Personal Hygiene Flashcards
Why do we give mouth care?
- Many disease-causing organisms enter The body through the mouth stuck in teeth causes tooth decay, breath odour (halitosis), inflammation of tooth sockets (pyorrhea,periodontitis) which results in loss of teeth - Flossing prevents tooth decay and healthy gums
- Some illnesses cause irritation, dryness, or brownish deposits (sordes) on the tongue and mouth’s mucous membrane
- Mouth breathing causes dryness and irritation.
- Removes secretions and prevents chocking
Why would you need an eye care routine?
→ tears are produced from lacrimal glands
→they help protect eyes from bacteria, viruses and lubricate the eyes
1. Infections may se caused from tear buildup and died secretions on eyelids or eyelash
How to perform eye care?
Remove secretions by applying cotton ball or gauze square moistened with sterile water or saline water
Cleaning hearing aids
- Clean with saline or prescribed solution to prevent cerumen buildup
- Check and replace batteries often
- Adjust volume
- Do not expose to heat and moisture
Caring for hands and feet: why and how?
→ client general health affect their fingernails
→ torn cuticles cause infections
→ clip nails if torn and jagged
→ use foot soaks for clients with edema, tenderness, or foot infection
What causes brittle, broken, discoloured nails?
Improper diets, illness, infection, fever, cuticle biting
Types of skin infections: pediculosis and scabies
Pediculosis: infestation by lice. Causes intense itching but can be destroyed in special shampoo or shower with special soap
Scabies: contagious disease caused by itch mite. Occurs in warm, protected areas of body such at skin folds. Skin lesions cause intense itching (pruritus) and easily spread