Periosteal /MS2 Flashcards
C1L (P)
TP: inf/med aspect of the mastoid process (med to lat on inner surface of the mastoid)
Tx: c/s SB away and Rot towards and glide the opp side of the post arch of C1 in an ant/ipsilateral (towards TP side)
C1F (P)
TP C1F: over medial arch of C1 (post to ant)
Tx: c/s flexion, sb and rot towards and compress head and neck in an inf/contralateral direction
C2F-C7F (P)
TP: posterior to the anterior deltoid muscle from inf to the greater tuberosity to the deltoid tuberosity. (lift and pinch the ant deltoid)
Tx: c/s flexion, sb and rot towards and compress head and neck in an inf/contralateral direction
T1F-T6F (P)
TP: posterior aspect of the biceps brachii from prox to distal musculoskeletal junctions (lift and pinch the biceps)
Tx: cervicothoracic flexion (marked to the level of the dysfunction, cervicothoracic SB and rot towards the TP side and compress the involved rib/thorax in an inf/med direction away from the involved side
T7F-T8F (P)
TP: lateral to the posterior aspect of the mid forearm flexor mass ( lift and pinch the flexor mass)
Tx: cervicothoracic flexion (marked to the level of the dysfunction) cervicothoracic SB and rot towards the TP side and compress the involved rib/thorax in an inf/med direction away from the involved side
T9F-T10F (P)
TP: under/ant to mid calf flexor mass (lift and pinch the mid soleus mass)
Tx: side lying, l/s flexion, l/s side bend toward the side of dysfunction (feet toward ceiling) and translation of the femur in a post direction to exaggerate the lumbar flexion deformity (using hip pressure)
* glide the ipsilateral corresponding rib in a post/inf direction*
T11F-L5F (P)
TP: under/ant to the mid hamstring (lift and pinch the flexor mass)
Tx: l/s flexion, l/s side bend toward the side of dysfunction (feet toward ceiling) and translation of the femur in a post direction to exaggerate the lumbar flexion deformity (using hip pressure)
C1E (P)
TP: ant aspect of the C1 transverse process
Tx: c/s extension, rot and side bend (Toward the TP Side)compress and translate in an inf/contra
C2E-C7E (P)
TP: ant attachment of the post deltoid to the humerus from inf to the greater tuberosity to the deltoid tuberosity
Tx: c/s extension, rotation and side toward the TP side - compress/translate in an inf/contralateral direction
T1E-T6E (P)
TP#1: post/lat tip of the transverse process (post/lat to the ant/med)
TP#2: ant/under the triceps brachii (lift and pinch the triceps)
Tx: extension, rotation and side bend toward the involved side and glide the involved rib in a post/inf and medial direction to rotate the involved segment ipsilaterally OR adduct and extend the ipsilateral arm with patient in prone
T7E-T8E (P)
TP: medial (under) the mid forearm extensor mass (lift and pinch under extensor mass - adjacent to the radius)
Tx: Tx: extension, rotation and side bend toward the involved side and glide the involved rib in a post/inf and medial direction to rotate the involved segment ipsilaterally OR adduct and extend the ipsilateral arm
T9E-T10E (P)
TP#1: post/lat tip of the transverse process (post/lat to the ant/med)
TP#2: post to (under) the mid/lateral anterior tibialis (lift and pinch to identify)
Tx: legs side bent toward the involved side with ipsilateral knee flexed. adduct the ipsilateral knee and glide the iliac crest in an ant/sup/med direction
T11E- L5E (P)
TP #1: post/lat tip of the transverse process (post/lat to the ant/med)
TP#2: under/post to the mid quad/rectus femoris mass (lift and pinch)
*alt L5E inf aspect of PSIS)
Tx: legs extended and side bend toward the involved side (lift ipsilateral iliac crest in an ant/med/sup direction)
R1S (P)
TP: ant/sup aspect of the coracoid process (ant to post)
Tx: shoulder horizontal abduction and ER
R2S-R12S (P)
TP: sup aspect of the corresponding rib angles (sup to inf)
2-7 alt dorsal/med border of the scapula 1/2 to 1 fw lateral to the medial scapular border
Tx: shoulder abduction (70-100) and translate/elevate and rotate towards TP side
**9-12 alt tx - LTR and side bend away from involved side
R1I (P)
TP1: ant/inf aspect of the coracoid process (ant to post)
Tx: make sure your head goes with you thoracic rotation and translate away from the involved side - glide the rib in an ant/inf and medial direction using UE or rib
R2I-R12I (P)
TP#1: inf aspect of the corresponding rib angles (3 fw lateral to the rib tubercles inf to sup)
TP#1: post aspect of the corresponding rib tubercles approach post to ant
Tx: ant/inf/med glide of the involved rib
TP: dorsal aspect of the S3 spinous process
TP Alt: sharpy’s fibers of gluteus maximus on the dorsum of the LEFT sacrotuberous ligament. Most inferior point on the left.
