Personality, Human Development, Lifespan Development Flashcards
What is personality?
distinctive pattern of behavior that characterizes a person throughout his or her life
Actions, thoughts, feelings, habits, are categorized as?
What do projective tests measure?
The unconscious
What are inventories?
Survey tests
What is a example of a survey test aka inventories?
Directing interests inward is called?
Ex. Working alone
Directing interests outward, concerned with things outside of yourself is called?
Ex. Working in groups
Negative emotionality or excessive worrying is called?
Made famous by Freud
When some people are more agreeable than others is called?
Caring about the way you affect other people is called?
Openness to new experiences is how you feel about?
Risk taking
Having a sense of power and taking responsibility means you have a _______ locus of control?
Blaming others for your responsibility, power on the outside,putting faith in others means you have a _______ locus of control?
Physiological reaction to an enviorment is called?
Learned helplessness is another word for?
Self fulfilling prophecy
Our instincts that connect us to the animal kingdom
People’s day to day thinking comes from the?
Part of our personality that has to do with morality
Unconscious things that we use to protect our personality
Defense mechanisms
To hide information from the unconscious (defense mechanism)
Taking a feeling and projecting it on someone else (defense mechanism)
Taking your feelings out on someone or something in directly (defense mechanism)
Doing the complete opposite of your true feelings to deal with a uncomfortable situation (defense mechanism)
Reaction formation
Going back to a previous stage of development like throwing a temper tantrum or not acting your age (defense mechanism)
When you can’t admit that you’re wrong (defense mechanism)
Oral gratification 0-1 years old is what stage (psychosexual stages)
The oral stage
Potty training 2-3 years old is what stage? (psychosexual stages)
Anal stage
Realizing your gender and others around you 3-6 years old is what stage? (psychosexual stages)
Phallic stage
Trouble with relationships, repressing information from the phallic stage 6-12 years old is what stage? (psychosexual stages)
Latency stage
Unresolved sexual gratification for parent of the same sex. You view parent of the same sex as a rival.
Oedipus complex
Desire of the daughter for her father
Electra complex
Erick Ericksons life long process is?
Trust - mistrust
Ego integrity - despair
Carl Jung came up with?
The collective unconscious
Symbols used to represent an ideal
Masculine and feminine traits that everyone has is called?
People around baby are a good or bad object. Object is internalized and the baby thinks they’re good or bad based on the object.
Object relations theory
How often is a trimester?
Every three months
The zygote develops in the _______ stage
Germinal stage (conception - 2 weeks)
The embryo develops in the _______ stage
Embryonic stage (2-8 weeks)
The fetus develops in the _______ stage
Fetal stage (8 weeks - birth)
Harmful influences on the baby is called?
Types of teratogens?
Smoking Alcohol Drugs Std's X-rays German measles
Code switching between languages is called?
Baby can recognize sounds at
4-6 months
Baby starts babbling at
6-11 months
Baby starts holophrasic or one word speech at
11-18 months
Telegraphic speech or 2 word speech starts at
18-24 months
Jean Piaget is best known for
Cognitive development
Babies pick things up from culture (cognitive development)
you change your knowledge by learning something and making a mistake so you can change it (cognitive development)
Coordination of the body (cognitive development)
Sensorimotor stage
Dealing with relationships (cognitive development)
Pre-operational stage
The focusing on rules (cognitive development)
Concrete operations
Abstract thinking like ethnic identity, gender identity, etc. (cognitive development)
Formal operations
Lawrence Kohlberg focused on
Moral development
You don’t do something because you are afraid of the punishment (moral development)
Pre-conventional morality
Following laws. Not afraid of being punished, but worried about breaking the rules (moral development)
Conventional morality
Because its not the right thing to do (moral development)
Post conventional morality
Carol Gilligan studied _______
to logically determine that a certain quantity will remain the same despite adjustment of the container, shape, or apparent size.
the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be seen, heard, or touched
Object permanence
letting the other person know you are powerful. You do this by:
signals: bigger office, higher floor office, titles, dress, etc.
verbal cues: using fewer words, telling someone what to do
nonverbal cues: touching the other person, turning back on them, etc.
Power assertion
observations of individual instances of members of the same class.
Example 90% of humans are right-handed. Joe is a human. Therefore, the probability that Joe is right-handed is 90% Probability
The first ejaculatory experience of boys
the first menstrual cycle, or first menstrual bleeding, in female human beings.