Persian Invasions (492-479) quotes Flashcards
The Bisitun Inscription
Within these lands, whosoever was a friend, him I have surely protected; whosoever was hostile, him I have utterly destroyed.
H 6.43
He [Mardonius] Suppressed the tyrants in all Ionian states and set up democratic institutions in their place
H 6.94
He [Darius] himself was anxious to have an excuse to conquer all Greek communities
[The Persians said] To spare the island in which Apollo and Artemis were born, and to do no harm to either its soil or to its people
H 7.139
At this point I [H] find myself compelled to express an opinion which I know most people will object to… One is surely right in saying that Greece was saved by the Athenians
H 6.108
The Lacedaemonians gave this advice not so much of goodwill towards the Plataeans as wishing to cause trouble for the Athenians with the Boeotians
H 9.6
[The Athenians] sent a message to Lacedaemon to reproach the Spartans for allowing the enemy to invade Attica instead of marching with them to meet him in Boeotia
H 7.102
[The Spartans] will not under any circumstances accept terms from you which would mean slavery for Greece
Calchis Decree
I will not revolt from the people of Athens by any means we device whatsoever […] I will pay to the Athenians whatever tribute I persuade them to agree
H 6.109
If we submit to the Persians, Hippias will be restored to power – and there is little doubt what misery must then ensue
Such is our love of freedom [Athens’], that we will defend ourselves in whatever way we can
H 8.3
The Athenians waived their claim [to be in command of the fleet against the Persians] in the interest of national survival, knowing that a quarrel about the command would certainly mean the destruction of Greece
H 9.7
The Athenians refused a peace offer from the Persians “in spite of the fact that we ourselves have been treated unjustly and basely betrayed by our own confederates, and are well aware that we should gain more by an agreement with Persia than prolonging the war”
H 7.228
Four thousand here from Pelop’s land against three million once did stand… Go tell the Spartans you who read: we took their orders and here lie dead
H 6.117
[At marathon] some 6400 Persians were killed; the losses of the Athenians were 192
H 8.94
The Corinthians do not admit the truth of it; on the contrary they believe their ships played a most distinguished role in the battle – and the rest of Greece gives evidence in their favour
H 8.100
Xerxes himself came home
H 9.71
On the Greek side, the troops from Tegea and Athens were conspicuous in the fighting, but both were surpassed by the Lacedaemonians… They were matched against the best troops of the enemy – and beat them
The Athenian troops distinguished themselves more than any others in the battle… After the Athenians, the greatest distinction was won by the men from Corinth, Troezen and Sicyon
H 7.49
There is not a harbour anywhere big enough to receive the fleet of ours [the Persians’] and give it protection
H 9.62
The Persian soldiers were “deficient in armour, untrained and greatly inferior in skill”
H 8.5
Thespia and Plataea Had refused to submit to Persian domination: hence their destruction
Serpent Column
Out of the thousands of Greek cities, only 31 names are inscribed on the Serpent Column