Tx: glide upper sacrum (sacral base) using an ant/inf scooping motion
TP: dorsal aspect of the S4 spinous process
TP Alt: in the sharpy’s fibers of the gluteus maximus on the dorsum of the RIGHT sacrotuberous ligament. Most inferior point on the right side.
Tx: lower sacrum (apex) using an ant/sup scooping motion
TP: dorsal/inferior sacrum (1cm sup/med to the inf lateral angle (ILA) (approach post to ant)
TP Alt: sharpy’s fibers of the gluteus maximus on the dorsum of the sacrotuberous ligament. Third most inferior point, bilaterally.
Tx: glide opp side sacral base adjacent to the PSIS ant and then diagonally inf toward the tender point) fine tune with sacral side bending
TP: located on the dorsal/superior sacrum 1cm med to the inf aspect of the PSIS (approach post to ant)
TP Alt: in the sharpy’s fibers of the gluteus maximus on the dorsum of the sacrotuberous ligament. The second most inferior point, bilaterally.
Tx: glide the opposite ILA ant and then diagonally superior toward the TP using a ‘scooping’ motion
fine tune with sacral side bending
TP: dorsal/lateral border of the lower sacrum (ILA) (post/lat to ant/med)
TP Alt: in the sharpy’s fibers of the gluteus maximus on the dorsum of the sacrotuberous ligament. The second most superior point, bilaterally.
Tx: glide the sacrum on the involved side in a sup and medial direction utilizing a rotational movement (cw for L and ccw for the R)
TP: dorsal/inf/medial border of the lower sacrum/ILA (1cm lateral to the coccyx) post/inf to ant/sup
TP Alt: in the sharpy’s fibers of the gluteus maximus on the dorsum of the sacrotuberous ligament. Superior most point, bilaterally.
Tx: hip adduction, and glide the sacrum on the involved side in an inf/med direction utilizing a rotational mvmt (CW for R, CCW for L)
CX1 (P)
TP: located over the dorsal aspect of 1st coccygeal segment (post to ant)
TP Alt: in the sharpy’s fibers of the gluteus maximus on the dorsum of the sacrotuberous ligament. The third most superior point on the RIGHT side.
Tx: glide coccyx into R deviation fine tune with rotation into the direction of ease
CX2 (P)
TP: dorsal aspect of the 2nd coccygeal segment
TP Alt: in the sharpy’s fibers of the gluteus maximus on the dorsum of the sacrotuberous ligament. The third most superior point on the LEFT side.
