Peripheral Venous- Upper Flashcards
When does the axillary vein turn into the subclavian?
After it passes the 1st rib
When does the brachial turn into the axillary vein?
When the basilic joins it
What connects the cephalic and basilic veins at the antecubital fossa?
Median cubital vein
Are superficial veins paired with arteries?
Clots are made up of what 2 things?
RBC’s and fibrin
How can PE’s be seen? How are they treated?
CT angiography or nuclear medicine VQ lung scan
Thrombectomy via conventional angiography is treatment
Phlegmasia Alba Dolens vs Phlegmasia Cerulea Dolens:
Both are caused by an obstruction in the iliofemoral vein (causing a DVT) which causes extreme swelling. Alba does not have skin color changes, whereas cerulea has cyanosis and reduced arterial flow which is limb threatening
Symptoms of SVC syndrome?
neck and face swelling as well as difficulty breathing
blockage of the SVC
What is a gaiter zone
An area superior to the medial mallelous that describes when RBC’s and fluids leak into surrounding tissue and change the color of zine
What’s the most common cause of venous insuffiency?
Previous DVT that damaged the lumen of the veins and rendered the veins incompetent (Post thrombotic syndrome)
Virchows Triad:
What makes pregnant women at a higher risk for a DVT?
Main symptoms of an acute DVT:
warm to the touch
superficial vein dilation
Main symptoms of a chronic DVT:
varicose veins
What can be mistaken for a non compressible brachial vein?
brachial nerve
Should you see reversal of flow after release of a distal compression?
Not very much. If anything, only about 0.5-1s of it
Measurement of a perforator? What happens if it’s more than this?
Should be suspicious for incompetence