Periosteal /MS2 Flashcards
C1L (P)
TP: inf/med aspect of the mastoid process (med to lat on inner surface of the mastoid)
Tx: c/s SB away and Rot towards and glide the opp side of the post arch of C1 in an ant/ipsilateral (towards TP side)
C1F (P)
TP C1F: over medial arch of C1 (post to ant)
Tx: c/s flexion, sb and rot towards and compress head and neck in an inf/contralateral direction
C2F-C7F (P)
TP: posterior to the anterior deltoid muscle from inf to the greater tuberosity to the deltoid tuberosity. (lift and pinch the ant deltoid)
Tx: c/s flexion, sb and rot towards and compress head and neck in an inf/contralateral direction
T1F-T6F (P)
TP: posterior aspect of the biceps brachii from prox to distal musculoskeletal junctions (lift and pinch the biceps)
Tx: cervicothoracic flexion (marked to the level of the dysfunction, cervicothoracic SB and rot towards the TP side and compress the involved rib/thorax in an inf/med direction away from the involved side
T7F-T8F (P)
TP: lateral to the posterior aspect of the mid forearm flexor mass ( lift and pinch the flexor mass)
Tx: cervicothoracic flexion (marked to the level of the dysfunction) cervicothoracic SB and rot towards the TP side and compress the involved rib/thorax in an inf/med direction away from the involved side
T9F-T10F (P)
TP: under/ant to mid calf flexor mass (lift and pinch the mid soleus mass)
Tx: side lying, l/s flexion, l/s side bend toward the side of dysfunction (feet toward ceiling) and translation of the femur in a post direction to exaggerate the lumbar flexion deformity (using hip pressure)
* glide the ipsilateral corresponding rib in a post/inf direction*
T11F-L5F (P)
TP: under/ant to the mid hamstring (lift and pinch the flexor mass)
Tx: l/s flexion, l/s side bend toward the side of dysfunction (feet toward ceiling) and translation of the femur in a post direction to exaggerate the lumbar flexion deformity (using hip pressure)
C1E (P)
TP: ant aspect of the C1 transverse process
Tx: c/s extension, rot and side bend (Toward the TP Side)compress and translate in an inf/contra
C2E-C7E (P)
TP: ant attachment of the post deltoid to the humerus from inf to the greater tuberosity to the deltoid tuberosity
Tx: c/s extension, rotation and side toward the TP side - compress/translate in an inf/contralateral direction
T1E-T6E (P)
TP#1: post/lat tip of the transverse process (post/lat to the ant/med)
TP#2: ant/under the triceps brachii (lift and pinch the triceps)
Tx: extension, rotation and side bend toward the involved side and glide the involved rib in a post/inf and medial direction to rotate the involved segment ipsilaterally OR adduct and extend the ipsilateral arm with patient in prone
T7E-T8E (P)
TP: medial (under) the mid forearm extensor mass (lift and pinch under extensor mass - adjacent to the radius)
Tx: Tx: extension, rotation and side bend toward the involved side and glide the involved rib in a post/inf and medial direction to rotate the involved segment ipsilaterally OR adduct and extend the ipsilateral arm
T9E-T10E (P)
TP#1: post/lat tip of the transverse process (post/lat to the ant/med)
TP#2: post to (under) the mid/lateral anterior tibialis (lift and pinch to identify)
Tx: legs side bent toward the involved side with ipsilateral knee flexed. adduct the ipsilateral knee and glide the iliac crest in an ant/sup/med direction
T11E- L5E (P)
TP #1: post/lat tip of the transverse process (post/lat to the ant/med)
TP#2: under/post to the mid quad/rectus femoris mass (lift and pinch)
*alt L5E inf aspect of PSIS)
Tx: legs extended and side bend toward the involved side (lift ipsilateral iliac crest in an ant/med/sup direction)
R1S (P)
TP: ant/sup aspect of the coracoid process (ant to post)
Tx: shoulder horizontal abduction and ER
R2S-R12S (P)
TP: sup aspect of the corresponding rib angles (sup to inf)
2-7 alt dorsal/med border of the scapula 1/2 to 1 fw lateral to the medial scapular border
Tx: shoulder abduction (70-100) and translate/elevate and rotate towards TP side
**9-12 alt tx - LTR and side bend away from involved side
R1I (P)
TP1: ant/inf aspect of the coracoid process (ant to post)
Tx: make sure your head goes with you thoracic rotation and translate away from the involved side - glide the rib in an ant/inf and medial direction using UE or rib
R2I-R12I (P)
TP#1: inf aspect of the corresponding rib angles (3 fw lateral to the rib tubercles inf to sup)
TP#1: post aspect of the corresponding rib tubercles approach post to ant
Tx: ant/inf/med glide of the involved rib
TP: dorsal aspect of the S3 spinous process
TP Alt: sharpy’s fibers of gluteus maximus on the dorsum of the LEFT sacrotuberous ligament. Most inferior point on the left.
