Pest Control Flashcards
Which of the following arthropods belong to the class Acari? (Ticks, Spiders, Lobsters, or Mosquitoes)
Characteristics that differentiate arthropods that belong to the class Acari from the class Insecta
- Lack of an antennae
- Body is divided into two distinct regions
- They have 4 pair of legs in their adult stage
What family do the hard ticks belong to?
These spider-like tick species spends most of its time off the host in cracks and crevices and feeds primarily on poultry but will attack humans if their primary host is removed: (3)
- Amblyomma Americanum
- Rhipicephalus Saguineus
- Ctenocephalides Felis
What species of mites will invade homes and attack humans after their primary host is excluded or removed?
- Ornithonyssus Bursa
- Ornithonyssus Sylvarum
- Ornithonyssus Bacoti
Control of fleas on pets should be left to the owner or vet
The life cycle of a tick involves four distinct stages:
Egg, Larvae, Nymph, Adult
The 3 species of lice that attack people are head lice, body lice, and crab lice
Which species of lice lives primarily in the clothing of its human host except when feeding?
Body lice
These arthropods are pests of humans or animals and can negatively affect their well-being through their feeding behavior and ability to transmit various disease (5)
- Lice
- Fleas
- Ticks
- Mites
- Kissing bugs
Which life stage of the chigger mite is parasitic on other animals and often attacks humans?
What life stages of the flea can be found on the host?
Adult Only
These blood feeding insects belong to the order of Hemiptera (2)
- Bed Bugs
- Kissing Bugs
What is an infestation of lice known as?
How many pairs of legs does the larval stage of ticks have?
3 pairs
These mites often attack people who are associated with grains, forage, and hay and their bites result in a rash and intense itching
Straw itch mite
The ability of a female tick to expand their body several times their normal size is known as?
Which of the following are important species of hard ticks that will attack humans? (3)
- Lone star tick
- American dog tick
- Deer tick
The size of the dorsal shield is an example of ____ ____between male and female hard ticks
sexual dimorphism
Questing is the behavior displayed of soft ticks when searching for hosts
If you observe a medium to large sized, glossy dark brown to black cockroach with wings shorter than the abdomen, it is the:
Oriental Cockroach
Insects that damage stored food by chewing in both the adult and larval stages are:
Flour Beetles
The adult insect that has wings and can fly is: -Confused flour beetle -Silverfish -Granary weevil -Indian Meal Moth -
Indian Meal Moth
The beetle that is elongated, flat, shinny reddish brown, about 1/8th inch long, can fly, and has the last three antennal segments enlarged abruptly into a club is the:
Red flour beetle
Insects with complete metamorphosis go through four life stages which are:
Egg, larvae, pupae, adult
Infested flour shows large amounts of webbing with larvae actively feeding. Small reddish-gray moths are the adult form. Larvae are not spotted. The insect is:
Indian Meal Moth
Ground beetles prey on:
Other insects
When considering pest management of house flies and related species of flies, consider chemical control only after you have established a sound program including:
Exclusion and sanitation
German cockroaches and Asian cockroaches can be distinguished from one another by:
Habitat and Flight
The granary weevil attacks grain before harvest and storage
The larvae of the Angoumois grain moth feed on flour
Smoky brown cockroaches prefer an outside habitat but move indoors during seasonal migration and adverse weather conditions:
The larval stage of a fly
The larvae of the House Fly develop in animal waste or rotting fruits and vegetables
Dermestid beetles can attack and destroy pantry materials, such as grain and flour, as well as on woolens, furs, and feathers
What does the house dust mite feed on?
Shed skin scales
House Dust Mites are linked to and often thought to be the cause of what disease?
Clover mites cause most of their damage by?
Staining walls and furniture when crushed
Earwigs have a distinctive pincer-like structure on the end of the abdomen
Centipedes have two pair of legs per body segment, while millipedes have one pair of legs per body segment
Ants belong to what insect family?
