Personal Liability of Third Parties Flashcards
Overview + Terminology
So it’s the potential liability of third parties who have somehow participated in a breach of trust. We are also looking at the personal liability of those who have received trust property, but no longer have it (can’t bring a proprietary claim).
We’re dealing with the imposition of a ‘constructive trusteeship’ (not constructive trust). We are not dealing with proprietary claims (finding property in the hands of the 3P which the beneficiaries can claim). We are dealing with where the 3P can be personally liable as if he was a trustee.
Basic Principle
Barnes v Addy
The starting point when considering liability of a stranger: someone who acts honestly as agent to the trustees will not be liable. A 3P who simply follows instructions and simply acts as the agent of the trustee will not be personally liable to the beneficiaries.
Trust funds were misapplied by a sole trustee. The defendant, a solicitor, had advised against the appointment of the sole trustee but had prepared the necessary documents. He was held not to be liable. He had acted honestly and within his scope of authority as agent.
A person who intermeddles in the administration of a trust or does acts characteristic of the office of trustee will be personally liable as if he were a trustee. An agent who does more than follow instructions – who takes on the role of trustee – will be liable as if he were one.
Blythe v Fladgate
Trustee gave property to a firm of solicitors to look after. He died and the solicitors decided to change the investments made with the trust fund (clearly the job of a trustee). The change in investments led to a loss and the solicitors were held personally liable for that loss.
It is irrelevant if the 3P was honest or well intentioned. The only question was did they effectively take on the role of being a trustee? Did they do acts that only a trustee should do?
Accessory Liability -
Dishonest Assistance in a BoT - a person will be personally liable to account for any loss caused to a trust fund when they can be said to have ‘dishonestly assisted’ in the BoT.
We are looking at secondary liability here – it is the trustee who commits the BoT, the accessory is liable for participating. There is no requirement at all for the accessory to have benefited.
Accessory Liability -
Ultraframe v Fielding
Liability as an accessory is joint and several with the trustee. Beneficiaries can choose who they sue.
Accessory Liability -
Novoship v Nikitin
It was held that an accessory can be held liable to account to any profits he has made as well as having to compensate the beneficiaries for any loss. He is liable as if he were a trustee.
Accessory Liability -
Justification for Liability?
Twinsectra Ltd v Yardley
“The rationale is not far to seek. Beneficiaries are entitled to expect that those who become trustees will fulfil their obligations. They are also entitled to expect, and this is only a short step further, that those who become trustees will be permitted to fulfil their obligations without deliberate intervention from third parties.
They are entitled to expect that third parties will refrain from intentionally intruding in the trustee-beneficiary relationship and thereby hindering a beneficiary from receiving his entitlement in accordance with the terms of the trust instrument.” (Lord Nichols)
Acts to compensate beneficiaries and also acts as a deterrent.
Accessory Liability -
Royal Brunei Airlines v Tan
Royal Brunei Airlines had appointed a travel company as its agent for the sale of flights. The defendant was the managing director and principal shareholder of the company. A term of the agreement was that any money received was to be held on trust by the company for the airline. The money was paid into a current bank account and used by the company for its own business purposes, in breach of trust. The company became insolvent, and the airline brought proceedings against the defendant. The company is the trustee but the defendant was the person who ran the company. Effectively the defendant and the company was the same (he was the only person involved in the company).
It was held by the PC that the defendant and the company had been dishonest and D was therefore personally liable to the airline for the loss. D had either caused or permitted the company to use the trust money in a way he knew was not authorised. This was dishonest. It was irrelevant that he hoped/expected to be able to refund the trust money.
Classic example of Accessory Liability. Shows that it can extend to companies as trustees.
Accessory Liability -
4 Requirements?
- Has to be a trust
- A breach of trust
- Accessory must have assisted in the BoT
- Accessory must have been dishonest
Accessory Liability -
4 Requirements?
“breach of trust”
Breach of trust may be strict and not require dishonesty. It had been argued that accessory liability should not arise for every BoT but only for dishonest BoTs. This was clearly rejected in Royal Brunei Airlines and Twinsectra.