Tx: glide upper sacrum (sacral base) using an ant/inf scooping motion
TP: dorsal aspect of the S4 spinous process
TP Alt: in the sharpy’s fibers of the gluteus maximus on the dorsum of the RIGHT sacrotuberous ligament. Most inferior point on the right side.
Tx: lower sacrum (apex) using an ant/sup scooping motion
TP: dorsal/inferior sacrum (1cm sup/med to the inf lateral angle (ILA) (approach post to ant)
TP Alt: sharpy’s fibers of the gluteus maximus on the dorsum of the sacrotuberous ligament. Third most inferior point, bilaterally.
Tx: glide opp side sacral base adjacent to the PSIS ant and then diagonally inf toward the tender point) fine tune with sacral side bending
TP: located on the dorsal/superior sacrum 1cm med to the inf aspect of the PSIS (approach post to ant)
TP Alt: in the sharpy’s fibers of the gluteus maximus on the dorsum of the sacrotuberous ligament. The second most inferior point, bilaterally.
Tx: glide the opposite ILA ant and then diagonally superior toward the TP using a ‘scooping’ motion
fine tune with sacral side bending
TP: dorsal/lateral border of the lower sacrum (ILA) (post/lat to ant/med)
TP Alt: in the sharpy’s fibers of the gluteus maximus on the dorsum of the sacrotuberous ligament. The second most superior point, bilaterally.
Tx: glide the sacrum on the involved side in a sup and medial direction utilizing a rotational movement (cw for L and ccw for the R)
TP: dorsal/inf/medial border of the lower sacrum/ILA (1cm lateral to the coccyx) post/inf to ant/sup
TP Alt: in the sharpy’s fibers of the gluteus maximus on the dorsum of the sacrotuberous ligament. Superior most point, bilaterally.
Tx: hip adduction, and glide the sacrum on the involved side in an inf/med direction utilizing a rotational mvmt (CW for R, CCW for L)
CX1 (P)
TP: located over the dorsal aspect of 1st coccygeal segment (post to ant)
TP Alt: in the sharpy’s fibers of the gluteus maximus on the dorsum of the sacrotuberous ligament. The third most superior point on the RIGHT side.
Tx: glide coccyx into R deviation fine tune with rotation into the direction of ease
CX2 (P)
TP: dorsal aspect of the 2nd coccygeal segment
TP Alt: in the sharpy’s fibers of the gluteus maximus on the dorsum of the sacrotuberous ligament. The third most superior point on the LEFT side.
Tx: glide coccyx into L deviation fine tune with rotation into the direction of ease
TP: medial pubic bone at the level of the inferior aspect of the pubic symphysis
Tx: glide lateral aspect of the iliac crest in a medial/inferior direction
TP: medial pubic bone at or slightly below the level of the superior aspect of the pubic symphysis
Tx: glide lateral aspect of the iliac crest in a lateral/superior direction
TP#1: lateral/sup aspect of the ischial tuberosity (lat to med)
TP#2: inf/med aspect of the ASIS (inf/med to sup/lat)
Tx: marked hip flexion/abduction with femoral traction
TP#1: lateral/inferior aspect of the ischial tuberosity (lat to med)
TP#2 lesser trochanter of the femur (directly lateral and 1 fw inf to the inf aspect of the pubis - approach med to lateral)
Tx: hip flexion, adduction, and femur traction medial and inferior
TP#1: lateral aspect of the mid ischiopubic ramus
TP#2: distal fibers of the ipsilateral rectus abdominus (2 fw above pubic bone)
Tx: supine in figure 4 position, hip flexion, abduction, and external rotation with compression of the femur through the greater trochanter
TP: lateral neck of the femur (2 fw medial to the ant/sup aspect of the greater trochanter) (under TLF)
Tx: partially lying on opp hip, in figure 4 position, distraction of the prox/mid femur in the plane of the femoral neck
TP: over musculotendinous junction of the glut medius muscle (med and 1 fw sup to the post aspect of the greater trochanter)
Tx: glide/adduct the ischial tuberosity in an ant/med and sup direction toward the opp ASIS
TP: over musculotendinous junction of the glut medius muscle (med and 1 fw sup to the ant aspect of the greater trochanter)
Tx: glide/abduct the ischial tuberosity in an post/lat and sup direction
TP: deep to the medial aspect of the sartorius tendon (tendon is lateral to AIIS)
Tx: hip adduction, flexion, external rotation and femoral compression through the femur
TP: deep to the lateral aspect of the sartorius tendon
Tx: hip abduction, flexion & external rotation (moderate). Femoral traction moderate in the plane of the femur
TP: 1fw below the lesser trochanter (2fw below the inf aspect of the pubis on the medial femur from med to lat)
Tx: hip abduction (mild), internal rotation and tibial rotation
TP: medial femur, on a line that is 1fw above the inferior margin of the pubic ramus. Superiomedial to inferiolateral.
