Peripheral and CVAD Blood Draw Lecture Flashcards
Equipment: (11)
4.Needle holder
6.Blood tubes
8.Cotton balls
9.Band-aid or Coban
10.Patient labels
11.Computer requisitions
When it comes to needles the smaller the number the bigger the?
The smaller the number the bigger the needle.
23g-25g are typically used when?
Used for small fragile veins.
14g-16g are typically used when?
Emergency or Trauma if the vein allows it.
what are the 3 simple methods of blood draw?
- Syringe
- Vacuholder
- Butterfly
What are the 3 options/sites of venipuncture?
Median Cubital (AC)
Cephalic Vein
Basilic Vein
Why is the Median Cubital the first choice?
antecubital this is the first choice for a venipuncture because not a lot of tendon of arteries which means a
low risk of nicking something else
Why is your Cephalic vein your second choice?
has cutaneous nerves that poses risks of hitting - thumb side of hand.
Why is your Basilic vein the third choice?
brachial artery and bicep tendon so it’s the highest risk
located on pinky side of hand
Infusions with heparin needs to be stopped for how many minuets before blood collection?
10 mins.
Should you collect blood from an arm with continuous infusions?
No, however if there is no other options stop infusions for 2-3 mins prior.
Blood Cultures are defined as what? and should be drawn when?
Considered sterile and should be drawn first.
CVAD blood draw considerations: (6)
1.Stop any infusions beforehand
2.Aspirate to verify blood return
3.Flush with 9mL
4.Waste 3-5 mL and discard
5.Collect sample
6.Flush with 19 mL
Where are the PICC, CVAD lines placed in terms of the heart:
Superior Vena Cava
Preventing Hemolysis: (4)
1.Use a larger bore needle to draw – 21, 22, or 23 gauge
2.Use larger needles for transferring blood into test tubes – 18g blunt fill works well
3.Tilt blood tubes so that the blood washes down the side of the tube
4.Aspirate slowly when collecting from veins or catheters
What is considered best practice when it comes to drawing blood cultures?
2 sets at 2 different sites 15 mins apart.
How many mLs are in each blood culture bottles?
5-10mLs of blood should be collected for each sample
Never attach blood culture bottles directly to vacu-holders why?
because beads in the culture bottle can be introduced into the patient’s vein