- Leptin and insulin neuropeptide signalling
- Ghrelin, PYY, PP and appetite
- Adiponectin and the adipocytokines
See the central pathways regulating energy homeostasis slides
What do neural stimuli act via and humeral stimuli act via?
Neural stimulus- vagal afferents to nucleus of solitary tract
Humeral stimulus acts on the area postrema via the circulation
What does pre-proglucagon form?
GLP1, GLP2, glucagon and oxyntomodulin
What does GLP2 do?
GLP-2 is a trophic hormone in the gut, meaning if a part of the gut is chopped out, GLP-2 modulates and makes other part of gut take over.
Where is GLP 1 produced?
From L cells of the distal gut and small intestine.
What stimulates production of glp1?
Fats and carbohydrates, up to 3 times after a meal
What are GLP1s actions?
It engages the ileal break to slow gastric absorption, induces early satiety and weight loss. It is a potent INSULINOTROPHIC
How does glp1 act?
Also via the brain stem, abolished by vagotomy. Administration of GLP1 causes a c-fos marker of neuronal activity in the PVN and CEA which are areas important in feeding. Also ARCUATE, blocked by EXENDIN 9-39
What is the ileal brake?
Its a feedback mechanism, will ingested food activated distal GI signals that inhibit GI motility and gastric emptying. Neuro humeral and interacts with satiety
What does GLP1 inhibit?
Glucagon release
What therapeutic effects occur if you inject GLP1?
Normalise glucose in T2DM and decrease post prandial glucose rise and there are no side effects or loss of function
What has GLP1 been shown to do in animals?
Increase islet cell mass and delay the onset of t2dm
One potential problem with GLP1 that was not recognised before?
Can cause hypoglycaemia
What are the cardiac effects of GLP1?
Improved endothelial and left ventricular function in patients with end stage heart failure. Causes a small but significant increase in BP. May also improve neurological symptoms such as memory
What is an evolutionary sign of GLP1 significance?
100% homology with animals
What neurological effects does GLP1 have?
Stimulates vagal afferents
What evidence is there for the effects of GLP1?
Reduces food intake icv in obese zucker rats. Has dose dependent weight loss effects in patients in normal, obese and diabetic (continuous iv or subc).
What is the hypothesis for how GLP1 works?
Circulating GLP 1 accesses the AREA POSTREMA and signals to the PVN to stop eating, peripheral circulating factor accessing CNS directly, stimulate vagal afferents directly
What have ko studies shown on glp1
GLP 1 KO in mice had no significant effects so may not be important in humans
What study was there to assess GLP1 as weight reducer?
GLP-1 or saline for 7 days- caused wt loss
Exendin 9-39 or saline for 3 days- gained wt
Exendin 9-39 plus NPY or NPY alone for 8 days- gained wt (mean daily fd intake 20%>)
Thus, GLP-1 not only satiety factor but also seems
physiological regulator of wt
What is exentin 4?
potent and long acting agonist of the GLP1 receptor, t1/2 is 30 minutes. Reduces fasting glucose and no hypoglycaemia, particularly post prandially. 19% reduction in food intake and no nausea ( initially may be some but effects reduced with time), using subjects and a free choice buffet lunch and visual analog scale. From gila monster
What GLP drugs are available in the UK?
Exenatide, once daily injection. Liraglutide.
What is exendin 9-39?
(from gila monster) specific antagonist that blocks the effects of glp1→ no effect on fasting state but increased feeding on sated state and increased NPY induced feeding. Lead to increased weight. In rats halved post prandial insulin and caused glucose intolerance.
What does bariatric surgery do?
increased GLP1, increase PYY and increased OXYNTOMODULIN