Tx: hip flexion, abduction, external rotation and tibial external rotation
TP: ant/lat border of the proximal femur, 2fw inf to the greater trochanter
Tx: hip flexion, knee flexion, femoral flexion stress (via deep post/med to ant/lat pressure
TP: post/lat border of the proximal femur (2fw inf to the greater trochanter)
Tx: knee extension/hyperextension, (heel on the towel) and femoral extension stress via a deep ant/med to post/lat pressure on the femur
TP: located deep in the popliteal fossa on the base/ant most aspect of the medial femoral condyle (post/lat to ant/med)
also can be medial knee osteophytes
Tx: ankle resting and braced on the table, knee flexion, knee varus, internal/external rotation
TP: located deep in the popliteal fossa on the base/ant most aspect of the lateral femoral condyle (post/med to ant/lat)
also can be lateral knee osteophytes
Tx: ankle braced and resting on table, knee flexion, knee valgus, external/internal rotation
TP: sup/med and sup/lat aspects of the trochlear groove (ant to post)
Tx: grasp the corresponding med/lat femoral condyle behind the knee and compress the med/lat epicondyles (towards the center) to narrow the femoral notch
TP: inf/med and inf/lat aspects of the trochlear groove (ant to post)
Tx: grasp the corresponding femoral condyle using an anterior approach, traction the corresponding femoral condyle (away from the center) to widen the femoral notch
TP: medial and lateral aspect of the inferior patella (post surface) approach from post to ant
Tx: knee extended, compression and post glide of the lateral edges of the patella in an inf/lat direction (utilizing a pincer grip)
TP: located both on the medial and lateral aspect of the superior patella (post to ant)
Tx: distraction/ant glide of the superior/lateral aspect of the patella bilaterally (using the pincer grip)
TP: ant/med aspect of the distal fibula in the distal tibiofibular line (approach med to lat)
Tx: hip internal rotation, fibular internal rotation grasp midfoot/talus and fine tune with dorsi/plantar flexion
TP: post/med aspect of the distal fibula in the distal tibiofibular joint line (approach med to lat)
Tx: hip external rotation, fibular external rotation and fine tune with dorsi/plantar flexion
TP: posterior/lateral aspect of the distal tibia in the distal tibiofibular joint line (approach lat to med)
Tx: hip internal rotation, tibial internal rotation and fine tune with dorsi/plantar flexion
TP:anterio/lateral aspect of the distal tibia in distal tibiofibular joint line (lat to med)
Tx: hip external rotation, tibial external rotation,
fine tune with dorsi/plantar flexion
TP: superior 1/3 of the ant/lat aspect of the fibula
Tx: knee flexion, ankle plantar flexion and glide mid fibula in an ant/lat/sup direction
TP: superior 1/3 of the post/lat aspect of the fibula (approach post/lat ot ant/med)
Tx: glide mid fibula in a post/lat/inf direction
TP: 1cm superior to the anterior aspect of the medial malleolus (med to lat)
Tx: supine with leg off of the table at the knee
- varus stress applied to tibia (with leg off table) and internal rotation of the tibia
TP: 1 cm sup to the post aspect of the medial malleolus (med to lat)
Tx: supine with leg off the table at th eknee
valgus stress on the tibia through the ankle and mild external rotation of ankle on tibia (use your leg to get their leg to valus)
TP: post/sup belly of the post tib (in sup calf b/w proximal tibia an fibula
Tx: supine with knee flexed and foot on the table
glide tibia in an anterior and lateral direction
TP#1: ant/med aspect of the distal tibia (ant to post)
TP#2: post/inf soleous/tibia at the level of soleous musculoskeletal junction (approach post to ant)
Tx: patient supine with a towel under heel glide tibia in a post/lat direction
Autonomic impact of the carpals?
