Personality disorders Flashcards
What do individuals with PD display?
- significant challenges in self-identity or self-direction,
- have problems with empathy or intimacy within their relationships.
What are some comorbidities of PD?
- Personality disorders frequently co-occur with disorders of mood and eating, anxiety, and substance misuse
- Personality disorders often amplify emotional dysregulation, a term that describes poorly modulated mood characterized by mood swings
What is dissociative amnesia?
inability to recall important autobiographical information
What is dissociative fugue?
inability to recall one’s identity and information about some or all of the past
What is dissociative identity disorder?
Presence of 2 or more distinct personality states that alternatively and recurrently take control of behaviour
How many PD clusters are there?
What characteristics do cluster A PD have? Which PD are included?
- odd or eccentric behaviours (e.g., social isolation, detachment)
- may also display perception distortions, unusual levels of suspiciousness, magical thinking and cognitive distortions
- Paranoid personality disorder
- Schizoid personality disorder
- Schizotypal personality disorder
What are the characteristics of paranoid PD?
Longstanding distrust, suspiciousness, hypervigilant, anticipate hostility and may provoke hostile responses by initiating a counterattack
What is the treatment for paranoid PD?
- Individual psychotherapy, improving social skills in group therapy
- Antianxiety medication – to reduce anxiety and agitation
-Typical antipsychotics: Haldol – to reduce agitation and delusions as well as Orap - to reducing paranoid ideation
What are characteristics of schizoid PD?
Loners, do poorly in school, odd behaviours, do not seek out of or enjoy close relationships, neither approval or rejection have much effect, depersonalization or detachment from oneself
What are the treatment options for schizoid PD?
- Psychotherapy
- Antidepressant – Wellbutrin to increase pleasure in life
- Atypical Antipsychotic – Risperdal or Zyprexa to improve emotional expressiveness
What are characteristics of schizotypal PD?
Severe social and interpersonal deficits, tend to ramble with lengthy, unclear, overly detailed, and abstract content, paranoia, overly suspicious and anxious, odd beliefs or magical thinking, hallucinations and delusions
What are the treatment options for schizotypal PD?
- Psychotherapy
- Low-dose antipsychotic for psychotic symptoms
- Antidepressant – for depressive symptoms
- Antianxiety agents – for symptoms of anxiety
What characteristics do cluster B PD have? Which PD are included?
- Respond to life’s demands with dramatic, erratic and at times chaotic traits
- Problems with impulse control, emotion processing and regulation, and interpersonal difficulties characterize this cluster of disorders
- Insight may be limited
- Borderline personality disorder
- Narcissistic personality disorder
- Histrionic personality disorder
- Antisocial personality disorder
What are characteristics of borderline PD?
- Negative affect
- Splitting: Inability to see themselves and others as both positive and negative aspects into a whole image, either all good or all bad
- Emotional lability, impulsivity, feelings of antagonism, manifested in hostility, anger, an irritability in relationships, cutting, promiscuous sexual behaviour, numbing with substances, chronic suicidal ideation
What are treatment options for borderline PD?
- Hospitalization for comorbid disorders (anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation)
- Antidepressants – SSRIs – depressive symptoms
- Atypical antipsychotics – control anger and brief psychosis
- Anticonvulsants and Lithium – mood
-DBT – emotional regulating skills, problem-solving skills, long term outpatient treatment
What are characteristics of narcissistic PD?
arrogant, inflated view of their self-importance, need for constant admiration, lack of empathy for others, sensitive to rejection and criticism,
What are treatment options for narcissistic PD?
Couples or family therapy
What are characteristics of histrionic PD?
Excitable, dramatic, high functioning, extraversion, flamboyancy, colourful personalities, emotional attention-seeking, low frustration tolerance, excessive emotionality
What are treatment options for histrionic PD?
- Individual and group therapy
- Antidepressants – for depressive symptoms
- Antianxiety agents – for symptoms of anxiety
- Antipsychotics – if they exhibit derealization or illusions
What are characteristics for antisocial PD?
- Antagonistic Behaviours – being deceitful and manipulative for personal gain
- Disinhibited Behaviours – high level of risk taking, disregard for responsibility and impulsivity
- focus on own gratification, little capacity for intimacy, exploit others, profound lack of empathy (callousness), absence of remorse or guilt, disregard for meeting obligations, shallow, unexpressive, and superficial affect, act witty, charming, good at manipulating
What are the treatment options for antisocial PD?
- Therapeutic communication
-Medications to treat comorbid symptoms
What characteristics do cluster C PD have? Which PD are included?
- Individuals with Cluster C personality disorders have a pervasive pattern of anxious behaviours, with:
○ Rigid patterns of social shyness
○ Hypersensitivity
○ Need for orderliness
○ Relationship dependency
- Dependent personality disorder
- Avoidant personality disorder
- Obsessive compulsive personality disorder
What are characteristics of dependent PD?
Submissive, clinging behaviours, overwhelming need to be cared for, intense fears of separation, lack confidence in their own ability or judgment, may manipulate other to assume responsibilities, intense anxiety when left alone
What are treatment options for dependent PD?
- Psychotherapy: CBT,
- Medications to treat comorbid symptoms
- TCAs – to treat panic attacks
what are characteristics of avoidant PD?
Low self esteem, feelings of inferiority compared with peers, reluctance to engage in unfamiliar activities involving new people, can suffer from depression, anxiety, and anger
What are the treatment options for avoidant PD?
- Individual and group therapy – handing anxiety, trust, and assertiveness training
- Antianxiety agents
- Beta-adrenergic receptor
- Antidepressants – social anxiety
What are the characteristics of obsessive-compulsive PD?
Rigidity, inflexibility of standard of self or others, rehearse how they will respond in social situations, persist in goal seeking after necessary, losing the major point of the activity, project incomplete due to overly strict standards, unhealthy focus on perfectionism,
What are the treatment options for OCPD?
- Group and behavioural therapy
- Clomipramine (Anafranil) – to reduce the obsessions, anxiety, and depression (TCA anti-depressant)
- Fluoxetine (Prozac) - SSRI antidepressant