Personality D/O Flashcards
temperament and early personality
- genes determein 50% of temperament
- inhibition and attachment and reward reinforcement are linked with genes
- temperament is stable my 2 y/o
- personality molded by interaction between temerament, experienced factors (neglect or abuse), and societal expectations
what are stability factors of personality traits?
- stability increases over time
- reaches plateau by age 50 with only slight change after that
- stability of traits is involved in processing of 1) forming and maintaining self idnetity and 2) niche building in which ppl create, seek out, or find themselves in environments that fit with their personality traits
what are the changing concepts of personality?
- Early: psychodynamic theory: personality and temparment is determined by id, ego, superego
- later: personality d/o are related to serious mental illnesses like schizophrenia, anxiety or mood d/o
- recent: personality d/o are genetically influenced
- personality d/o improve over time
epidemiology of personality d/o
- 20% in US
- last 20 years that has been an increase in the most severe: antisocial and borderline
social cultural factors of personality d/o
- the development of personality d/o are effected by the conflict of the personality traits and social cultural demands
- socially sensitive traits = enhanced, contained or buffered and in turn are externalized behaviors like antisocial and borderline
- socially insensitive traits are internalized; like depression and anxiety
- there is some genetic influence on the vulnerability of personality traits
- there is 4 times more likely to develop personality d/o related to childhood maltreatment
1. genes: they influence how vulnerable pt is, they also influence degree to which they place themselves at risk; genetically propelled individuals create their own enviornment and relationships
personality cluster most likely to do tx
Cluster C (avoidant, dependent, OCD)
- borderline w/ anxiety and depressive fx
- milder forms of histrionic d/o
medications and personality
meds do not change personality
meds are only used for sx managment in those w/ personality d/o
cluster A
paranoid, schizotypal, and schizoid
- characterized by cognitive disturbances, suspiciousness, emotional flatness
- usually have odd behaviors, guarded, usually lack empathy
paranoid personality d/o
- pervasive distrust of others
- 2.5% in general population; more common in men; may be part of schizophrenia specturm d/o or delusional d/o; strong heritability of suspiciousness and paranoid traits;
- parenting: sadistic, hostile, controlling, harsh punishment
- maternal verbal abuse and neglect during infancy increases risk of developing PPD as adults; child learns to be fearful mistrusting and vigilant for cues of impending sadistic tx from caregivers
- clinical presentation: rarely seek tx but may seek for anxiety or mood px or substance use or social conflict; view world as dangerous, unsafe place, they are suspicious w/out cause, usually think SO is unfaithful; they are reluctant to reveal information about selves and fear it would be used against them
- often feel mistreated or misjudged, hold onto grudges, hypersensitive, read into things,
- severe sx: percusatory beliefs, pathological jealousy, psychosis under stress
- may have low self esteem but appear grandiose
- may have increased risk for developing schizophrenia
PPD in adolescents
-hypervigilant, social anxiety, social isolation, anger, hostility, peculiar thoughts
PDD in adults, older adults
- adults: poor interpersonal relationships, px with work and px with living with others
- older adults: often make accusations of theft, barricade selves in room,
schizoid personality d/o
- characterized by aloofness, lack of interest in forming relationships, detached for social relationships, restricted range of emotions, little desire for friends
- less than 1% of population; possible genetic link with schizophrenia, have abnormal PFC functioning, may be related to nutritional deficits inutero that lead to impaired brain development
- clinical presentations: don’t want to be close to others, isolate selves, don’t care about criticism from others, cold and aloof, don’t respond to social cues, structure lives to avoid others
- most likely work in non competitive jobs, isolate selves, avoid eye contact, don’t start or contribute to spontaneous conversation, hobbies are non human interests like math, astonomy, or animals,
- differential dx: autism/aspergersin in SZPD they do not have as severe impairment in social interactions or steriotypal movements