post ganglioinc cervicothoracic sympathetics
Autonomic impact of the metacarpals (MCAR)?
Upper pre ganglionic sympathetics (SSCT1-2, SCT1-5)
Autonomic impact of the metacarpals (PALM)
Upper Vagus (VLUN1-VPAN)
Autonomic impact of the tarsals?
post ganglionics of the thoraco-lumbar (PGT8-PGLS-N)
Autonomic impact of the metatarsals (MTAR)?
collateral ganglia (CEL-PELV-N)
Autonomic impact of the metatarsals (PLAN)?
Lower Vagus (VSTOM/VLIV-N and inf vagal locations)
TP: ant/inf/med end of the distal tibia (inf to sup)
Tx: ankle inversion, internal rotation of foot on tibia
TP: post/sup talus (1cm inf to the posterior end of the tibia - approach med to lat)
Tx: ankle eversion, plantar flexion and external rotation of the foot on the tibia
TP: posterior 1/3 of inf/med calcaneus (med to lat)
Tx: ankle plantar flexion, subtalar/calcaneal inversion and int rotiation of the calcaneus with calcaneal compression
TP: posterior 1/3 of the inf/lat calcaneus (lat to med)
Tx: ankle dorsiflexion, subtalar/calcaneal eversion and external rotation with calceal distraction
TP: inf aspect of the navicular tuberosity
Tx: plantar flexion and meatarsal eversion/mid foot valgus
TP: dorsal/sup aspect of the navicular tuberosity
Tx: metatarsal inversion/mid foot varus
TP: post/lat aspect of the dorsal cuboid (sup to inf)
Tx: metatarsal inversion/mid foot varus (marked)
fine tune with ankle dorsi/plantarflexion
TP: post/med aspect of the dorsal cuboid
Tx: valgus of the forefoot, metatarsal eversion
fine tune with ankle dorsi/plantarflexion
TP: dorsal/anterior aspect of the corresponding tarsal bone
Tx: grasp the corresponding metatarsal bone and move midfoot and tarsal bone in to inversion
fine tune with dorsi/plantarflexion
TP: dorsal/posterior aspect of the corresponding tarsal bone
Tx: grasp the corresponding metatarsal bone and move midfoot/metatarsal into mid foot eversion
fine tune with dorsi/plantarflexion
PLAN 2-5 (P)
TP: plantar/medial aspect of the mid metatarsal bones (med to lat at midshaft)
Tx: ankle plantar flexion, inversion and digit supination
MTAR 2-5(P)
TP: dorsal/medial surface of the mid metatarsal bones (med to lat at mid shaft)
Tx: grasp associated proximal phalanx and complete ankle eversion, with digit pronation
TP: lateral aspect of the lateral seasmoid bone (lat to med)
Tx: MTP flexion, 1st phalanx eversion and adduction
TP: medial aspect of the medial seasmoid bone (med to lat)
Tx: 1st phalanx inversion and abduction
TP: sup/med aspect of the proximal first metatarsal (sup/med to inf/lat)
Tx: 1st phalanx abduction and flexion
TP: post/sup aspect of the distal clavicle (1cm med to the AC joint)
Tx: moderate shoulder flexion, external rotation
TP: ant/sup aspect of distal clavicle (1cm med to the AC joint)
Tx: shoulder abduction, extension, internal rotation
TP: post/lat aspect of the coracoid process (lat to med)
Tx: shoulder external rotation, with scapular elevation and adduction with overpressure through proximal humerus into shoulder external rotation/horizontal shoulder abduction
TP: post/med aspect of the coracoid process (med to lat)
Tx: marked shoulder internal rotation (arm behind back), scapular protraction, depression and abduction
TP: ant aspect of the greater tuberosity of the humerus (ant to post)
Tx: shoulder internal roation with compression of the lateral aspect of the proximal humerus in an ant/med direction
TP: post aspect of the greater tuberosity
Tx: shoulder external rotation with compression of the lateral aspect of proximal humerus in a post/med direction
TP: medial aspect of the lesser tuberosity (med to lat)
Tx: grasp forearm and complete internal rotation with full forearm pronation with overpressure at the end range
TP: lat aspect of the lesser tuberosity of the humerus (lat to med)
Tx: grasp forearm in anatomical position and complete humeral external rotation with supination with full overpressure
TP: proximal biceps (short head) at musculotendinous junction
Tx: humeral hyperextension of the elbow via posterior/med to ant/lat pressure above the supracondylar ridge
TP: distal/med triceps brachii (post to ant)
Tx: moderate elbow flexion (stabilized with their opp hand), humeral posterior “bow” of the mid humerus via ant/med to post/lat pressure
