Pestanas Flashcards
Anterior cord syndrome usu see in what type of fractures? WHat’s the loss
- burst fractures of the vertebral bodies
- loss of motor function and loss of pain and temp on both sides distal to the injury with preservation of vibratory and positional sense.
Central cord syndrome occurs when?
elderly with forced hyperextension of the neck (rear-end collision)
There is paralysis, and burning, pain in the upper extremities with preservation of most functions in the LE
What’s the best imaging to assess for spinal cord injury? Immediate therapy includes
high-dose corticosteroids
Why is rib fracture deadly in elderly? Treat with?
rib fracture –> pain –> hypoventilation –> atelectasis –> pneumonia
Treat with nerve block and epidural catheter
When will a hemothorax needs a thoracotomy
when initial drainage after chest tube placement is greater than 1500 mL or collected over 600 mL in tube over next 6 hrs
How to treat sucking chest wounds
you will see a flap that sucks air with inspiration and closes with expiration. Treat with occlusive dressing that allows air out but not in. If not, can lead to deadly tension pneumo
Flail chest can occur with multiple rib fractures that allow a segment of the chest wall to cave in during inspiration and bulge out during expiration (paradoxic breathing). The real problem is pulm contusion (“white out of lungs”). How to manage
pulm contusion is very sensitive to fluid overload. Treatment includes fluid restriction and use of diuretics.
monitor with ABG. If a respiratory is needed, put in b/l chest tubes to prevent tension pneumo, Also r/o aortic dissection
In sternal fractures, suspect what type of contusion
myocardial contusion
get EKG, troponins.
Treatment is focused on arrhythmaia
When to suspect traumatic rupture of aorta? What’s the best imaging in trauma setting?
- big deceleration injury, presence of fractures in chest bones that are hard to break like first rib, scapula, sternum, or fracture of multiple ribs, presence of wide mediatstinum
- can use TEE, spiral CT aka CT angio or MRI angio, but in trauma setting, most practical is CT angio
How to secure airway in someone with subcut emphysema in neck
fiberoptic bronchoscope
pt with multiple trauma develops petechial rashes in axillae and neck, fever, tachycardia and low plt count with respiratory distress (b/l patchy infiltrates on chest x-ray). due to?
fat embolism from long bone fractures
While doing an exploratory laparotomy for an intraabdominal bleed, when do you abort operation with packing of bleeding surfaces and temporary closure?
coagulopathy with multiple tx, hypothermia, and acidosis
resume operation later when pt has been warmed and the coagulopathy treated
Pelvic hematomas are usu left alone if they are not expanding. What to do when someone has a pelvic fracture
- r/o associated injuries: rectum -rectal exam and proctoscopy, bladder, vagina -pelvic exam, urethra in men -retrograde urethrogram
- hard to do surgery on pelvic fracture b/c if you open, the pelvic hematoma can lose its tamponade effect.
- maybe do pelvic fixators and then IR for embolization of both internal iliac arteries
What to do with scrotal hematomas
typically do not need surgical intervention
What to do with fracture of penis
emergency surgical repair if not impotence will ensue as AV shunts will develop
In penetrating injuries of the extremities,
WHat to do if penetrated not near any major vessels are injured? What to do if penetration is near major vessels but pt is asymptomatic? What to do if there’s obvious vascular injury?
WHat to do if penetrated not near any major vessels are injured? tetanus ppx and cleaning of the wound
What to do if penetration is near major vessels but pt is asymptomatic? Doppler studies or CT angio
What to do if there’s obvious vascular injury? surgical exploration
If someone has combined injuries of arteries, nerves, and bone. What to repair first?
usual sequence is stabilize bone first, then do the delicate vascular repair and do the nerve last
should do fasciotomy b/c prolonged ischemia can lead to compartment syndrome
Injuries that lead to myoglobinemia-myoglobinuria renal failure (crush injury, high voltage electrical burns), how to manage?
