Personality Disorders Flashcards
what does the mneumonic OCEAN stand for and define?
openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism
the 5 factor model of personality
how would you define a personality disorder
individuals characteristic and enduring pattern of inner experience and behaviour deviate markedly as a whole from the culturally expected and accepted range
what are the characteristics of a personality disorder
onset in late childhood, adolescence, passive behaviour that is inflexible, maladaptive and dysfunctional
personal distress and adverse impact on social environment
what are the criteria for a paranoid personality disorder
excessive tendency to setbacks
suspiciousness, tendency to bear grudges
combative and tenacious sense of personal rights
persistent self-referential attitude, associated with excessive self importance
preoccupation with conspiray theories
what are the criteria for a schizoid personality disorder
few pleasurable activities
emotional coldness or detachment
limited capacity to express feelings
little intrest in having sexual relations with another person
neither desires nor has close friends or confiding relationships
marked insensitivity to social norms
what are the criteria for a schizotypal personality disorder
ideas of reference
odd beliefs or magical thinking
unusual perceptual experiences including illusions
paranoia or suspiciousness
inappropriate or constricted affect
eccentric or odd behaviour, lack of close freinds
excessive social anxiety that doesnt lessen with familiarity
which are the personality disorders found in cluster A
odd and eccentric (paranoid, schizoid and schizotypap)
define the criteria for a dissocial personality disorder
callous unconcern for feeling of other people
irresponsible and disregard for social norms
incapacity to maintain enduring relationships
low tolerance to frustration and aggression
incapacity to experience guilt
prone to blaming others
what are the criteria for emotionally unstable personality disorder- impulsive
tendency to act unexpectedly without thought for consequences
quarrelsome and conflicting behavior
liability for outbursts of anger and violence
unstable mood
difficulty maintaining a course of action with no immediate reward
what are the criteria for emotionally unstable personality disorder- borderline
disturbance and uncertainty of self image intense and unstable relationships excessive efforts to avoid abandonment recurrent threats or acts of self harm chronic feeling of emptiness
what is the management of emotionally unstable PD
dialet behavioural therapy (learn to accept and regulate emotions)
what are the criteria for histrionic PD
self dramatisation
shallow/liable affectivity
continually seeks excitment or activities in which they are the centre of attention
inappropriate seductive appearance or behaviour
overly concerned with physical attractiveness
what are the criteria for narcissistic PD
fixation with fantasy of infinite success or brilliance
credence that they are extraordinary and should only be associated with other such people
desire for unwarranted praise
sense of entitlement
no form of empathy
display of egotistical attitudes
which personality disorders are seen in cluster B
(dramatic and emotional)
dissocial, emotionally unstable, histrionic and narcissistic PD
what are the criteria for an anankastic PD
feelings of excessive doubt or caution
preoccupation with details, lists or rules
perfection interfering with task completion
excessive scrupulousness
undue preoccupation with productivity to the exclusion of pleasure and interpersonal relationships
unreasonable insistence that others conform to their method of thinking or doing things