDFMR, OSD or AF policy or local management.
What does GAAP do for us?
Standard framework of guidelines for financial accounting that guides accountants in recording & reporting financial information
What is the budgetary accounting code?
Facilitates compliance with legal constraints and controls over the use of federal funds.
High level of Planning Phase
ID capability requirements
High level of Programming Phase
Match requirements to available resources
High level of Budgeting Phase
Translate programs into budget proposals
High level of Execution Phase
Expend resources and evaluate how we achieve desired capabilities.
Final document & purpose of Programming Phase
Program Objective Memorandum for framing program proposals, analysis of mission, objectives, alternate methods, and allocation of resources.
Final document & purpose of Planning Phase
Plan to Program Guidance for linking planning to programming.
Final document & purpose of Budgeting Phase
Budget Estimate Submission for submitting Defense Service/Agency budgetary detailed information, such as program’s pricing, phasing and overall capability to be executed on time/budget.
Final document & purpose of Execution Phase
Operating Budget Authority Documents (OBAD) that IDs annual/cumulative quarterly program and limitation.
3 things that happen in preparation for submitting the PB to Congress?
1) AF Budget Analysts ID situations where programs have put AF resources at risk of OSD/Congressional reduction (“marks”) 2) AF Comptroller applies inflation from OSD guidance (flying hours/manpower rates) 3) Reconfigure POM in OSD Budget “Exhibits” and prepare budget “J-Books”
What role does Corporate Structure play?
Evaluate the relative importance of currently funded activities compared to competing new requirements and Make resource realignment recommendations to Senior Leadership
What AF submits to Congress as support for the budget request?
Justification Books.
What is Defense Authorization Act?
Defines scope/content of programs and authorizes their appropriation level, providing statutory authority to establish or maintain a government program/agency
What is Defense Appropriations Act?
Authorizes DOD to obligate funds for a specified period
Who legally imposes Floors/Ceilings?
Congress imposes Floors/Ceilings
What is a proprietary accounting code?
It supports accrual based financial reporting. Recorded when revenue earned/expense incurred….regardless of actual payment date.
What is purpose of budgetary account code?
Facilitates compliance with legal constraints/controls over federal fund use (e.g. budget authority, commitment, obligation, and disbursement).
What is purpose of proprietary account code?
Supports accrual-based financial reporting (e.g. recorded revenue earned/expense incurred—5 elements of asset, liability, net position, revenue, and expense)
What are ways to limit after-the-fact accounting system adjustments?
Prevent errors at transaction input by education/training/system & internal controls and reduce reimbursement actions by “Cross org” LOAs in DEAMS if both orgs in DEAMS
APPROPRIATED funds of U.S. Treasury
Congress/limited life
REIMBURSABLE funds of U.S. Treasury
Word (7010) Basic familiarity with REIMBURSABLE funds of U.S. Treasury Definition Customer provided/Congress authorized and work performed above normal mission work
NONAPPROPRIATED funds of U.S. Treasury
Not Congress/Sales for good/services to DOD MWR
GENERAL funds of U.S. Treasury
Ordinary Gov’t business & most used by AF
Combined projects i.e. F-35
REVOLVING funds of U.S. Treasury
No-year appropriation/TWCF to break even over time & operates on continuous cycle
SPECIAL funds of U.S. Treasury
No period of availability, collect/incur expenses, law-earmarked for specific purposes, & receipt accounts i.e. hunting/fishing licenses
DEPOSIT funds of U.S. Treasury
Temp accounts to transfer i.e. state taxes
TRUST funds of U.S. Treasury
Specific accounts FMS, retirement, VSI, etc
CLEARNING ACCOUNTS funds of U.S. Treasury
Clears 30-60 days/Temp accounts
What does SFIS do?
Standardizes financial reporting across DOD/Aids efficient MX, and links program info to performance; DEAMS PTEO returns the SFIS LOA
1921 Budget and Accounting Act
1950 Accounting & Auditing Procedures Act
Req’d apportionment/allocation systems, expanded anti-deficiency reporting, & est’d Joint Financial Management Improvement Program (JFMIP
1990 Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Act
Req’d CFO appointment and financial reports
1994 Government Management Reform Act (GMRA)
- Amended CFO Act
- Required a consolidated financial statement for the entire executive branch
(prepared by Treasury / audited by the GAO) beginning FY97 - Required 24 Agencies to submit audited financial statements
1996 Federal Financial Management Improvement Act (FFMIA)
Req’d DoD to est/mx financial management systems that comply with Federal financial mgmt sys reqs