osmotic diuretics like mannitol
alkalinize the urine
Formula such as 4 x body weight x % body surface covered with burns has been used to calculate how much LR pt needs in one day with half infused within first 8 hours. Now, it’s more common to use a predeterminated rate of fluid infusion. What is it? What to monitor
start at 1000 mL/h of LR on anyone whose burn exceeds 20% of body surface
adjust to maintain UO of 1-2 mL/kg/h while avoiding CVP > 15 mmHg
In addition to fluids resuscitation, what are other things impt in burn care?
tetanus ppx cleaning of burn areas use of topical agents (std is silver sulfadiazine, if deep penetration is desired, use mafenide assoc with acidosis, silver nitrate) iv pain meds NG suction TPN
T/F: tetanus ppx and wound care are required for all bites
How to treat black widow spider bites?
bitten pts get n/v, severe generalized muscle cramps
antidote is iv calcium gluconate. Muscle relaxants can help.
How to treat brown recluse spider bites?
often not recognized at the time wiht development of skin ulcer on the next day with necrotic center and a surrounding halo of erythema
Dapsone is helpful
6 yr old with limping, decreased hip motion and hip pain. He walks with an antalgic gait, and passive motion of hip is guarded. How to dx?
x-ray of hip will show legg-calve-perthes disease (avascular necrosis)
treatment via casting and crutches
Chubby boy around 13 with groin or knee pain and limping. When sitting with legs dangling, the sole of affected side points toward the other foot. Hip cannot be internally rotated. HOw to dx and treat
surgical treatment to pin the femoral head back in place
Imaging choice for acute hematogenous osteomyelitis
MRI bc x-rays won’t show anything for a couple of weeks.
Treat with abx
Bowlegs (genu varum) normal until? Persistence after that age is called?
normal until age 3
if persistent varus –> blount disease will need surgery.
Genu valgus (knock knee) is normal btw?
ages 4-8
no treatment
teenager with persistent pain right over tibial tubercle, aggravated by contraction of quads. PE shows localized pain right over tibial tubercle without knee swelling. What to do and what is it?
Osgood-Schlatter disease aka osteochondrosis of the tibial tubercle
conservative management with RICe. If no improvement then ortho for cast for 4-6 wks
Pain around knee in someone young. X-ray shows sunburst pattern.
Osteogenic sarcoma
tumor in someone from 5-15 affecting diaphysis. X-ray shows onion skinning.
Ewing sarcoma
Multiple myeloma presents with fatigue, anemia, bone pain. What will x-ray show? What will you find in urine? In blood?
- x-ray–> punched out lytic lesions
- urine –> bence jones protein
- blood -abnormal immunoglobulins
Soft tissue sarcomas appear as firm, fixed to surrounding structures. Most often metastasize to lungs. What to do to diagnose?
incisional biopsy. Treatment includes very wide local excision, radiation and chemo
what does closed reduction in ortho mean?
immobilized in a cast
Regular x-rays can miss posterior shoulder dislocation. What views are needed?
axillary or scapular lateral views are needed
What’s a monteggia fracture
direct blow to the ULNA such as on a raised protective arm hit by a nightstick. There is a diaphyseal fracture of the proximal ulna with anterior dislocation of the radial head.
What is a galeazzi fracture?
distal third of radius gets direct blow and fractures leading to dorsal dislocation of the distal radioulnar joint.
Fracture of scaphoid usu has negative x-ray results for 3 weeks. Treat with thumb spica. What if x-ray shows displaced and angulated fracture?
open reduction and internal fixation
Boxers fracture involves
metacarpal neck fractures typically 4th or 5th or both. Hand is swollen and tender. X-rays are diagnostic.
How to manage intertrochanteric fractures
open reduction and internal fixation and post-op anticoagulation.
femoral neck vs femoral shaft fracture
femoral neck –> replace femoral head with prosthesis
femoral shaft –> intramedullary rod fixation
Someone with protracted pain and swelling after a knee injury has a “catching and locking” that limit knee motion and a “click” when the knee is forcefully extended. What is it and how to manage
meniscal tears
repair is necessary
Unhappy triad
injuries to medial meniscus, medial collateral and the anterior cruciate
Someone has pain under a cast. What to do
always remove and examine the limb