Personell Rules Flashcards
An applicant who has successfully completed the selection process and is being considered for employment.
beverages containing more than one-half of one percent (½ of 1%) of alcohol by volume
Classification- (Class)
Classification - (Class) A group of positions sufficiently similar as to duties performed, scope of discretion and responsibility, minimum requirements of training, experience, or skill, and such other characteristics that the same title and the same pay range apply to each position in the group.
Common Review Date
A common date of July 1 in which employees are evaluated for step pay increases.
Components Of Pay
extra compensation given to an employee who has additional and/or specialized knowledge, skill and ability that meets the City’s requirements for such extra compensation (for example: bilingual compensation, hazardous materials, toxicology paramedic, advanced life support etc.)
Classified Position
A position with a designated initial regular probationary period.
Classified Employee
All City employees in designated classified positions who have passed an initial regular employment probation period.
Biweekly Pay
The employee’s current range and step and any components of pay (not including overtime) for the pay period before taxes and voluntary deductions.
At-Will Employee
(previously referred to as unclassified) is not protected by the merit system, serves at the will and pleasure of the City, and may be dismissed at any time, with or without cause and without right of appeal. Such employees include part-time employees, seasonal employees, temporary project employees, grant funded employees, employees on initial City probation and generally, but not exclusively, those serving in administrator-level positions and above. The City Manager has the discretion to designate positions as at-will when they become vacant. Dismissal of at-will employees - other than part-time, seasonal, temporary, and employees on initial City probation, shall require the approval of the City Manager or Assistant City Manager. Termination of service or assignment by sworn employees in designated at-will positions will be in accordance with public safety at-will procedures approved by the City Manager.
Anniversary Date
The date on which an employee’s eligibility for paid time off accruals is based.
Administrative Leave
Management-directed time off with pay for an employee that is not charged against the employee’s paid time off categories.
Corrective Action Plan
A written plan that alerts an employee about a performance problem and provides a period of time to correct the performance problem. The plan outlines the supervisor’s performance expectations, steps to be completed by the employee, and warns the employee of the potential consequences for failing to complete the plan successfully. A corrective action plan is signed by the employee, or a witness (if the employee refuses to sign) and shall be forwarded to the Human Resources Department for inclusion in the employee’s official personnel file.
Criteria-Based Promotion
The advancement of an employee from one class to another class (with a higher maximum pay range) in a class series based on pre-approved criteria, without a competitive examination. In most instances, the class eligible for a criteria-based promotion will be a trainee or entry-level position not yet functioning at a “full performance” level.
Written Reprimand
Written Reprimand - Considered the first (1st ) level of formal discipline as per the Personnel Rules. A written reprimand is written documentation to make an employee aware of unacceptable conduct - “standards of conduct” or performance.
Disciplinary Probation
Considered the second (2nd) level of formal discipline. In accordance with the Personnel Rules an employee may be placed on disciplinary probation for violations of the Standards of Conduct.
Considered the third (3rd) level of formal discipline. The employee is released from work duties for a specified period of time without pay. The suspension form is signed by the employee or a witness (if the employee refuses to sign) and shall be forwarded to the Human Resources Department to be put in the employees file.
Demotion - Considered the fourth (4th) level of formal discipline?Demotion is the movement of an employee from one (1) class to another class having a lower maximum rate of pay.
- shall be paid at the highest step in the lower pay range that is at least five percent (5%) lower than the employee’s salary prior to the demotion.
- placed on disciplinary probation for one (1) year.
- A Department Director can remove the employee from disciplinary probation early, if warranted.
Dismissal - Considered the fifth (5th) level of formal discipline Dismissal is the separation of an employee from City of Mesa employment for cause.
Department - A major unit of the City government.
Department Director
The City employee responsible for the operation of a department.
A unit of a department.
Dock Status
Unpaid time away from work
Effective Hourly Rate (Effective Rate of Pay)
Effective Hourly Rate (Effective Rate of Pay) - The employee’s base hourly rate of pay (pay range and step).
Elimination Period
A waiting period for the short-term disability benefit.
Essential Personnel
Full-time sworn fire and police employees in classifications where the number of employees available to perform the function is limited (minimum staffing); the function requires specialized skills; or failure to perform the function may have serious consequences.
The evaluation procedure used to determine the relative qualifications of applicants.
Federal Fair Labor Standards Act
A grievance is an allegation by a classified employee that the Personnel Rules or the written rules and procedures of any City department have been misinterpreted or misapplied as to that employee; or that the employee has been discriminated against in violation of federal or state law or has been inappropriately denied a step pay increase.