Control of ants is accomplished through: (3)
- Application of insecticides to areas where ants gain entry to the house
- Treating nests and surrounding areas
- Use of baits
Which cricket species are considered a pest of golf courses due to their tunneling and feeding behavior?
Mole Cricket
Which of the following spiders possess venom that can be deadly to humans? (Black widow spider, Brown widow spider, Brown recluse, Red-kneed tarantula)
- Black widow spider
- Brown widow spider
- Brown recluse
Spiders belong to the class Arachnida and order Araneae, which makes them insects
The family to which all species of mosquitoes belong
What stages of a mosquito’s life cycle are considered to be aquatic?
Egg, Larva, Pupa
Both male and female mosquitoes are blood feeders in the adult stage
The egg-laying and larval development sites of this species of standing water-breeding mosquito species are typically transient pools of standing water fouled with human and/or animal waste such as septic water:
Culex quinquefasciatus
A species of mosquito most commonly found associated with bodies of standing water that are more permanent in nature such as ponds or lakes and that contain much surface vegetation:
Anopheles quadrimaculatus
These species of floodwater mosquitoes lay their eggs singly on mud in land surface depressions which are flooded periodically by brackish water or by water high in sulphate content such as occurs in the coastal marshlands of Texas: (2)
- Aedes sollicitans
- Aedes Taeniorhynchus
In the US, this species of floodwater mosquito oviposits almost exclusively in artificial containers such as discarded tires, tin cans, and flower pots:
Aedes Aegypti
The historical vector for malaria east of the Rocky Mountains is:
Anopheles Quadrimaculatus
Match the disease with the mosquito:
- Western equine encephalitis
- Malaria
- Dengue
- Aedes Aegypti
- Culex Tarsalis
- Anopheles Quadrimaculatus
- Western equine encephalitis, Culex Tarsalis
- Malaria, Anopheles Quadrimaculatus
- Dengue, Aedes Aegypti
Oviposition traps are particularly useful for assessing the population density of such container and/or tree hole breeding flood water mosquito species as: (2)
- Aedes Aegypti
- Aedes Albopictus
Skimming the water surface with a sampling dipper is a good way to collect the larvae of:
Anopheles species
To be effective, integrated mosquito management programs should include: (4)
- Accurate and complete assessments of the mosquito problems to be dealt with
- Continual surveillance
- Multiple control measures
- Continual program evaluation and modification when and where necessary
Space spraying insecticides is an effective way to control mosquito larvae
You should use the same chemical insecticide to control populations of mosquitoes in their immature stages as is being used to control the same population in their adult stages
Landscaping and lighting can help manage certain problems associated with adult populations of mosquitoes
ULV stands for
Ultra-low volume
ULV rates for mosquito control usually range between __ and __ ounces of active ingredient per acre
Space spraying for adult mosquitoes does not provide a permanent solution to a local adult mosquito problem
Which mosquito species is the primary vector of St. Louis encephalitis and West Nile virus in Texas?
Culex Quinquefasciatus
Calendar spraying is an effective way to prevent the development of insecticide resistance in the mosquito population
What are the distinctive characteristics that separate mosquitoes from other flies? (3)
- Long, many segmented antennae
- Piercing-sucking mouthparts
- Scales of the wing veins and margins
The larval stage of the mosquito life cycle are commonly called “tumblers”
This adult mosquito trap is the most commonly used trap for disease surveillance in Texas because of its effectiveness in catching the primary disease vectoring mosquito, Culex Quinquefasciatus
Gravid Trap
Insecticide resistance in the target mosquito population can result in ineffective control and or complete operational failure
Commercial Black lights are often used to detect the presence of commensal rodents because dried rodent urine will fluoresce bluish white to yellow under UV light
Plague is caused by bacteria spread from rats to people by:
Rodenticides can be anticoagulants and non-anticoagulants. Examples of non-anticoagulants are:
- Bromethalin
- Cholecalciferol
- Zinc Phosphide
The 3 commensal rodents may be separated from native rodents by:
Their tails
The roof rat’s tail is:
longer than its head and body
A characteristic contributing to high rat and mouse populations is
high reproductive potential
Anticoagulants are rodenticides that
kill by slowing the clotting of blood
Selection of bait for rat control is:
not related to reproductive potential
A house mouse can compress its body and squeeze through an opening as small as:
Rats are a major carrier of rabies
Rats avoid anything new that appears in their territory
Rats commonly travel a distance of ____ from their nest looking for food and water and patrolling their territory.
