ISO Flashcards
NIMS (National Incident Management System)
-Developed through Homeland Presidential Directive 5
•Mandates a consistent nationwide approach to prepare, respond, and recover from domestic incidents regardless of cause, size, or complexity
Safety officer: NIMS definition
Member of command staff
Safety officer: NFPA definition
-Splits role of safety officer for greater specificity
•ISO (incident safety officer)
•Safety officer command role as defined by NIMS
•HSO (health and safety officer)
•Manager of the fire department’s safety and health program
•Assigned and authorized by the fire chief
NFPA (National Fire Protection Agency)
- Develops consensus standards, guides, and codes for fire-related topics
- Defined roles of ISO and HSO in NFPA 1521 standard
William Stieger Act of 1970
- Occupational Safety and Health Act
- Equal rights for employers and employees with respect to safe working conditions
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Which is the least important factors in operational triad -procedure, Equipment or personnel
◦Least important factor in operational triad - equipment
◦Three factors contribute to a person’s ability to act safely
- Training
- Health
- Attitude - hardest to change!
Risk management
◦Process of minimizing chance, degree, or probability of damage, injury, or loss
◦Most risk managers use a five-step process called classic risk management
Five-step risk management
Hazard identification
Hazard evaluation
-Frequency: probability that an injurious event can happen
-Severity: harmful consequence or cost associated with injury or damage from a given hazard
Risk/Benefit thinking
-Are the risks being taken by people worth the benefit that can be gained?
National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA)
•Help define what is “acceptable” for fire department equipment, procedures, and professional qualifications
•Recommended Practices: suggestions or options
•Designed to be adopted as law by an authority having jurisdiction to do so
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
◦Enacts Code of Federal Regulations (CFRs) to improve workplace safety
•National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
◦Utilizes firefighter fatality investigations to help others prevent similar occurrences
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
◦Created to better prepare, defend, and respond to terrorist acts within the United States
◦Developed National Response Plan (NRP)
◦Administers the National Incident Management System (NIMS)
◦Includes (Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) and United States Fire Association (USFA)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
◦Helps prevent, respond, and recover from hazmat incidents
National Institute of Standards and Technology
◦Promotes innovation and industrial competitiveness through advancements
◦Outline details and procedures that have the force of law issued by an executive governmental authority
◦Example: OSHA CFRs
◦Work of law established or adopted by a rule-making authority
◦Example: Uniform Fire Code
◦Can apply to any set of rules, procedures, or professional measurements set by an authority
◦Must be adopted by an authority with the legal responsibility to enact the standard as law
◦Example: NFPA standards
•Formal consensus approach is used
◦Enforceable rules of conduct that help protect a society
◦Statutory law
•Deals with civil and criminal matters
◦Case law
•Refers to a precedent established over time through the judicial process
Statutory law
•Deals with civil and criminal matters
Case law
•Refers to a precedent established over time through the judicial process
◦Offer procedures, directions, or standard of care as a reasonable means to address a condition or situation
◦Do not have impact of law
•Can be used as evidence in negligent cases to provide evidence