Personality Disorder; Obsessive-Compulsive And Related Disorders Flashcards
Personality disorders
- 10-15% of population
- pervasive inflexible personality trait causing impaired function or distress
Personality disorders- cluster A
-social detachment with unusual behaviors (weird, odd, eccentric)
- schizoid
- schizotypal
- paranoid
Personality disorders- cluster B
-dramatic, wild, erratic, impulsive, emotional
- antisocial
- borderline
- histrionic
- narcissistic
Personality disorders- cluster C
-anxious, worried, fearful
- avoidant
- dependent
- obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
Antisocial personality disorder
- behaviors deviating sharply from norms, values, and laws of society (harmful or hostile to society)
- may commit acts with disregard to violation of laws
- may begin in childhood as conduct disorder
- must be at least 18 years old to diagnose*
- 3x MC in males
Antisocial personality disorder- symptoms
- inability to conform to social norms with disregard and violation of rights of others
- lack of empathy
- pattern of criminal behavior
- shows little anxiety
- extremely manipulative, deceitful, impulsive, promiscuous
- spouse/child abuse
- lacks remorse
- lies frequently
- endangers others (drunk driving common)
Antisocial personality disorder- management
- psychotherapy: establishing limits
- medication: not helpful
Avoidant personality disorder
- desires relationships but avoids them due to inferiority complex*
- intense feelings of inadequacy
- sensitive to criticism
- fears of rejection and humiliation
- timid, shy, lacks confidence
Avoidant personality disorder- management
- psychotherapy: social training, CBT, group therapy
- medication:
- +/ beta blockers for anxiety
- +/ SSRIs for depression
Body dysmorphic disorder
- excessive preoccupation that 1 or more body part is deformed or an over exaggeration of minor flaw
- ashamed or self-conscious and causes functional impairment
- may commit acts in response:
- repetitive acts (mirror checking, skin picking, seeking reassurance)
- mental acts (comparison to others)
- MC in females
- onset= teenage years
- may also have anxiety disorder or depression
Body dysmorphic disorder- management
- medication:
- antidepressants:
- SSRIs (fluoxetine)
- TCAs (clomipramine)
- antidepressants:
- psychotherapy
Borderline personality disorder
- unstable, unpredictable mood and affect
- unstable self-image and relationships
-MC in women
Borderline personality disorder- symptoms
- extreme pattern of instability in relationships, but cannot tolerate being alone
- mood swings*
- marked sensitivity to criticism and rejection (fear of abandonment)
- black and white thinking- extremes, “all good” or “all bad” with no middle ground
- impulsivity in self-damaging behaviors
- suicide threats, self-mutilation, substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating, spending
Borderline personality disorder- management
- treatment of choice= psychotherapy
- DBT, CBT, group therapy
- medication: +/ short-term low dose antipsychotics, antidepressants, benzodiazepines
Dependent personality disorder
-dependent, submissive behavior (very needy and clingy)
- constantly needs to be reassured
- relies on others for decision-making and emotional support
- will not initiate things
- intense discomfort when alone
- may volunteer for unpleasant tasks
Dependent personality disorder- management
- psychotherapy: behavioral and group therapy
- medication: anxiolytics or antidepressants may be used in some cases for symptom control
Histrionic personality disorder
-overly emotional, dramatic, seductive,* attention-seeking*
- self-absorbed
- temper tantrums
- efforts to draw attention to themselves with need to be center of attention
- inappropriate, sexually provocative, seductive with shallow or exaggerated emotions
- seeks reassurance and praise often
- may believe relationships are more intimate than they are
- suggestible- easily influenced by others or circumstances
Histrionic personality disorder- management
- treatment of choice= psychotherapy*
- CBT, individual or group therapy
Narcissistic personality disorder
- grandiose often excessive sense of self-importance*
- needs praise and admiration
-MC in males
Narcissistic personality disorder- symptoms
- inflated self-image
- considers themselves special and entitled
- requires extra special attention
- fragile self-esteem
- occupied with fantasies and jealousy of others
- believes others are envious of them
- difficulty with aging process
- reacts to rejection/criticism with rage
- often becomes depressed
- lacks empathy for others
Narcissistic personality disorder- management
- treatment of choice= psychotherapy
- individual or group therapy
- anxiety disorder
- combination of thoughts (obsessions) + behaviors (compulsions)
- men=women
- onset= age 20
- men= earlier in teens
- rare after age 50
OCD- obsessions
- recurrent or persistent thoughts/images
- inappropriate, intrusive, unwanted
- tries to ignore or suppress
- specifiers:
- good/fair insight: recognizes beliefs are not true or may not be true
- poor insight: thinks beliefs are probably true
- absent insight/delusional beliefs: completely convinced beliefs are true
OCD- compulsions
- repetitive behaviors feeling driven to perform to reduce/prevent stress from obsession
- inference with lifestyle/time consuming