peripheral cutaneous innervation of the neck
posteriorly: mainly posterior rami of the spinal nerves C2-C8
Anterolaterally: sensory branches of the cervical plexus
- refer to the picture
Spinal Nerve root(s) of Lesser occipital nerve
Spinal Nerve root(s) of great auricular nerve
C2, C3
Spinal Nerve root(s) of transverse cervical
C2, C3
Spinal Nerve root(s) of supraclavicular nerves
C3, C4
peripheral cutaneous innervation: upper anterolateral trunk wall (named nerve and the nerve root value)
intercostal nerves - T1 to T11
subcostal nerves - T12
peripheral cutaneous innervation: lower anterolateral trunk wall (named nerve and the nerve root value)
iliohypogastric nerve - anterior rami of L1
ilioinguinal nerve - anterior rami of T12 - L1
upper limb peripheral cutaneous nerves anterior
picture in next question
upper limb peripheral cutaneous nerves posterior
NERVE ROOT VALUE: ilioinguinal nerve
NERVE ROOT VALUE: genitofemoral nerve
L1, L2
NERVE ROOT VALUE: lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh
L2, L3
NERVE ROOT VALUE: posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh
S1, S2, S3
NERVE ROOT VALUE: obturator nerve
L2, L3, L4
NERVE ROOT VALUE: Femoral nerve
L2, L3, L4
NERVE ROOT VALUE: Saphenous nerve
L3, L4
(br of femoral nerve)
S1, S2
(br of tibial and common fibular)
NERVE ROOT VALUE: Superficial fibular nerve
L4, L5, S1
NERVE ROOT VALUE: Deep fibular nerve
NERVE ROOT VALUE: Calcaneal nerves, medial & lateral plantar nerves
L4, L5, S1, S2, S3
(brs of tibial nerve)
testing sensory function of the a peripheral cutaneous nerve (eg femoral nerve at the point shown in the diagram): components involved and the pathway
receptors at the L2 region are stimulated –> AP are generated which pass through the axon centrally and through the anterior rami of the L2 SN through Lumbar plexus –> L2 SN –> posterior root of L2 spinal nerve –> posterior rootlets –> posterior horn –> ascending tract –> primary somatosensory cortex
cervical plexus nerve root value(s) and the muscles supplied by it
neck postural and strap muscles
diaphragm (C3, C4, C5)
brachial plexus nerve root value(s) and the muscles supplied by it
muscles of the upper limb
Extrinsic back muscles
muscles supplied by T2-L3
postural back muscles
ICM and anterolateral abdominal wall muscles
LS plexus nerve root value(s) and the muscles supplied by it
muscles of the lower limb
perineal skeletal muscles
biceps reflex : Nerve root value
C5, (C6)
supinator/brachioradialis reflex : Nerve root value
triceps reflex : Nerve root value
Knee jerk reflex : Nerve root value
ankle jerk reflex : Nerve root value
Muscle paralysis
- a muscle without a functioning motor nerve supply
- can’t contract
- decreased muscle tone o/e
muscle spasticity
- a muscle with an intact and functioning motor nerve supply
- descending control of the brain are not working
- increased muscle tone o/e
Muscle paralysis VS spasticity