Initial Regular Employment Probation
Formerly known as “original City probation”. A stipulated time period beginning at hire or rehire to the City that a full-time employee must successfully complete in order to be protected by the Merit System.
Management Policy
Provides Citywide policy statements, administrative regulations, and associated procedures for the efficient and effective operation of the organization and the administration and execution of Citywide matters.
-Management policies are created and modified at the sole discretion of the City Manager.
Non-Benefited Part-Time Employee
An employee appointed to perform the duties of a position for nineteen (19) hours or less a week on a fiscal year basis and is not eligible for benefits. A non-benefited part-time employee is at-will.
Paid Time Off
The time an employee is absent from work but receiving pay. The following absences are paid time off: observance of a holiday, vacation, sick, compensatory time, discretionary time, voting, jury duty/witness, bereavement, administrative leave and donated time.
Performance Appraisal
The evaluation of an employee’s performance of job duties and responsibilities.
Personnel Director
The Personnel Director position title is required by the Mesa City Charter; however the working title for this position is Human Resources Director.
Pre-Deprivation Hearing
A hearing where a classified employee is given an opportunity to present reasons, either orally or in writing (or both) as to why a proposed disciplinary reduction in pay, disciplinary action of suspension (of more than sixteen (16) working hours), demotion, or dismissal, is not warranted.
Probationary Employee
An employee who has not completed the probationary period for a rehire, reinstatement, or new hire.
The advancement of an employee from one (1) class to another class with a higher maximum rate of pay.
The individual who completes the Performance Appraisal Form.
Regular Rate Of Pay
An hourly rate of pay determined by dividing the total compensation actually earned for the normal non-overtime workweek by the total number of hours worked. Includes all remuneration for employment paid to, or on behalf of, the employee, except payments specifically excluded under Section 7(e) of the FLSA.
An employee who has resigned or been separated in good standing and is rehired into a position at the same or lower range as that held at the time of separation.
-Reinstated employees serve a new probation period.
A written notice filed by an employee indicating his/her intention to terminate employment with the City.
Any employee covered by either the Public Safety or Arizona State Retirement Plan who has reached the designated age and possesses the appropriate number of years of service, and who elects to receive an annuity benefit from either plan.
A unit of a division.
Separation & Termination
The end of employment with the City of Mesa via resignation, reduction in workforce, retirement, dismissal or death
Total consecutive years/months of City of Mesa employment (except in cases of reinstatement for sworn employees). Active duty reserve military training during City of Mesa employment will be considered as credited employment (without a break in service) up to the limits stated in - Military Leave. Federal active duty or active duty for special work during City of Mesa employment shall be credited toward continuous employment - providing the employee’s obligation to report back to work or request reemployment is met. Absences authorized under the Family Medical Leave Act and the Crime Victims’ Rights Act shall be considered continuous employment. Absences caused by a compensable industrial injury shall be considered credited employment. An employee hired in a full-time classification “full-time to part-time” , who subsequently converted to part-time status, and then returned to full-time status, shall only receive credited employment for one-half (½) service credit for the time spent in part-time status, in addition to the years/months employed in a full-time classification.
Special Leave
Any time-off in excess of thirty (30) consecutive calendar days that is not covered by the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Crime Victims’ Rights Act or Military Leave.
Unpaid Time Off
The time an employee is absent from work and is not receiving pay. The following are examples of unpaid time off:
industrial dock, voluntary dock, disciplinary dock, absent without authority dock
Service of Notice
If any document or notice is to be given to any person or department, the notice or document may be served personally or by certified mail to the last known residence or current business address of the addressee. (notice is complete upon mailing.)
In the event there is a conflict between these Rules and a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) entered into through the Meet and Confer process set forth
the terms of the MOU will take precedent and will apply to those eligible employees as defined in Management Policy 358.
Each employee’s official personnel file XE “personnel file” shall contain:
1.Employee application 2.New employee hire form 3.Loyalty Oath 4.Personnel changes 5.Notices of promotion 6.Disciplinary forms and employee responses, (e.g., grievances and appeals) 7.Performance appraisals 8.Corrective Action Plans 9.Written Counselings
Employee may access their employee file during what time frame
An employee shall have access to his/her official personnel file during normal City business hours.
The official personnel file remains where
The official personnel file will remain in the control of the Personnel Office, unless otherwise ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction.
residency requirement and who designates it
The City Manager will designate those employees required to live in the incorporated City limits.
