personality disorders Flashcards
this personality cluster involves social detachment with unusual behaviors: weird sx, odd, eccentric
cluster A
what are the cluster A personality disorders?
schizoid personality disorder
schizotypal personality disorder
paranoid personality disorder
long patter of voluntary social withdrawal, anhedonic introversion (constricted affect) “Hermit-like behavior” (reclusive)
schizoid personality disorder- usually males
clinical manifestations of schizoid personality disorder
- inability to form relationships, lifelong pattern of social withdrawal. prefer to be alone (take no enjoyment in close relationships, sex)
- anhedonic: appears indifferent to others, lack of response to praise or criticism or feelings espressed by others
- appear eccentric, isolated or lonely, “cold” flattened affect, quiet unsociable
management of schizoid personality disorder
- psychotherapy: including group thearpy
2. pharmacologic: +/- short-term low dose antipsychotics, antidepressants or psychostimulants
odd eccentric behavior and peculiar thought patterns sugestive of schizoprenia but WITHOUT psychosis (delusions)- “strange eccentric” behavior
schizotypical personality disorder - usually early adulthood onset
clinical manifestations of schizotypal personality disorder
- odd eccentric behavior or appearance, inappropriate affect, “magical thinking” (believes in clairvoyance, telepathy, superstition etc) bizarre fantasies.
- pervasive discomfort w close relationships, may talk to self in public
management of schizotypal personality disorder
- psychotherapy
2. parmacologic: +/- short term low doses antipsychotics, antidepressants or benzos
cluster a personality disorder, distrust and suspiciousness, begins in early adulthood mostly in males
paranoid personality disorder
clinical manifestations of paranoid personality disorder
distrust and suspiciousness: systemized delusions of persecutions or grandeur hallucinations. suspects other as malevolent, sees hidden messages, eaily insulted, appears cold and serious, lack of interest in social relationships, bears grudges, doesn’t forgive, blame problems on others. PREOCCUPATION WITH DOUBT REGARDING OTHERS LOYALTY. NO HALLUCINATIONS
management of paranoid personality disorder
- psychotherapy: including group therapy tx of choice!
- pharmacologic: short-term low doses of antipsychotics if severe (Haldol) or benzos (for anxiety or agitation) if necessary
what are cluster B personality disorders characterized by?
“dramatic”: wild sx, dramatic, emotional, erratic, impulsive
what are the cluster B personality disorders?
anti-social personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder
behaviors deviating sharply from the norms, values, and laws of society (harmful or hostile to society). VIOLATES THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS (may set fires, kill cates, other criminal actions)
anti-social personality disorder
how old must someone be to diagnose them with anti-social personality disorder?
18- but may begin at childhood as conduct disorders (males 3x MC)
clinical manifestations of anti-social personality disorder
inability to conform to social norms with disregard and violation of the rights of others, lack of empathy, pattern of criminal behavior, little anxiety. extremely manipulative, deceitful, impulsive, promiscuous, spouse/child abuse, lacks remorse, DRUNK-DRIVING COMMON
management of anti-social personality disorder
- psychotherapy
2. pharmacologic: not helpful. conduct disorders in children may lead to anti-social in adulthood
conduct disorders in children may lead to what in adulthood?
anti-social personality disorder
cluster B personality disorder: unstable, unpredictable mood affect, unstable self image and relationships. mostly seen in women. “MOOD SWINGS”, MOMENTS OF INTENSE ANGER
borderline personality disorder
clinical manifestations of borderline personality disorder
- extreme pattern of instability in relationships but cannot tolerate “being alone”
- “black and white thinking”
- self-harm: suicide threats, self-mutilation, marked impulsivity with self-damaging behaviors (substance abuse, reckless driving, bing eating) may develop feelings of emptiness
management of borderline personality disorder
- psychotherapy: including group therapy tx of choice!
2. pharmacologic: +/- short term low doses antipsychotics, antidepressants, or benzodiazepines
cluster B personality disorder: overly EMOTIONAL, DRAMATIC, SEDUCTIVE. “ATTENTION-SEEKING”
histrionic personality disorder
clinical manifestations of histrionic personality disorder
self-absorbed, ‘temper-tantrums’, efforts to draw attention to themselves with need to center of attention,” inappropriate, seductive, shallow or exaggerated emotion. seeks reassurance and praise often
treatment of choice for histrionic personality disorder
psychotherapy;: including group therapy tx of choice
cluster B personality disorder: grandiose often excessive sense of self-importance*but needs praise and admiration
narcissistic personality disorder
clinical manifestations of narcissistic personality disorder
consider themselves special, entitled, require extra special attention BUT have a fragile self esteem (occupied with fantasies, jealous of others or believes others are envious of them. doesn’t tolerate rejection well, often become depressed. difficulty with aging process. lacks empathy)
management of narcissistic personality disorder
psychotherapy: including group therapy tx of choice
what are cluster C personality disorders characterized by?
anxiety and fearful: whiny, fearful, anxious, dependent
cluster C personality disorder characterized by a desire for relationships but avoids them “inferiority complex”** (intense feelings of inadequacy, very sensitive to criticism, fears rejection and humiliation. timid, shy, lacks confidence
avoidant disorder
management of avoidant disorder
- psychotherapy: establishing limits
2. pharmacologic: +/- beta blockers for anxiety or SSRIs for depression
cluster C personality disorder characterized by dependent, submissive behavior. constantly needs to be reassured, relies on others, will not initiate things, intense discomfort when alone, may volunteer for unpleasant tasks
dependent personality disorder
cluster C personality disorder: perfectionists who require a great deal of order and control: rigid adherence to routine (rules, lists, details, inflexible, stubborn, lacks spontaneity). ORDER AND PERFECTION PARAMOUNT. preoccupied with minor details (may find it difficult to finish projects)
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
management of obsessive compulsive personality disorder
- psychotherapy: only personality disorder where patients frequently seek help
- +/- beta blockers for anxiety or SSRI’s for depression