PersianToEnglish Flashcards
سطح رضايت شغلي با فاكتورهاي بيروني و داخلي سنجيده مي شود
The level of job satisfaction is measured by extrinsic and ontrinsic factors.
تهيه غذا هميشه و در آينده پردرآمد بوده
Catering has always been and will continue to be considered a lucrative job.
فروشنده گاهي اوقات ذهن شما رو تحت تاثير قرار ميده كه
Sometimes the salesman manipulates you into buying a vehicle that is not even worth it.
در دوران اوج زندگي خودم هستم
I’m in the prime of my life
اون تونسته ظاهر جوانيش رو نگه داره
She has managed to maintain her youthful appearance
نصيحت سازنده
Constructive advice
Constructive criticism
Constructive meeting
Unsolicited advice on saving money
نصيحتش كردم كه از لندن خارج بشه
I advised him to leave London
با هم توافق نداريم
We don’t see eye to eye on most things. We get into a heated argument.
اون تقصير من نبود
Don’t blame me for that.
يادم رفت
I had to buy some milk but it completely slipped my mind.
I promised to help her.
She has broken her promises.
The mayor has fulfilled her promise to get tough on corruption.
خيلي به درد بخوره
It comes in handy
نميشمرم كه چند بار
I don’t keep counts as to how many times I
هوا خفه است
Do you mind openning the window. It’s so stuffy in here.
اشكال داره سيگار بكشم؟
Would you mind if I smoke here?