- Any change in a City employee’s residency status shall be reported to the Personnel Office within fourteen (14) working days.
Outside Employment
A regular full-time employee may engage in outside employment, if the employment does not adversely impact the employee’s City work and does not create a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest with the employee’s City job. An employee who wishes to engage in outside employment shall inform his/her Department Director. The employee may be asked to choose between his/her City of Mesa employment and his/her outside employment if it is found that the outside employment interferes with the employee’s duties with the City.
Pre-Employment Requirements
All individuals recommended for employment with the City of Mesa are required to pass a criminal background and driving record check and may be tested for drugs and/or controlled substance use, if applicable.
Order Of Employment Lists
If there are no employees to be transferred or demoted to a class, the Human Resources Director shall forward names from lists established for that class in the following order:
1.Reduction In Workforce Lists (good for 1yr)
2.Promotion Lists
3.Reinstatement Lists ( good for 1 yr)
4.Recruitment Summary Lists (Open Competitive Recruitment)
Sworn Promotional Lists
The duration of the promotion lists for Fire Engineer, Fire Captain, and Battalion Chief shall be a minimum of six (6) months, not to exceed a maximum of two (2) years, upon request of the Fire Chief with the approval of the Human Resources Director.
- The duration of the list will be stated on the promotional job announcement.
- A sworn promotional list may be considered expired if fewer than three (3) candidates remain on the list.
Preference Points
authorized by ARS §38-492 will be added to any applicant score after the final rating is determined, provided that a passing grade has been earned without the addition of preference points.
Review of Examination
An applicant may review his/her examination results by submitting a written request to the Human Resources Director within fifteen (15) days from the date the examination results were received by the applicant.
City employees who fail to report for a scheduled interview shall forfeit eligibility on that list for a period of
ninety (90) days.
Can you start working for the city of mesa prior to them receiving the background check and finger prints
At the discretion of the Department Director and with approval of the Human Resources Director, employment may begin prior to the City receiving Department of Public Safety (DPS) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) criminal records results
-however, individuals who start employment before DPS and FBI criminal records results are received must be closely supervised if the individual is anticipated to be in contact with minors, disabled or homebound individuals.
Reinstatement of an employee
An employee who has resigned or been separated in good standing is entitled, upon written application to the Human Resources Director within one (1) year of resignation, to be placed on a reinstatement list for classes for which the former employee is qualified in the same or a lower range as that held at the time of separation. Former full-time employees who are hired into a full-time position from the reinstatement list or within one (1) year of the date of their separation shall serve a new probation period and begin accruing paid time off at the same rate as they were at the time of separation. In addition, fifty percent (50%) of the returning full-time employee’s forfeited sick time shall be restored upon hire. Stability pay XE shall not be restored. A returning sworn employee’s seniority shall also be restored to the level it was prior to the separation (for internal promotions and shift bids).
Definition of Relative
Relative means employee’s spouse, child, parent, sister, brother, grandchild, grandparent and his/her spouses; and the parent, sister, brother, or child of a spouse. Step relationships and employee court-appointed legal guardians are included in this definition.
Can an employee who is related to another employee give them disciplinary action or a promotion
Under no circumstances should an employee approve promotions, disciplinary actions, or other employment-related decisions for a relative employed in the same department.
An employee who requests demotion shall be paid
at a rate within the new salary range recommended by the Department Director or City Manager designee and approved by the Deputy City Manager or Assistant City Manager. A voluntary demotion may only occur if the intended position is currently existing and vacant.
An employee who is demoted for failing to meet the of the position shall be
demoted to the formerly held position if existing and is vacant. If the employee’s former position is not currently existing and vacant at the time the employee is demoted, the employee shall be terminated and placed on an employment list for a classification for which the employee is eligible.
An employee demoted for the City’s convenience will
continue to receive the same salary as before the demotion. If this salary is higher than the maximum of the new pay range, the employee will remain at this rate until the salary range for the class reaches the employee’s salary, at which point the employee will again be eligible for salary increases.
Are sworn fire personnel eligible for shift differential premium
Sworn Fire personnel and seasonal employees are not eligible for shift differential premium.
Exceptional Performance Recognition Award
Upon approval of the Deputy City Manager or City Manager designee, an exceptional performance recognition award may be given to full-time and benefited part-time employee to recognize exceptional performance in the employee’s class.
- An employee may receive no more than one (1) individual and one (1) team award during a twelve (12) month period.