TP: med and deep to the prox biceps tendon (sup at the level of the medial epicondyle of the humerus) (ant to post with elbow slightly flexed)
Tx: compression of the medial and lateral epicondyle in an ant/med direction (squeeze utilizing a post grip)
TP: lateral and deep to the prox biceps tendon (sup to the level of the level of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus)
Tx: glide the proximal radius in a post and lat direction to cause a gapping or flaring open of the cubital fossa
TP: ant/prox 1/3 of the forearm flexor mass in the belly of the flexor digitorium superficialis (approach ant to post
Tx: flexion of the ulna via pressure on the distal/dorsal ulna and varus the ulna
TP: proximal 1/3 of the forearm extensor mass in the origin of the abductor pollicus longus (slightly distal to the anconeus muscle) approach post to ant (using lat to med snapping)
Tx: extension of the ulna via pressure on the distal ulna and valgus of the ulna
TP: proximal 1/4 of the post,medial ulna (med to lat)
Tx: elbow flexion, varus of the ulna ( maintaining flexion and pronation)
TP: proximal 1/4 of the posterior lateral ulna (lat to med)
Tx: elbow flexion, forearm supination and ulnar valgus (while maintaining flexion and supination)
TP: located over ant surface of the superior 1/3 of the radius
Tx: elbow flexion and supination, wrist flexion and radius flexion and compression stress through the mid shaft of the radius
TP: post proximal 1/3 surface of the radius
Tx: elbow extension, forearm supination, wrist extension and radius extension and distraction stress through the mid shaft of the radius
TP: medial, distal most aspect of the volar radius (med to lat)
Tx: grasp distal carpal row, pronation of the radius with slight overpressure at end range with traction of the carpal bones
TP: medial, distal most aspect of the radius (dorsal aspect - approach med to lat)
Tx: marked supination of the radius with slight overpressure at end range (with traction of the carpals)
TP: lateral/distal most aspect of the dorsal ulna (lat to med)
Tx: grasp carpal row, marked pronation of the ulna with slight overpressure at the end range with traction of the carpal bones
TP: lateral, distal most aspect of the volar ulna (lat to med)
Tx: marked supination of the ulna with slight overpressure at end range with traction of the carpal bones
TP: volar, distal lateral aspect of the scaphoid bone (ant to post) (in b/w 2nd and 3rd metacarpal)
Tx: wrist flexion, ulnar deviation
TP: volar, distal medial most aspect of the scaphoid bone (ant to post) (in b/w 2nd and 3rd metacarpal bone)
Tx: wrist extension with pronation and ulnar deviation
TP: volar, distal aspect of the lunate bone (ant to post) in b/w 3rd and 4th metacarpal and in b/w the radius and ulna)
Tx: wrist flexion and supination
TP: dorsal, distal aspect of the trapezium bone (proximal to thumb) approach post to ant
Tx: thumb abduction, supination, extension
TP: dorsal distal aspect of the trapezoid bone (prox to the 2nd metacarpal base) approach post to ant
Tx: wrist flexion and pronation
TP: dorsal, distal aspect oft he capitate bone (prox to the 3rd metacarpal base)
Tx: wrist flexion and supination
TP: dorsal,distal aspect of the hamate bone (proximal to the 4th metacarpal base) approach post to ant
Tx: wrist flexion, pronation and ulnar deviation
TP: dorsal/distal aspect of the triquetrum bone (distal to dorsal ulna) approach post to ant (closest to the ulna)
Tx: wrist supination and ulnar deviation
MCAR 2-5 (P)
TP: dorsal/lateral aspect of the corresponding metacarpals, mid shaft (lat to med)
Tx: forearm pronation, MP extension and MP pronation (roll towards thumb side)
PALM 2-5 (P)
TP: volar/lateral aspect of the corresponding metacarpals (mid shaft) (ant/lat to post/med)
Tx: forearm supination, MCP flexion and supination
PALM 1 (P)
TP: volar, medial surface of the mid 1st metacarpal bone
Tx: grasp base of the 1st proximal phalanx, thumb adduction and pronation (roll towards 2nd finger)
TP: dorsal/medial surface of the mid 1st metacarpal bone
Tx: thumb abduction and supination (roll towards 2nd finger)
TP: Located over the Volar, medial aspect of the distal radius, 3 fws proximal to radial styloid. Med to lat.