Accessory Liability -
4 Requirements?
Brinks Ltd v Abu Saleh (No 3)
Doesn’t need to be in the original BoT, can be in some continuing use of the fund.
More than an act of minimal importance.
Always a question of fact.
Here it was argued that the defendant had assisted in the transporting of approx £3 million of the proceeds of the Brinks-Mat robbery by accompanying her husband when he drove on a number of occasions to Zurich with the money in his car. The argument was D had assisted in this continuing breach. The reason she joined was so that the trips looked like a family holiday.
The court held she simply acted as a spouse, providing her husband with company, rather than assisting in the breach. On the facts her husband alone was the courier. Always a Q of fact – what if she had driven the car? Must they do something positive?
Accessory Liability -
4 Requirements?
Royal Brunei Airlines v Tan (Privy Council) - Objective Element
The PC in Brunei Airlines said we should forget the categories of knowledge, the requirement is dishonesty. We should call it dishonest assistance not knowing assistance. This move to make it clear we’re looking for dishonesty has been since adopted including by the HoL in Twinsectra.
Ultimately it is a question of fact.
“Acting dishonestly “means simply not acting as an honest person would in the circumstances.”
“Individuals are not free to set their own standards of honesty in particular circumstances.” It is irrelevant a defendant sees nothing wrong with their behaviour – it is not subjective.
Accessory Liability -
4 Requirements?
Royal Brunei Airlines v Tan (Privy Council) - Subjective Element
There is a subjective element to it though. “Honesty…does have a strong subjective element in that it is a description of a type of conduct assessed in the light of what a person actually knew at the time, as distinct from what a reasonable person would have known or appreciated.” We are looking at the defendant, what he actually knew, but then saying what would an honest person with that knowledge have done in the circumstances.
Accessory Liability -
4 Requirements?
Royal Brunei Airlines v Tan (Privy Council) - Reaching a Decision
“Dishonesty is mostly concerned with advertent conduct, not inadvertent conduct. Carelessness is not dishonesty.”
Nichols LJ specified what circumstances would be relevant (look at all of the circumstances):
“the nature and importance of the proposed transaction;
the nature and importance of his role;
the ordinary course of business;
the degree of doubt;
the practicability of the trustee or the third party proceeding otherwise;
and the seriousness of the adverse consequence to the beneficiaries.” Then you consider what an honest person would have done in those circumstances.
“When called upon to decide whether a person was acting dishonestly, a court will look at all the circumstances known to the third party at the time. The court will also have regard to personal attributes of the party, such as his experience and intelligence, and the reason why he acted as he did.”
Accessory Liability -
4 Requirements?
A-G of Zambia v Meer Care & Desai
Convinced the court he was foolish and over-confident but NOT dishonest.
Accessory Liability -
4 Requirements?
Twinsectra v Yardley (House of Lords)
Involved a solicitor and the court said you would expect a much higher level of honesty from a solicitor than a businessman. Set out 3 possible standards to apply in assessing whether someone has acted dishonestly:
- Purely subjective
- Purely objective (Brunei Airlines approach)
- Combines an objective and subjective test – requires before dishonesty is found it is established that D’s conduct was dishonest by ordinary standards and that he himself realised that by those standards his conduct was dishonest. This is imported from criminal law and the Ghosh test.
a. Low IQ or learning difficulties may not see certain actions as dishonest and under the Ghosh test this would cause it to fail.
b. Professionals in the city?
i. What they think is dishonest could be completely out of line with working class people – see Gardner article:
“Knowing Assistance and Knowing Receipt: Taking Stock”
• The majority of the HoL here seemed to opt for the combined test –required more than objective dishonesty because it requires to a certain degree a dishonest state of mind on the part of the defendant (must be conscious they are transgressing the standards of the ordinary person). The main reason Hutton wanted this combined test was he believed the objective test doesn’t take into account the defendant’s own knowledge, experience or intelligence and thought they should be considered.
