Personality Flashcards
Who came up with self actualixatjon
Which ideology has unconditional positive regard?
Humanistic, it is treating clients like kids and best individual is possible only with unconditional regard
What is self-concept
The organized consistent set of perceptions and beliefs about oneself
When does self actyalixatjon occur in terms of congruent
If a person is treated with unconditional love, self actualizatjon is possible and congruent occurs- more overlap between self image and ideal self
What is self?
It is the totality of the individual’s, consisting of all characteristics attributes etc
What is slef concept
It is people’s discription of their own character
What is self construal
The extend to which the self is defined independently of others or independently with others
What are the cultural differences in the self?
Western: independent self - construals
Non-western : interdedepent self construals
Can both cultural differences co exits
What is affiliation motivation
It is the need to belong
What is pluralistic ignorance
People mistakenly believe the that others know something that you don’t
- like thinking something is not emergency while you know something is wrong
What happens in the bystanders effect
Diffusion of responsibility, evaluation apprehension, plurastjc ignorange
What is evaluation apprehension
It is the fear of being judged or evaluated
What is injunctive social norm vs descriptive social norm
What people should do vs What people actually think or feel
Why do people tend to conform to norms for two reasons
Informational influence: a group has informational influence they don’t cause they believe this is right
Normative influence: a group has normative influence inorder to get indentification in the group
What are the two things behaviours can be attributed to
Situation: explanations that refer to external events
Disposition: explanations refer to internal characteristics
What is correspondence bias
The tendency for people to overemphasize personal factors and underestimate situational factors in explaining behaviour.
Reasons can be cultural differences
What are the biases in behaviour
Correspondence bias
To explain our own behaviour: actor observer bias, it doesn’t have correspondence bias,
Self serving bias: positive vs negative behaviour