Peritoneum Flashcards
- Is a thin serious membrane that lines the walls of the abdominal and pelvic cavities and clothes the viscera.
- it can be regarded as a balloon against which organs are pressed from outside.
Lines the walls of the abdominal and pelvic cavities.
Parietal peritoneum
If there’s a parietal peritoneum that lines the walls of the abdominal and pelvic cavities what does the visceral peritoneum do?
Covers the organs
The potential space between the parietal and visceral layers which is in effect the inside space of the balloon is called?
Peritoneal cavity
In the peritoneal cavity of the male and female, what what is the difference?
Male - a closed cavity
Female - there is a communication with the exterior through the uterine tubes, the uterus, and the vagina.
Between the parietal peritoneum and the facial lining of the abdominal and pelvic walls is a layer of connective tissue called?
Extraperitoneal tissue
This is in the area of the kidneys, this tissue contains a large amount of fat which supports the kidneys.
Extraperitoneal tissue
What is the largest cavity in the body?
Peritoneal cavity
The peritoneal cavity is divided into two parts?
The greater sac and the lesser sac
Is the main compartment and extends from the diaphragm down into the pelvis.
Greater sac
Is smaller and lies behind the stomach.
Lesser sac
The greater and lesser sacs are in free communication with one another through an oval window called?
Opening of the lesser sac or epiploic foramen
The peritoneum secretes a small amount of serious fluid called?
Peritoneal fluid
Which lubricates the surfaces of the peritoneum and allows free movement between the viscera.
Peritoneal fluid
Are used to describe the relationship of various organs to their peritoneal covering?
Intraperitoneal and retroperitoneal
An organ is said to be intraperitoneal when it is almost totally covered with?
Visceral peritoneum
An organ is said to be intraperitoneal when it is almost totally covered with?
Visceral peritoneum
True or false.
The stomach, jejunum, ileum, and spleen are good examples of intraperitoneal organs because they are almost totally covered with visceral peritoneum.
Lie behind the peritoneum and are only partially covered with visceral peritoneum.
Retroperitoneal organs
True or false.
The pancreas, ascending and descending parts of the column are examples of retroperitoneal organs.
True or false.
No organ, however, is actually within the peritoneal cavity
An intraperitoneal organ, such as the stomach, appears to be surrounded by the peritoneal cavity but it is covered with visceral peritoneum and is attached to other organs by?
Are two layered folds of peritoneum that connects solid viscera to the abdominal walls.
Peritoneal ligaments
Like in peritoneal ligaments, the liver for example, disconnected to the diaphragm by the?
- Falciform ligament
- Coronary ligament
- Right and Left triangular ligaments
Are two layered folds of peritoneum that connect the stomach to another viscus.
Connect the greater curvature of the stomach to the transverse colon.
Greater omentum
It hangs down like an apron in front of the coils of the small intestine and is folded back on itself to be attached to the transverse colon.
Greater omentum
Suspends the lesser curvature of the stomach from the fissure of the ligamentum venosum and the porta hepatis on the under surface of the liver.
Lesser omentum
Connects the stomach to the helium of the spleen
Gastroplenic omentum (ligament)
- Are two layered folds of peritoneum connecting parts of the intestines to the posterior abdominal wall.
- For example the mesentery of the small intestine that transfers mesocolon and the sigmoid mesocolon.
Is sensitive to pain temperature touch and pressure.
Parietal peritoneum
Lining the interior abdominal wall is supplied by the lower six thoracic and first lumber nerves that is the same nerves that innervate the overlying muscles and skin.
Parietal peritoneum
True or false.
- The diaphragmatic peritoneum is supplied by the lower six thoracic nerves.
- The parietal peritoneum in the pelvis is mainly supplied by the obdurator nerve a branch of lumbar plexus.
Is sensitive only to stretch and tearing and is not sensitive to touch pressure or temperature
Visceral peritoneum
- Is supplied by autonomic afferent nerves that supply the viscera or are traveling in the mesentaries.
- Overdistension of a viscous leads to the sensation of pain the mass centuries of the small and large intestines are sensitive to mechanical stretching
Visceral peritoneum
Which is pale yellow and somewhat viscid, contains leukocytes. It is secreted by the peritoneum and ensures that the mobile visera glide easily on one another.
Peritoneal fluid
As a result of the movements of the diaphragm and the abdominal muscles, together with the peristaltic movements of intestinal tract, the peritoneal fluid is?
Not static
True or false.
It seems that intraperitoneal movement of fluid toward the diaphragm is continuous and there it is quickly absorbed into the subperitoneal lymphatic capillaries.
True or false.
The peritoneal coverings of the intestine tend to stick together in the presence of infection.
The greater omentum which is kept constantly on the move by peristalsis of the neighboring track may adhere to the other peritoneal surfaces around a focus of infection in this manner many of the entrepreneur infections are sealed off and remained localized
Plays an important part in suspending the various organs with the peritoneal cavity and serve as a means of conveying the blood vessels lymphatics and nerves to these organs?
Peritoneal folds
True or false.
Large amount of fat are stored in the peritoneal ligaments and mesentaries and especially large amounts can be found in the greater omentum.