100-150 feet
A single rat can produce ___ droppings a day
Rat droppings average 5/16” long
Long-term, the most successful form of rat control is rat-proofing
Rodenticides should be placed: (2)
- In tamper-proof bait boxes
- In locations not accessible to children, pets, wildlife, and domestic animals
Tracking powder kills rats because:
They swallow the powder when they groom their fur
The key to rat control is to control rat populations, not individual rats
In 6 months, one pair of house mice can eat about 4 lbs of food and deposit about _____ droppings
When mice infest food, the greatest loss is not what mice eat, but what must be thrown out because of contamination
Mice only breed in spring
Mice avoid anything new in their territory
The key difference in baiting for mice in contrast to rats is:
small bait placements in many areas
Tracking powders should be applied in a layer less than 1/16th deep for control of mice
Mouse traps should be placed:
Along walls, behind objects, and in dark corners,
What is the most dangerous rodent-borne disease known?
Which 3 birds are commonly considered pests?
- House sparrows
- Blackbirds
- Pigeons
Bats are considered hazardous because: (2)
- Some carry rabies
- They can transmit histoplasmosis
Bats are considered beneficial because:
They eat insects
One of the best ways to alleviate bird problems in and around buildings is to deprive them of food, water, and shelter
Grackles, starlings, and blackbirds that are causing damage may be taken at any time
When birds are removed in a pest management program:
Insecticide or acaracide treatments may be necessary
People working in bat roosts should always wear respirators and other protective clothing
The best strategies for mammalian pest control are: (3)
- Exclusion
- Repellants
- Trapping
Successful bat proofing includes: (3)
- Finding entry points
- Closing entries
- Using funnels that allow bats to escape and not reenter
The best, most permanent bat control strategy is bat proofing
If avicides are used in a bird management program, dead birds should be collected and disposed of immediately
How far can a fur-bearing animal be transported after live trap?
no more than 10 miles
Do you have to have a permit or permission to release fur-bearing animals?
“Porcupine wire” is ineffective but cheap
Which animal is a primary source of rabies in Texas?
Over 90% of the armadillo’s diet consist of vegetation
Name 4 non-chemical control methods used to control nuisance animals
- live trapping
- exclusion
- shooting
- sanitation
Bats, Opossums, Skunks, and Flying squirrels are all considered nocturnal
What are the 3 types of tree squirrels found in the state of Texas?
Fox, gray, flying squirrels
Good practice and most labels call for using 1 gallon of fogging compound per __ cu ft.
Ultra Low Dosage involves the use of higher than normal concentrations and:
lower than normal application rates
In an effort to clean a nozzle tip, inserting a straight pin or other sharp, metal wire into the end of it can mar the machined orifice, distorting the spray pattern
The strainer assembly of any compressed air sprayer is important because: (2)
- It filters out particles that would clog nozzle tips
- It filters out particles that would interfere with shutoff closure
The knapsack sprayer is a good choice for pesticide application because: (3)
- The larger volume of spray can be advantageous
- They are easier to carry when walking is difficult
- They are better suited for spraying a solid stream for some distance
When using dusters, there is no need to clean screens and all other small openings to ensure they do not get clogged
Any insecticide used to fill a space must first be broken down into fine particles or droplets to allow their suspension in air
In a rodent control program, pre-baiting can: (3)
- Overcome the shyness of neophobia of strange or new traps
- Determine which foods are most readily accepted by rodent populations
- Helps determine the location of foraging rodents
In a rodent control program, bait stations are not necessary in order to protect against accidental poisoning of people or domestic animals