Petronius: “Love Will Not Let The Poet Sleep” - TRANLATION Flashcards
lecto compositus vix prima silentia noctis
Line 1
Settled on my bed I was only just enjoying the first silence of night
Line 1
carpebam et somno lumina victa dabam,
Line 2
And I was giving my defeated eyes to sleep,
Line 2
cum me saevus Amor prensat sursumque capillis
Line 3
When cruel Love grabs hold of me and raises me up by the hair
Line 3
excitat et lacerum pervigilare iubet.
Line 4
And orders me to stay awake although I was shattered.
Line 4
“tu famulus meus” inquit “ames cum mille puellas,
Line 5
“You, my slave,” he said, “although you love a thousand girls
Line 5
solus, io, solus, dure, iacere potes?”
Line 6
how are you able to lie alone, hey, hard-hearted man?”
Line 6
exsilio et pedibus nudis tunicaque soluta
Line 7
I jump up and with bare feet and with a loose tunic
Line 7
omne iter impedio, nullum iter expedio.
Line 8
I block all the road, and I free none of the road.
Line 8
nunc propero, nunc ire piget, rursumque redire
Line 9
Now I hurry, now it displeases me to go, and again I regret returning,
Line 9
paenitet, et pudor est stare via media.
Line 10
And I am ashamed to stand in the middle of the road.
Line 10
ecce tacent voces hominum strepitusque viarum
Line 11
See, the voices of men and the noise of the streets
Line 11
et volucrum cantus turbaque fida canum:
Line 12
And the singing of birds and the faithful crowd of dogs are silent:
Line 12
solus ego ex cunctis paveo somnumque torumque,
Line 13
I alone out of everyone dread sleep and my bed,
Line 13
et sequor imperium, magne Cupido, tuum.
Line 14
And I follow your command, great Cupid.
Line 14