The problem with the combined test is it gives less protection to the beneficiaries. It may even give unwarranted protection to the unscrupulous. It isn’t a full subjective test (they cant say they personally didn’t think the behaviour was honest) but it does allow them to assert they didn’t realise other people had higher standards.
Accessory Liability -
4 Requirements?
Barlow Clowes International Ltd v Eurotrust International Ltd (PC)
Sided with Millett in dissent in Twinsectra. Said the defendant needn’t have thought about the normal standards of dishonesty. You just have to show the defendant’s knowledge of the transaction was enough to make him dishonest by ordinary standards. They need to know the facts that make the transaction dishonest, not be conscious that he is acting dishonestly.
In the case D provided offshore financial services which were used to pay away money misappropriated from investors. He was fully aware of the investment business so in the eyes of the court he must have realised there was a real possibility the money belonged to the investors. D knew of previous dishonesty on the part of the trustees and he lied in court.
Accessory Liability -
4 Requirements?
Current Position?
So what is the law? Twinsectra is HoL and thus binding. The other 2 decisions are only PC decisions and so just ‘persuasive authority’. Against that you can argue the judges sitting in the 2 courts are the same.
Despite what was said in Barlow Clowes, the decision in Twinsectra seems to be very clear. The interpretation in BC that he said nothing different from Royal Brunei is clearly not true. On the other hand we have 1 case (Twinsectra) for the combined test and 2 for the purely objective test. We could argue the PC decisions show what the HoL would decide if it came to them again. But they didn’t decide this in Twinsectra so it may depend on the composition of the court on the day. It is a bit of a mess, especially looking at decisions from lower courts.
Accessory Liability -
4 Requirements?
Decisions in lower courts:
Abou-Rahmah v Abacha
Followed Barlow Clowes – said it is not inconsistent with Twinsectra it just gives guidance as to its proper interpretation. The other judges felt no need to resolve the issue and instead sat on the fence. The authority is not strong as the respondant did not appear so there were no arguments for the other side.
Accessory Liability -
4 Requirements?
Decisions in lower courts:
Statek Corporation v Alford
Applied BC but no discussion.
Accessory Liability -
4 Requirements?
Decisions in lower courts:
Starglade Properties v Roland Nash
Particular issue not raised on the facts as the court was sure he knew he was transgressing ordinary standards of honesty. The issue was whether the objective standard of honesty we apply has to be one that everyone would agree with. The AC said no – the court determines what the objective standard of honesty is and it is irrelevant some people may think it too high.
Though the issue wasn’t raised on the facts the AC made some comments. The main judgment of the court was made by Morritt, the Chancellor. Though he went through the authorities his view is unclear. More interesting are the additional comments by Levinson LJ (Hughes agreeing). He suggested the definition of dishonesty should not differ to a marked extent from the criminal law. He then went on to say that the criminal division of the AC should re-examine the issue. This seems to suggest he doesn’t like the combined test.
Accessory Liability -
4 Requirements?
Bank of Credit and Commerce International (Overseas) Ltd v Akindele
“The court used to make use of categories of knowledge and the Privy Council said that these should no longer be relevant. Since the decision in Royal Brunei some judges have suggested that the Baden categories of knowledge may still be helpful in identifying what level of knowledge is needed on the part of the defendant for him to be considered dishonest.” (Norse LJ)
Accessory Liability -
4 Requirements?
Using older cases that related to the Baden Categories?
In reality what is required for liability has not really changed, though the wording has. Thus some of the earlier cases based on categories of knowledge remain useful because in the end the courts determined the defendant was dishonest. They are particularly useful to illustrate when the courts will decide D is dishonest because he failed to make inquiries – should have been suspicious.
Accessory Liability -
4 Requirements?
Agip (Africa) Ltd v Jackson
• It is clear that a D will be held to be dishonest even if he only has constructive knowledge. You don’t have to ACTUALLY know what was happening if you should have known – you can still be regarded as dishonest.