- This award will be for a specified amount and paid in a lump sum separate and apart from biweekly wages. After the City deducts the appropriate amount of taxes, the amount of the exceptional performance recognition award net of taxes, shall not exceed two and one-half percent (2½%) net of the employee’s current pay range and step annual salary.
all City of Mesa FLSA exempt employees must use accrued leave for absences of more than ___ hrs
absences of more than four (4) consecutive hours unless approval is given by the Department Director or designated acting Department Director or City Manager designee.
Fire personnel working a twenty-four (24)-hour shift are eligible to receive overtime compensation for hours worked in excess of
two hundred four (204) hours during the twenty-seven (27) day work period.
- the following paid time off categories will be considered time worked: vacation, sick, discretionary time (i.e., personal time), voting, jury duty/witness, bereavement, military leave, administrative leave, and donated leave.
- The following paid time off category will not be considered time worked: compensatory time and observance of a holiday
All requests for absence from scheduled work should be submitted to the employee’s supervisor at least ___ hrs, except for emergencies or unanticipated sick time, in which case the request shall be submitted ___ ___ ___ ___.
forty-eight (48) hours prior to the beginning of the absence, except for emergencies or unanticipated sick time, in which case the request shall be submitted as soon as possible.
For the second (2nd) instance of unexcused absence within six (6) months of the first unexcused absence
the employee may receive up to a three (3) day suspension
For the third (3rd) instance of unexcused absence within six (6) months of the first unexcused absence
the employee may be dismissed from City of Mesa employment.
__ consecutive work shifts or __ hours for firefighters or more is considered to be abandonment of City of Mesa employment. City Manager designee must attempt to notify the employee to schedule a ___ ____ ____ by certified mail to the employee’s last known address.
An unexcused absence of five (5) consecutive work days, or forty (40) consecutive work hours, or two (2) consecutive work shifts or forty-eight (48) hours for firefighters or more is considered to be abandonment of City of Mesa employment. City Manager designee must attempt to notify the employee to schedule a pre-deprivation hearing by certified mail to the employee’s last known address.
City Holidays are as Follows-(11)
New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King, Jr./Civil Rights Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day.
- When a holiday falls on a Sunday, it will be observed on the following ______.
- When a holiday falls on a Saturday, it will be observed on the preceding _______.
- Monday
2. Friday
If a holiday falls on the first scheduled work day, an employee who starts to work for the City on the following day and works for the remainder of the pay period - will they receive the holiday pay?
Yes, they will receive full pay for the holiday.
Vacation accrual for Fire Personnel Working A (24)-Hour Shift:
Years 0 Through 2
- (5) hours per pay period x (26) pay periods =(130) hours.
* An additional (4.4) hours will be granted on January 1 of each year for a total (134.4) hours per calendar year.
Vacation accruals forFire Personnel working a (24)-Hour Shift:
Years Two (2+):
- (7.5) hours per pay period x (26) pay periods = (195) hours.
- An additional (6.6) hours will be granted on January 1 of each year for a total of (201.6) hours per calendar year.
Firefighters accrue vacation time once they have met a minimum number of hours _____ in a biweekly pay period.
Fire personnel working a twenty-four (24)-hour shift must meet a minimum (54) hours in a biweekly pay period
The maximum accumulation of vacation time is
(336) hours for fire personnel working a (24)-hour shift.
Employees who have in excess of the above amounts on December 31st of each year will be paid for the excess amount of time after December 31st, provided they took off (112) hours for Fire personnel working a twenty-four (24)-hour shift. If the employee has not taken the required amount of time during the year, all excess time shall be forfeited. Donated time counts as used vacation time.
Vacation time may be taken at any time if approved by the supervisor; the minimum unit allowed is
(¼) hour. Per city personnel rules
For the first (1st) instance of unexcused absence
the employee shall receive a written reprimand.
Fire Personnel Working A Twenty-Four (24)-Hour Shift:
-sick accrual
(5) hours per pay period * (26) pay periods = (130) hours.
• An additional (4.4) hours will be granted on January 1 of each year for a total (134.4) hours per calendar year.
- OR 11.2 a month
Does the city pay out your sick time if you die?
shall forfeit all accumulated sick time.
Max sick time accumulation
1456 hrs
b. Fire personnel working a twenty-four (24)-hour shift must meet a minimum of ___ hours in a biweekly pay period to receive sick time accrual.
For Fire personnel working a 24 hour shift, an absence of up to 48 work hours (two consecutive work shifts).
BEREAVEMENT TIME for 40 hr employees ( full time )
an absence up to 50 work hours will be allowed for bereavement time for funerals/memorial services. 40 work hours will be paid as bereavement time; however, the additional 10 hours, if taken, will be charged to any paid or unpaid time off category at the employee’s discretion.
