Personality Psychology Flashcards
Psychic determinism
Everything that happens in person’s mind, including everything a person thinks and does has a specific cause.
The psychological result of what the brain and the rest of the body do. ( ID, Ego, Superego)
The mental and psychic energy used by the mind ( refers to sexual energy). The amount of energy is fixed and finite.
Doctrine of opposites
Everything implies and even requires its opposite.
Tendency to bring ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving that developed in response to one important relationship into a relationship with a different person ( therapist)
Low cure rate and length of treatment
Id, ego, superego
Ruled by pleasure principle/ demanding child/ locus of sexual and aggressive drives.
“Reality principle” deals with realities of the world. Balances the id, superego and external world.
Moralistic and idealistic principles
Psychoanalysis said there are 2 fundamental motives
Libido ( sex or life drive) & Thanatos ( drive to death)
Stage theory of development
(1) oral stage
(2) anal stage
(3) phallic stage
(4) latency stage
(5) genital stage
An individual’s characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior together with the psychological mechanism hidden or not behind those patterns.
Goals of personality theory
Explain the whole person in his or her daily environment
Think of important behavior that you performed recently and all of those reasons for that behavior.
Many different theories and perspectives.
Freud’s theory critisims
- excessive complexity
- dependence on case study
- vague definition
- untestibility
- sexism
Psychic anxiety
Defense mechanisms techniques that the ego uses to keep certain thoughts and impulses hidden in order to avoid anxiety. (NOT USED CONSCIOUSLY)
Leakage from the unconscious mind that manifest as mistakes, accidents, omissions, or memory lapses.
Neo-freudian psychology
A general term for psychoanalytically oriented work of many theorists and researchers who are influenced by Freud’s theory.
Less emphasis on and interoperation of libido. Less emphasis on unconscious mental processes and more on conscious.