Millett J explained this at first instance (on the handout). “If a man does not draw the obvious inferences or make the obvious enquiries, the question is: why not? If it is because, however, foolishly, he did not suspect wrongdoing or, having suspected it, had his suspicions allayed, however unreasonably, that is one thing. But if he did suspect wrongdoing yet failed to make enquiries because “he did not want to know” … or because he regarded it as “none of his business”…, that is quite another. Such conduct is dishonest.”
• It is irrelevant whether making inquiries would have led to the truth or not.
o What is it we must show the defendant knew/ought to have known? It needn’t be precise. Agip (Africa) Ltd v Jackson – it is not necessary to know the precise nature of the fraud or the identity of the victim. There was some evidence that they suspected a fraud (escaping Tunisian legal regulations) to a different victim and of a different type but this was held to be irrelevant.
Accessory Liability -
4 Requirements?
Polly Peck International plc v Nadir (No 2)
- This was an interlocutory decision: an appeal against grant of a Mareva injunction. Director of a company was in dishonest breach of duty. Company funds were diverted to Cyprus. This claim was against a Cypriot Bank which was paid substantial sums in sterling in London in return for the payment of Turkish lire in Northern Cyprus. Was there anything in the circumstances that should have made the bank suspicious so that they should have made further enquiries? It was held that there was nothing as the company did have businesses in Cyprus and the Director had an unblemished reputation at the time. As a preliminary view the bank did not have sufficient knowledge to make its behaviour dishonest.
Accessory Liability -
4 Requirements?
Twinsectra v Yardley (HoL)
Barlow Clowes International Ltd v Eurotrust International Ltd (PC)
Both cases said it is enough D knows he is assisting in the misappropriation of money – that the recipient is not entitled. He doesn’t have to know the money is held on trust (or even what a trust is!).
Accessory Liability -
4 Requirements?
Carl Zeiss Stiftung v Herbert Smith & Co (No 2)
held there has to be knowledge of facts, not just claims/allegations. Seems to be confirmed by Brunei Airlines where they said a ‘genuine doubt’ meant there was no liability.
• This case was a knowing receipt case but is said to be relevant to both situations. The defendants were solicitors to a West German foundation from which they received money for fees and disbursements. The East German claimants alleged in legal proceedings that all the assets of the West German foundation belonged to them. Could the defendant solicitors have knowingly received money not belonging to the W German Foundation but to the E German Claimant. Held mere knowledge of a claim asserted by another party is insufficient unless it is known that the claim is well-founded. Here there was no such knowledge.
Accessory Liability -
4 Requirements?
Should negligence be sufficient? - No
Royal Brunei Airlines v Tan (PC)
Why did the PC in Royal Brunei Airlines reject negligence as sufficient for liability? They said that you cannot expect all 3rd Parties to owe a duty of care to ensure that there has been no BoT. A 3P should only be liable for negligence if he/she has voluntarily undertaken a duty of care. If someone has done this, then they can be held liable in contract or tort. Thus no equitable remedies are necessary. Ultimately underlying this decision must be that we don’t want to discourage people from acting as agents – don’t want to impose too high a level of conduct on them.
Accessory Liability -
4 Requirements?
Should negligence be sufficient? - Yes
“Knowing Assistance and Knowing Receipt: Taking Stock” - Simon Gardner
Against that there are strong arguments negligence should be sufficient – perhaps specifically when we are talking about professional agents (banks, solicitors, accountants).
- Many professionals hold themselves out as having high standards of expertise. They are promising to perform at a particular level and should thus be liable if they fail to fulfil that.
- Professionals would become insurers for the defaults of trustees and fiduciaries. There would always be someone a beneficiary can sue. Ultimately people would have to pay for this as the professionals would increase their fees because of the risk. But it makes sure there is insurance.
