- similarities and differences in people’s identities: patterns of behaviours, thoughts and feelings
- understanding ousels and others by studying these comparisons
- used to predict and explain patterns of response to life situations
- somewhat consistent and enduring across lifetime and place
- unique
Basis -Freud (1915)
- personality is as a result of unconscious thoughts from early childhood
- dynamic interplay of conflicting inner motivational forces to release psychic energy (libido)
- worked with conversion hysteria patients
- they improved when repressed memories are re-experienced
Mental events
Conscious: immediate awareness
Preconscious: not aware right now but is retrievable
Unconscious: wishes, feelings and impulses
-stores majority of mental events
-revealed the Freudian slip
Balance of the Ego, Superego and Id. Anxiety is caused by a conflict between the ego and id.
Defence mechanisms -Ego
- unconscious mental operations that distort or deny reality
- protect us short term
- excessive use is bad and can cause mental problems
Defence mechanisms - repression
pushes impulses/memories into unconscious mind
Defence mechanisms -Denial
refusal to acknowledge anxiety arousing aspects
Defence mechanisms -Displacement
impulse is repressed and directed at a safer substitute
Defence mechanisms -intellectualisation
impulse is repressed and situation is dealt with as an intellectual event
Defence mechanisms -projection
impulse is repressed and attributes to other people
Defence mechanisms -rationalisation
false explanation for behaviour or event that occurred
Defence mechanisms -Reaction formation
impulse is regressed ands psychic energy finds release in exaggerated expression of the opposite behaviour
Defence mechanisms -Sublimation
repressed impulse is released in the form of socially acceptable or admired behaviour
Psychosexual stages of development - basis
- deprivation or over indulgence results in fixation
- regression during stressful situations
Psychosexual stages of development -Oral
- birth
- eating and sucking
- self indulgence or dependency; drinking and smoking
Psychosexual stages of development- Anal
- age 3
- elimination (emptying bowls)
- expulsive/disorganised if toilet training was relaxed
- retentive/ organised if toilet training was harsh
Psychosexual stages of development - Phallic
- age 4/5
- Sexual (Opedipus and Electra complexes resolve through identification
- vain, attention-seeking, or sexually aggressive
Projective tests
- to uncover unconscious desires and rectify anxiety from the conflict between is and ego
Rorschach inkblot test: “What does this look like?
Thematic apperception test (TAT): interpret stories from ambiguous pictures
- untestable because so complex
- lacks empirical evidence
- tests are subjective and unreliable
- biased towards European males
- too much focus on sexuality
- personality continues throughout life
- too deterministic, no free will
other explanations:
Alfred Adler: inferiority complex
Carl jung: motivation forces