PETs in Education 🐶 Flashcards
What does PET stand for?
P - practical issues
E - ethical issues
T - theoretical issues
What are practical issues?
> Cost
— How much will it cost to fund the research?
— Who will pay for it?
— Do you need to pay for resources?
— Will you need to pay for expenses of the participants?
> Access
— How will you get your information?
— How will you reach your target audience?
— What will you do if you can no longer access your resources?
— Will it cost you to gain access? Will it take too long? Is it worth it?
> Time
— How much time do you actually have to complete the research?
— How will you break up your time for each component of the research?
— WIll you get help to reduce the amount of time you spend?
What are ethical issues?
> Confidentiality and privacy
— How will you maintain the participants identity?
— How will you respect their privacy?
> Informed consent
— Was consent gained from participants?
> Vulnerable groups
— eg. babies, children, young people, older people, disabled individuals.
> Harm to participants
— Psychological harm
— Debrief
— Is the rapport necessary?
> Covert research
— Authorised by the British Sociological Association (ethics committee)
What are theoretical issues?
- Validity
- Reliability
- Representativeness
- Perspective
Qualitative vs Quantitative data?
> Qualitative:
+ Methods that will produce in-depth, detailed / written data
+ Preferred by Interpretivists
> Quantitative
+ Methods that will produce numerical data
+ Preferred by Positivists