- Arguably the most compelling argument – it would place professionals in the role of policemen. Auditors are there to find any problems with accounts – the idea is not new that professionals police behaviour. Money laundering statutes impose a high standard on professionals at the risk of criminal liability. It may not be increasing the burden too much.
Recipient Liability
Timing of Knowledge - Overview
At what time must the recipient have the knowledge in order to be liable? Once he knows that it is trust property he should act consistently with this. If he is a bona fide purchaser for value without notice, then he doesn’t acquire trust property in the first place and there can never be personal liability. There will obviously be liability imposed upon someone who receives property with knowledge at the time of receipt that it is trust property who then goes on to deal with it inconsistently with the trust. There will also be liability imposed on someone who has no knowledge when he acquires the property but then acquires the relevant degree of knowledge before he actually deals with the property.
A recipient who deals with the property before acquiring relevant knowledge will not be liable.
Recipient Liability
Timing of Knowledge -
Re Montagu’s Settlement Trust
If there was knowledge in the past but it has been forgotten, then there will not be liability.
The case concerned a succession of Dukes of Manchester. In 1923 the 10th Duke promised to create a trust of chattels to which he would become entitled on the death of the 9th Duke. The trustees were meant to draw up an inventory but did not. When the 9th Duke died in 1947 all the chattels were released to the 10th Duke. He disposed of some items. After his death in 1977 the 11th Duke brought an action against his estate. It was held that the estate of the 10th Duke would only be liable in relation to those assets which had been disposed of if the 10th Duke had disposed of those assets with knowledge that they were subject to the 1923 settlement. On the facts it wasn’t clear whether the duke knew of the relevant terms of the settlement, but it was clear that his solicitor had known of them. The courts said even if he had known of them, he had clearly forgotten them and therefore there was no liability.
Recipient Liability
Receipt Based or Fault Based?
BCCI v Akindele
Made clear the position in English law - contrary to the statements of multiple judges and academics who believe that liability should be receipt based. Nicholls LJ in Royal Brunei Airlines; Millet LJ in Twinsectra expressed these views obita.
Though we don’t know what level of knowledge is required for their to be liability, it is clear that there is some required and that liability is fault based (not strict).
Recipient Liability
Receipt Based or Fault Based?
Fault Based - Justification?
Arguably there are 2 historic reasons – firstly many of the cases concerning recipient liability include a discussion of accessory liability too. Even when the facts have only given rise to one of those liabilities, the judgments have contained a thorough discussion of both. This inevitably means that recipient liability has been influenced by the requirements for accessory liability. Secondly, there are thoughts that the courts are imposing a constructive trusteeship. Much like constructive trusts these seem to be linked to matters of conscience and unconscionable behaviour.
Recipient Liability
Receipt Based or Fault Based?
Recipient Based (Strict) - Justification?
2 of the leading proponents of imposing strict liability in this situation are Lords Millett and Nicholls. A summary of their main points:
- There should be harmonisation between the equitable rules for liability and the common law rules.
- Recipient liability that is personal, is never the less bound up with the availability of a proprietary remedy against the recipient through tracing. The only difference is that proprietary remedies are only available if the recipient still has the property or its proceeds. The argument goes that liability should be imposed in the same circumstances regardless of whether the recipient still has the trust property or not.
- This would also recognise the endurance of property rights; the unjust enrichment of the recipient at the expense of another; and to create a logical and coherent system of restitutionary remedies.
Recipient Liability
Receipt Based or Fault Based?
Recipient Based (Strict) - Function in Theory?
How would strict liability work? All you would need to show is that somebody receives trust property. State of knowledge would be irrelevant (unless the recipient was a bona fide purchaser for value without notice). A volunteer would always be liable, as would a purchaser for value with some knowledge. Fairness would be ensured by allowing an honest and reasonable defendant to make use of the defence of change of position. Basically the burden of proof would be reversed. Rather than the beneficiaries having to prove the recipient had the necessary degree of knowledge, the recipient would have to prove they should be excused from liability.
