Pesticide Formulations Flashcards
Dry Flowable (DF) / Water Dispersible Granule (WDG)
Formulated into small pellets or granules. Forms a suspension in water.
Granular (G)
Mix of dry, large free-flowing particles. Usually with a low ai concentration.
Soluble Powder
Dry material that goes into true solution when mixed with water.
Concentrated Emulsion (EW)
Consists of thick water-based emulsion and an ai paste. Diluted in a spray tank for application.
Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC or E)
Clear solution with emulsifiers to be diluted in water. Final spray solution has a milky look.
Flowable (F)
Finely ground particles suspended in a liquid carrier. Forms suspension in spray mix.
Semi-liquid, emulsifiable concentrate.
Micro-encapsulated suspension
Suspension with ai impregnated in very small, slow release plastic beads.
Suspension Concentrate (SC)
Finely ground particles in a liquid base. Forms suspension when diluted with water.
True Liquid Solution (L)
ai is in solution, usually water. When mized with water, remains clear.
Water Soluble Packets (WSP)
Pre-weighed amount of WP, SP, or gel formulation in a plastic bag which dissolves in spray tank and releases contents.
Additional ingredients which can be mixed with pesticide spray mixture to reduce the number of fine droplets and thereby decrease drift, increase the effectiveness of the ai, and make application easier.
A class of adjuvants that includes spreaders and stickers that change the surface tension of the spray solution. When the surface tension of spray solution is reduced, spray droplets are more likely to remain on leaves without bouncing or rolling off.
Can increase the activity of pesticides by blocking the pest’s ability to break the chemical down into a harmless compound.
Copper chelates, Copper sulfates
Contact herbicide, cell membrane disruptor, low persistence, algae and green plants.
Contact herbicide, cell membrane disruptor, low persistence, non-selective.
Contact herbicide, unknown MoA, low persistence, pondweeds, coontails, algae.
Contact herbicide, amino acid synthesis inhibitor, low persistence, broadleaf.
Systemic herbicide, growth regulator, low persistence, broadleaf weeds.
Systemic herbicide, pigment inhibitor, high persistence, selectivity rate-dependent.
Systemic herbicide, amino acid synthesis inhibitor, low persistence, non-selective.
Systemic herbicide, amino acid synthesis inhibitor, low persistence, broadleaf weeds.
Systemic herbicide, growth regulator, low persistence, broadleaf weeds.