Interviews 🕵️ Flashcards
What are the different types of interviews?
- Structured
- Semi-structured
- Unstructured/ informal
- Focus groups
What are structured interviews?
They’re very similar to questionnaires and have a rigid format/set of questions that the interviewer must stick to.
All participants are asked the same questions, in the same style, for the same amount of time.
What are semi-structured interviews?
Some set questions but the interviewer can prompt further discussion if needed.
— Cicoriel and Kitsue (1963): question such as “how do you mean?” are often used and beneficial for semi-structured interviews.
What are unstructured interviews?
Can be seen as a lead / guided conversation. Although the interviewer may know the topic, there will not be set questions.
These interviews are very flexible.
What are focus groups / group interviews?
This type of interview allows multiple participants answering a focus question.
— Usually the interviewer observes the group discussing a topic.
— The interviewer may intervene to guide the discussion and take notes of the participants responses.
Willis (1977): Focus groups were used to investigate laddish subculture.
EVALUATION: Structured interviews
+ cheap but costs more than questionnaires
+ straightforward
+ higher response rate
- Hawthrone Effect
- inflexibility
+ informed consent
- confidentiality may not be maintained
+ reliability
+ validity
- patriarchal and distorted
- ignored subjectivity
+ quantitative
EVALUATION: Semi-Structured interviews
+ flexible
+ higher response rate
- time consuming
+ good rapport developed
+ informed consent
- confidentiality may not be maintained
- reliability
+ validity
EVALUATION: Unstructured interviews
+ flexible
- time consuming
+ rapport
- sensitivity
- Hawthorne Effect
+ valid
- subjective
+ representative
+ qualitative
EVALUATION: Focus Groups
- time consuming
- requires observation
- hard to collate
+ rapport amongst participants
+ informed consent
+ confidentiality
- subjective
+ representative
+ qualitative