Personal Planets (+Asc) Flashcards
Learn about the most important planets in the zodiac and which area of your life each planet rules over. This deck will teach you about the Ascendant, the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars. These planets make up the personal planets, often said to be specific to each person and be intregral in creating each of our personalities.
Which placement can indicate our natural reaction to new people or situations?
The Ascendant
Which placement changes sign every couple hours?
The Ascendant - Asc requires extremely precious time and place of birth to be accurate
Which planet is refered to as representing “the concious mind”?
The Sun
Which planet rules Leo, is exalted in Aries, in it’s detriment in Aquarius and in fall in Libra?
The Sun
Fill in the blanks with 2 planets: Where ____ acts, ____ reacts.
Where the Sun acts, the Moon reacts. Just as the Moon reflects the Sun.
Which planet can show how we emote and respond to our environment?
The Moon
Which planet represents our inner child but also our inner mother?
The Moon
Which planet demonstrates how we protect ourselves and make ourselves feel secure, comfortable and safe?
The Moon
Which planetary sign is most commonly refered to when discussing star signs?
The Sun sign
Which planet is refered to as “The Messenger”?
Which planet can affect your schooling and study habits?
Which planet is considered “The Goddess of Love”?
Which planet rules over love and money?
Which planet rules our energy, action and desire?
Which planet rules over Aries, is exalted in Capricorn, is in detriment in Libra and is in fall in Cancer?
Mars - It is also anciently ruled by Scorpio and anciently in detriment in Taurus
Which placement is described as “the mask worn when meeting others”?
The Ascendant
Which planet could be described as “the adult who censors our inner child”?
The Sun
Which planet is described as “The God of War”?
Which planet creates peaceful, harmonious people when it rules a chart?
Which planet will cause problems with communication and learning if you are born during it’s retrograde?
Which planet rules over Taurus and Libra, is exalted in Pisces, is in detriment in Scorpio and Aries and is in fall in Virgo?
Which placement can indicate how we express our style, our mannerisms and how we act?
The Ascendant
Which planet changes it’s sign every 6-7 weeks?
Which planet directs us and is considered the ‘boss’ of our chart?
The Sun
Which planet influences how we approach sex?
Which planet rules our sentiments, what we value and what we take pleasure in?
Which planet is referred to as representing “the unconcious mind”?
The Moon
Which planet can indicate where we are argumentative, pick fights or even get violent?
Which planet rules Cancer, is exalted in Taurus, in detriment in Capricorn and in fall in Scorpio?
The Moon
Which planet represents our deepest personal needs, basic habits and reactions?
The Moon
Which planet represents the kind of experiences we seek?
Which planet’s sign will never be more than 2 signs away from the Sun sign?
Which planet represents how we communicate and express ourselves?
Which placement can affect both your physical appearance as well as your personality?
The Ascendant
Which planet represents a person’s ego and basic identity?
The Sun
Which planet can have it’s traits disowned? Instead pushing these traits onto a partner or looking for a partner with these traits?
Which placement is considered your “autopilot” sign?
The Ascendant
Which planet rules over our emotions?
The Moon
Which planet shows how we go after our goals, our initiative, courage and combativeness?
Which planet rules Gemini and Virgo, is exalted in Virgo, is in detriment in Sagittarius and Pisces and is in fall in Pisces?
Which planet changes it’s sign every 4-5 weeks?
Which planet would be described as assertive, forthright and adventurous?
Which planet changes it’s sign each month?
The Sun
Which planet can indicate things about our social life and how we act in social situations?
Which planet can affect your opinion of children?
Which planet rules both what we are attracted to and also how we attract others?
Which planet reveals how we express anger?
Which planet changes it’s sign every 2-3 days?
The Moon
Which placement is often very influential early in life and becomes weaker as we age?
The Ascendant
Which planet analyses, sorts and groups to make sense of things?
Which placement will also draw energy from the sign of the ruling planet of the sign that the placement is in?
The Ascendant - When looking at the ascdendant sign, cross-reference it with the sign of the ruling planet of the sign found in the Ascendant. e.g. if the Asc is in Gemini, cross-reference this with the persons Mercury sign as some of this energy will also be brought forward into the Asc.
Which planet changes it’s sign every 3-4 weeks?
Which planet is described as responsive, receptive and reflective?
The Moon
Which planet most reflects our present?
The Sun
Which planet infuses the past into our lives?
The Moon
Which planet can indicate our tastes, artistic inclinations and what makes us happy?
Which planet represents our survival instinct and animal nature?
Which planet is associated most with the mother and feminine energy?
The Moon
Which placement can indicate our natural defences and how we cope day to day?
The Ascendant
Which planet represents our intuition and instintics?
The Moon
Which planet demonstrates our co-ordination, thought processes, ideas and sensory information?