Personality disorders lecture Flashcards
What is a personality disorder?
What are the theories and background of personality disorders?
What is attachment theory? What does it enable?
- Enables positive feelings
- enables them to feel safe in exploration e.g child walking into dark room with mother, knowing in the back of their mind their mother
- allows child to deal with challenging situations
- Builds stronger after ruptures
- Enables them to build ‘self’.
What are eriksons stages of development? What does completion of this form? (identity)
- Ability to see self from the outside
- Maintaining interpersonal relationships
Formation of identity!!!!!! Who you are and what you want
What does child neglect lead to?
What does lack of security/ Base/ invaliadation
What does this ultimately lead to? (loss of self etc)
What are mature defence mechanisms?
What are immature defence mechanism?
What are the types of personality disorders? A B C
What are the cluster A personality disorders?
1) Schizotypal - odd ideas, eccentric, magical thinking, unusual experiences, superstitions
What are the 4 type B personality disorders?
- Histrionic
- Borderline (impulsive)
- Narcisstic
- Antisocial
How do you a clinical assessment on a patient with personality disorder? What questions should you ask a patient on history?
What questions from DSM shoudl you ask?
Outline the clincial assessment:
What is the significance of identifying personality disorder?
(to form a formulation - which can help patient understand themselves and MH)
What are significant therapies for personality pateints?
- Distress tolerance
- emotional regulation
- insight orientated psychodynamic/psychotherapy/
- ACT (acceptance
CAse Example
Outline the different traits from them
What is Dual diagnosis? What is meant by this? (mental health plus SUD)
What is the eitology and pathogeneisis?
How are you diagnosed with a substance use disorder?
What are the catergories of symptoms? (impaired control, social problems, risky use, Physical dependence)
ASK DSM criteria for SUD (ask about all substances)
What are the questions you need to ask on history? (e.g when, what, how much, tolerance, risk behavior, withdrawl
What is motivational interviewing? How can this be applied for SUD?
Outline ways to couensel a SUD patient
What are the various SUDs? and what questions on hx do you have to ask for each? What is the main management principles for all of them?
What scales and tools are used in SUD? Need to know a scale for each
Outline a clinical assessment for a patient with SUD
Clinical assessment continued…..,
What are common SUD and MH disorders?
E.g Schizophrenia
Mood disorders