What happens to sick and vacation accruals & step pay increases?
During the period of job-induced disability, the employee’s vacation and sick time accrual shall be frozen and step pay increases shall not be granted.
special leave
is any absence from work in excess of 30 consecutive calendar days that is not covered by the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Crime Victims’ Rights Act or Military Leave.
- after the 39 days the employee must pay his and the city’s portion for medical bennifits.
- can you use it to care for a family member?
No, An employee may not use the short-term disability benefit to care for a family member.
Fire personnel working a (24) hour shift, an absence of up to (48) work hours (2 consecutive work shifts).
- vac
- sick
- step pay increase
During the period of job-induced disability, the employee’s vacation and sick time accrual shall be frozen and step pay increases shall not be granted
If your on INDUSTRIAL INJURY PROGRAM - WORKERS’ COMPENSATION LEAVE the city will put you on ______________?
Un paid time off: After (30) consecutive calendar days not covered by FMLA, Crime Victims’ Rights Act or military leave what must the employee do to keep medical insurance?
employees on unpaid time off for a full pay period are responsible for the payment of the City and employee portion of the insurance premium for the coverage they desire.
-Employees must make the payment directly to the Payroll Office.
“special leave” is
is any absence from work in excess of (30) consecutive calendar days that is not covered by the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Crime Victims’ Rights Act or Military Leave. In addition, a special leave is any additional time-off required after exhaustion of FMLA.
- Must be approved in advance and in writing
The short-term disability benefit may be used when a full-time employee is off work due to an employee illness or injury for more than the policy elimination period. The employee may use sick time first, followed by vacation time if needed during the elimination period prior to becoming eligible for the short-term disability benefit. If the elimination period is in conjunction with FMLA Leave if not concurrent with FMLA leave, special leave. At the start of the short-term disability payments the employee’s remaining accrued sick and vacation time will be frozen.
- An employee may not use the short-term disability benefit to care for a family member.
- The short-term disability benefit is for a period not to exceed six (6) months after the elimination period
full-time sworn police/fire employees and benefited at-will employees must have successfully completed one (1)-year of continuous service prior to the first day of the course.
Performance appraisal reports shall be completed (2) weeks prior to the completion of any probation and (2) weeks prior to any scheduled step pay increase.
- All appraisals shall be forwarded to the Human Resources Department for inclusion in the employee’s personnel file.
- at least once per year.
- Rating Authority = An employee’s supervisor
- Reviewing Authority =The head of each department
Review: The employee shall sign the appraisal to acknowledge receipt and shall receive a copy of the completed appraisal. The original copy of all appraisal forms shall be submitted to the Human Resources Director for filing in the employee’s personnel file.
given three (3) working days after signing the appraisal to make comments on the form.
Grievance: If an employee receives a performance appraisal that results in the denial of a step pay increase the employee may submit a grievance.
The 2 Types of Probation:
- initial regular employment probation
- disciplinary probation
Initial Regular Employment Probation
-(12) months long
-can be extended one time (12) months
shall be extended for the corresponding period for which the probationary employee is absent from work for any reason for thirty (30) or more consecutive working days.
-Absences for less than thirty (30) working days shall not extend the initial regular employment probation
-If the completed probationary evaluation is not reviewed by the probationer by the last day of the probation period, the probationer will be considered to have successfully completed probation.
Disciplinary Probation
-(12) months and cannot be extended beyond its original length
-an employee will not be allowed to compete in any promotional testing
shall not extend beyond (90) days without notification to the City Manager (or designee), or Deputy City Manager.
Who can take promotional exams
are open to all City of Mesa employees who meet the minimum qualifications
-except that an employee who has been demoted at his/her own request or for cause may not compete in a promotional examination for (90) days after the effective date XE of the demotion
assuming higher level job responsibilities than normally covered by the employee’s job classification.
- can be placed on special assignment for up to 2 years. After 2 years, special assignments will be subject to a yearly renewal and approval at the discretion of the City Manager or designee.
- shall receive a five percent (5%) salary increase
Grievable Issues
- The City of Mesa Personnel Rules or the written rules and procedures of any City department have allegedly been misinterpreted or misapplied as to that employee.
- The employee alleges that he/she has been unlawfully harassed or discriminated against because of race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, disability, genetic information, Crime Victims’ Rights status or any other protected status as provided under any applicable state or federal laws.
- The employee has been denied a regularly scheduled step pay increase.