Recipient Liability
The Change of Position Defence
This is available to an innocent person acting in good faith who has changed his position so that it would be inequitable to require him to pay compensation or full compensation. The defence is never available to a wrongdoer. It is not entirely clear what degree of knowledge makes someone a wrongdoer. A sufficient change of position would seem to require some sort of extraordinary expenditure. Other than that we don’t know enough about the defence, it is to develop on a case-by-case basis.
Recipient Liability
Objections to Changing the Law?
- The reversal of the burden of proof is regarded as commercially unworkable – Norse LJ in Akindele.
- It is also considered an unfair reallocation of risk onto third parties.
- For organisations such as banks it would be very difficult to prove that nobody within them had any knowledge. Commercial bodies would feel that such liability did not protect them sufficiently.
- Those who argue for receipt based liability say that fairness will be included in the law by the change of position defence. However this defence is relatively new (only accepted as law in 1991) and therefore it is not clear whether it would protect everyone who ought to be. Simon Gardner argues this – liability should be incorporated into the test itself, not in a defence. It is important that the law is fair, and that innocent and honest recipients of trust funds are not found personally liable. This is an equitable rule of liability and equity is all about conscience and fairness. We can say the recipient will have benefited from the money received (clearly the recipient no longer has the trust money but he may have enjoyed it very much) but the recipient has probably spent money he otherwise would not have. Maybe he couldn’t have afforded to go on holiday but the windfall justifies it If you then require them to pay compensation from their own pocket they will be worse off. We need to justify imposing liability on someone who is honest and innocent. The defence of change of position is still unclear.
Bear in mind that the courts are not just imposing personal liability – they are imposing a constructive trusteeship. This gives rise to greater obligations than mere personal liability. There is a liability for profits, to pay interest and a lack of limitation periods. If the courts were simply imposing personal liability it might be easier to argue for receipt-based liability.
Recipient Liability
The Personal Claim in Re Diplock - Overview
Not a particularly important claim because its availability is servely limited. But it’s interesting that it’s available at all. Equity imposes strict liability on a recipient of property. It is primarily important as evidence that equity will do this in some circumstances.
There is also a suggestion that there is scope for expanding this claim.
Recipient Liability
The Personal Claim in Re Diplock - Details
The case was concerned with the payment of sums to charity in response to gifts in a will. The gifts turned out to be invalid and so the testator’s next of kin tried to recover the sums. The AC considered proprietary and personal liability. The HoL however simply considered personal liability on the charities. If you look at the start of this section, the HoL held that “if, in the administration of an estate, a payment has been wrongfully made, any unpaid or underpaid creditor, legatee or next of kin can recover that payment from the recipient.” Therefore the charities were held to be personally liable to the next of kin for the sums they had wrongfully received.
Clearly here it was by next of kin as against charities who appeared to be beneficiaries under the will but were not because it was deemed to be invalid. It would also apply if a beneficiary had been overpaid or if payment was made to someone who was in fact not a beneficiary at all. The reason for the mistaken payment is irrelevant, the only Q is: was a payment wrongfully made?
It is clearly a situation of receipt based liability. The charities were clearly completely innocent but were not allowed to benefit from the windfall they’d received. Unlike recipient liability this did not involve the imposition of a constructive trusteeship. There was simply an obligation to make a payment – personal liability.
Recipient Liability
The Personal Claim in Re Diplock - Limitations
There are some limitations on the claim – it is only available against a volunteer (not a purchaser for value). The claimant has to sue the personal representatives first (this is only backup liability). They can only claim the principle sum and not interest.
There seems to be no justification for limiting it. Why should there be a difference between a beneficiary under a will and under an inter vivos trust. There is possibly scope for extending this if the courts wish to.
There are defences available:
- Bona fide purchaser
- If the claimant acquiesced in the payment
- 12yr limitation period
- Maybe the change of position defence will be available – we don’t know yet.
This claim will be completely irrelevant if receipt liability becomes strict. If it remains fault based then this claim is in theory useful.