- if meds used: risperidone has been helpful in improving social relationships and other antipsychotics and antidepressants have helped
- usually onset is in childhood w/ social isolation; it stabilizes overtime; may have increased risk of schizophrenia
schizotypal personality d/o (STPD)
- characterized by cognitive distortions and perceptions and deficits in relationships
- positive sx are similar to those in schizophrenia but to a lesser degree
- paranoid ideas, ideas of reference, odd beliefs and expereinces are all stable
- impaired functioning is less than in schizophrenia
- 1.2% general population
- 61% heretability and strong genetic link to schizophrenia and brain abnormalities similar to that of schizophrenia
- can have hx of birth complications (breathing, breech)
- childhood tx is high risk factor
- px with executive functioning, hyperarousal, impairment of eye tracking movement, elevated levels of DA and cortisol levels
- clinical presentations: difficulty with social skills, anxious in social situations, disturbances in thinking, superstitious or claim powers; they may have ideas of reference and unusual perceptions like bodily illusions but they do NOT have delusions or hallucinations
- differes from shcizophrenia, delusional d/o or mood d/o because don’t have long lasting psychosis;
- lack of desire for relationships
- antispychotics for psychotic like features and/or anxiety
course of STPD
-childhood: social isolation, peculiar behaviors, px w/ school and fantasies
-adults: depression, dysthymia, anxiety d/o
20% may develop schizophrenia
-predicotrs for development of schizophrenia: magical thinking, paranoid ideation, social isolation
-10% commit suicide
cluster B
- antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic
- tend to show dramatic, emotional, and impulsive behaviors
antisocial personality d/o (ASPD)
–often reckless and do not learn form mistakes, do not anticipate consequences of their behavior, decieve others, crave constant novelty and excitement, have difficulty controlling their aggressive impulses
-3% ment 1% women
-has nearly doubled in last 15 years in US among young ppl
-some are high achievers; they do good in companies that are not rigid but instead are chaotic and have rapid change
-genetics account for 69%; children w/ one parent w/ ASPD have 16% chance developing; family hx of alcoholism, paternal criminality, conflict, divorce and poverty; parenting characterized by physical punishment, rejection, poor communication, lack of supervision; abandonment and physical and sexual abuse during first 5 years are associated with developing
-protective factors: conscience, constraint, intellegence, and absence of substance abuse
-may have slight brain abnormalities, have soft neurological signs, dysregulation of DA and SE systems; reduced PFC volume and functioning,
-presentation: child may bed wet, hit others, lying, aggressive, fire setting, cruel to animals, truancy; adults: irresponsible, impulsive, reckless, exploit, manipulate;
-may appear self centered, arrogant, usually do not show anxiety, depression or irrational thinking
-motivated by revenge
MOST difficult to tx of personality d/o
lack motivation to change,
course of ASPD
childhood: CD, 40% of boys and 25% of girls with CD will later develop ASPD,
teenagers: engage in shop lifting, stealing cars,
young adults: impoverished, homeless, or incarcerated
30-40 year olds are unable to maintain employment or relatinships, may be involved in robbery or rape
-drink too much, cheat their employer, may be charming and successful in their careers
-impulsivity decreases by age 38
-cost to socity: crime, swindling, assault, abuse of family, failure to pay child support and scams
characterization of personality d/o
- rapid maladaptive ways of responding to expereinces
- difficulty with interpersonal relationships
- px with self identity and difficulty with meeting the challenges of each stage of life
Borderline personality disorder (BPD)
“border between neurosis and psychosis”
- affective instability, anger, impulsivity frequent
- identity distrubance, abandonment fears, self-injury are less frequent
- epidemiology: 1.5% of general population, onset early adulthood, 75% females,
- men who0 have similar sx are usually dx as ASPD or narcissitic
- etiology: genetically influenced personality traits (temperament characterized by high harm avoidance and high novelty seeking), neurodevelopmental vulnerabilities; presence of abuse, neglect, early unstable environments, parental psychopathology;
- 69% heritability, high in females, fx hx (substance use, ASPD, CD, learning d/o, mood d/o)
- usually have experienced unpredictable or abusive parenting; sexual abuse increases risk 3x