Describe how the brain senses glucose
Through glucose excitatory and glucose inhibitory neurons
How can the hypothalamus sense nutrients
The hypothalamic arcuate nucleus has a fenestrated blood brain barrier meaning hypothalamic neurons have direct access to circulating metabolic cues
How does a glucose inhibitory neurone work?
- Glucose enters the cell and is converted to ATP. The reduced ATP:ADP ratio causes INCREASED ACTIVATION OF AMPK
- This inhibits the Cl- CHANNEL
- There is neuronal depolarisation
Give evidence of what happens in obesity in terms of fuel sensing?
In obesity, POMC neurons lose their ability to sense glucose shown by the reduction in alpha MSH produced as a percentage of baseline at increasing glucose concentrations.
Another piece of evidence about nutrient fuel sensing in obesity in rats
Altered glucokinase mRNA in diet-induced obese rats study
Human obesity fuel sensing evidence
Altered glucose induced hypothalamic activation in obese versus normal humans on fMRI
How can fatty acid sensing take place?
Enzymes involved in fatty acid oxidation and lipogenic enzymes present in hypothalamic nuclei involved in appetite
How does fatty acid sensing take place overall?
Inhibition of CNS FAS reduces appetite → Thought to work via ARC neurons, increasing POMC and decreasing AGRP
How does fatty acid sensing take place molecular level?
- Inhibition of FAS pathway→metabolites that mimic the fed state.
- Malonyl-CoA inhibits CPT-1 reducing the entry of LCFA-CoA’s into the mitochondria.
- This mechanism controls the switch from fatty acid to glucose oxidation.
- Malonyl-CoA and Long chain fatty acid-CoA are metabolites that reflect energy status. →High in fed state
What experimental evidence is there for fat sensing?
ICV injection of Oleic acid decreases food intake. • Pharmacological or genetic inhibition of CPT-1 increases LCFA-CoA reduces NPY, appetite and body weight.
Evidence for how amino acids affect food intake
ICV leucine injections reduce food intake and decrease AGRP expression
How do amino acids sense?
Leucine activates mTOR→Phosphorylation of p70 S6kinase→ reduced appetite and increased insulin sensitivity
What non-hormonal way is there to communicate food eaten?
Stretch receptors in the stomach that communicate via the vagus nerve
Within the hypothalamus what are the stimulatory and inhibitory neutrons? What receptors do they have?
Both sets of neurons extend to other hypothalamic nuclei. They have Leptin receptors and MC3R.
What do NPY/ AGrP neutrons release? What is evidence for this?
GABA. Injection of GABA into the arcuate nucleus increases food intake
Where does Leptin signal
Inhibits NPY Y1/Y5 receptor
Stimulates POMC–> alphaMSH–> MC4 receptor
What do NPY deficient mice have?
Normal food intake and body weight
What do Y1 KO mice have?
Y1 KO mouse is moderately obese and hyperinsulinaemic but no hyperphagia. Y5 normal development but develop late onset obesity.
Which mutations have never been found in humans?
What is AGRP?
Is an ENDOGENOUS ANTAGONIST of the MC4R that blocks the effects of ALPHA MSH from POMC.
It is expressed in the same neurons as NPY
Evidence concerning AGRP?
Icv AGRP causes increased food intake and energy expenditure, increased x18 in starvation
What happens in NPY/AGRP KO?
NPY/AGRP KO no changes. Important in day to day regulation? 3 papers say yes. Can get developmental compensation due to plasticity. Bewich 2005 used ataxia 3 to kill off AGRP neurons and result was lean hyperphagia phenotype. Same result using diphtheria toxin, minimal effects in neonates compared to adults
What does the Paraventricular nucleus do?
Incorporates autonomic responses with endocrine, connects sns to spinal cord–> regulation of respiratory quotient, BMR, thermogenesis, thyroid and adrenal axis. Trh neurons, wings vasopressin and oxytocin releasing.
Expresses Y1,5 MC3,4 receptors. Oxytocin neurons express melanicortin receptors and intra PVN injections reduced appetite. corticotrophim RH reduces appetite in PVN via CRH2R
What does the lateral hypothalamus do?
Is poorly characterised. Medial forebrain bundle passes through that connects forebrain with the mid brain.
Has 2 major OREXIGENIC neuropeptides = OREXIN and. MELANOCORTIN CONCENTRATING HORMONE in distinct neuronal populations