Tx: flexion & varus of distal radius utilizing pressure through the carpals.
TP: Located over the dorsal, medial aspect of the distal radius, 3 fws proximal to the radial styloid. Med to lat.
Tx: Extension and valgus of the distal radius utilizing pressure through the carpals
TP: located over the anterio-lateral aspect of the distal ulna, 3 fws proximal to the ulnar styloid. Lateral to med
Tx: flexion & varus of the distal ulna utilizing pressure through the carpals
TP: located over the posterior-lateral aspect of the distal ulna, 3 fws proximal to the ulnar styloid. Lat to med
Tx: extension and valgus of the distal ulna utilizing pressure through the carpals
TP: located over the superior aspect of the medial supracondylar ridge of the humerus. Med to lat
Tx: flexion and varus of the humerus utilizing pressure through the mid forearm (radius and ulna)
TP: located over the superior aspect of the lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus. Lat to med
Tx: extension and valgus of the humerus utilizing pressure through the mid forearm (radius & ulna)
TP: located at mid-forearm in the flexor mass. Med to lat snapping motion (distal to DIPEPF & PIPEPF)
Tx: flexion and varus of the proximal phalanx
TP: located 1 fw proximal to mid-forearm in the flexor mass. Med to lat snapping motion (distal to DIPEPF and proximal to MPEPF)
Tx: flexion and varus of the middle phalanx
TP: located 2 fws proximal to mid-forearm in the flexor mass. Medial to lateral snapping motion. (Proximal to PIPEPF & MPEPF)
Tx: flexion and varus of the distal phalanx
TP: located at mid-forearm in the extensor mass. Medial to lateral snapping motion. (Distal to DIPEPE & PIPEPE)
Tx: extension & valgus of the proximal phalanx
TP: located 1 fw proximal to mid-forearm in the extensor mass. Medial to lateral snapping motion. (Distal to DIPEPE and proximal to MPEPE)
Tx: extension and valgus of the middle phalanx
TP: located 2 fws proximal to mid-forearm in the extensor mass. Medial to lateral snapping motion. (Proximal to PIPEPE & MPEPE)
Tx: extension and valgus of the distal phalanx
TP: Located over the distal right biceps femoris tendon, 1 fw superior to the posterolateral fibular head. Assess with a cross fiber snapping motion (medial to lateral under tendon)
Treatment: glide the distal coccyx into flexion via anterior and superior pressure.
TP: Located over the distal left biceps femoris tendon, 1 fw superior to the posterolateral fibular head. Assess with a cross fiber snapping motion (medial to lateral under tendon)
Treatment: glide the distal coccyx into extension via a posterior and superior glide of the coccyx.
TP: medial 1/3 of scapular spine (inf surface). Inf to sup.
TX: shoulder flexion/abduction 145-160 deg. Shoulder ER 90 deg. Overpressure into ER.
often stacks with CLAVI
TP: lateral 1/3 of scapular spine (ant aspect). Ant to post.
TX: shoulder extension with overpressure. Shoulder abduction mild.
often stacks with CLAVE
TP: posterior, inferior aspect of medial talus on a vertical line w/ posterior aspect of medial malleolus.
TX: ankle plantar flexion, inversion. Glide of talus anterior.
TP: posterior, superior aspect of Peroneal tubercle.
TX: ankle dorsiflexion, eversion. Glide of talus posterior.