Tx: glide coccyx into L deviation fine tune with rotation into the direction of ease
TP: medial pubic bone at the level of the inferior aspect of the pubic symphysis
Tx: glide lateral aspect of the iliac crest in a medial/inferior direction
TP: medial pubic bone at or slightly below the level of the superior aspect of the pubic symphysis
Tx: glide lateral aspect of the iliac crest in a lateral/superior direction
TP#1: lateral/sup aspect of the ischial tuberosity (lat to med)
TP#2: inf/med aspect of the ASIS (inf/med to sup/lat)
Tx: marked hip flexion/abduction with femoral traction
TP#1: lateral/inferior aspect of the ischial tuberosity (lat to med)
TP#2 lesser trochanter of the femur (directly lateral and 1 fw inf to the inf aspect of the pubis - approach med to lateral)
Tx: hip flexion, adduction, and femur traction medial and inferior
TP#1: lateral aspect of the mid ischiopubic ramus
TP#2: distal fibers of the ipsilateral rectus abdominus (2 fw above pubic bone)
Tx: supine in figure 4 position, hip flexion, abduction, and external rotation with compression of the femur through the greater trochanter
TP: lateral neck of the femur (2 fw medial to the ant/sup aspect of the greater trochanter) (under TLF)
Tx: partially lying on opp hip, in figure 4 position, distraction of the prox/mid femur in the plane of the femoral neck
TP: over musculotendinous junction of the glut medius muscle (med and 1 fw sup to the post aspect of the greater trochanter)
Tx: glide/adduct the ischial tuberosity in an ant/med and sup direction toward the opp ASIS
TP: over musculotendinous junction of the glut medius muscle (med and 1 fw sup to the ant aspect of the greater trochanter)
Tx: glide/abduct the ischial tuberosity in an post/lat and sup direction
TP: deep to the medial aspect of the sartorius tendon (tendon is lateral to AIIS)
Tx: hip adduction, flexion, external rotation and femoral compression through the femur
TP: deep to the lateral aspect of the sartorius tendon
Tx: hip abduction, flexion & external rotation (moderate). Femoral traction moderate in the plane of the femur
TP: 1fw below the lesser trochanter (2fw below the inf aspect of the pubis on the medial femur from med to lat)
Tx: hip abduction (mild), internal rotation and tibial rotation
TP: medial femur, on a line that is 1fw above the inferior margin of the pubic ramus. Superiomedial to inferiolateral.
Tx: hip flexion, abduction, external rotation and tibial external rotation
TP: ant/lat border of the proximal femur, 2fw inf to the greater trochanter
Tx: hip flexion, knee flexion, femoral flexion stress (via deep post/med to ant/lat pressure
TP: post/lat border of the proximal femur (2fw inf to the greater trochanter)
Tx: knee extension/hyperextension, (heel on the towel) and femoral extension stress via a deep ant/med to post/lat pressure on the femur
TP: located deep in the popliteal fossa on the base/ant most aspect of the medial femoral condyle (post/lat to ant/med)
also can be medial knee osteophytes
Tx: ankle resting and braced on the table, knee flexion, knee varus, internal/external rotation
TP: located deep in the popliteal fossa on the base/ant most aspect of the lateral femoral condyle (post/med to ant/lat)
also can be lateral knee osteophytes
Tx: ankle braced and resting on table, knee flexion, knee valgus, external/internal rotation
TP: sup/med and sup/lat aspects of the trochlear groove (ant to post)
Tx: grasp the corresponding med/lat femoral condyle behind the knee and compress the med/lat epicondyles (towards the center) to narrow the femoral notch
TP: inf/med and inf/lat aspects of the trochlear groove (ant to post)
Tx: grasp the corresponding femoral condyle using an anterior approach, traction the corresponding femoral condyle (away from the center) to widen the femoral notch
TP: medial and lateral aspect of the inferior patella (post surface) approach from post to ant
Tx: knee extended, compression and post glide of the lateral edges of the patella in an inf/lat direction (utilizing a pincer grip)
TP: located both on the medial and lateral aspect of the superior patella (post to ant)
Tx: distraction/ant glide of the superior/lateral aspect of the patella bilaterally (using the pincer grip)
TP: ant/med aspect of the distal fibula in the distal tibiofibular line (approach med to lat)
Tx: hip internal rotation, fibular internal rotation grasp midfoot/talus and fine tune with dorsi/plantar flexion
TP: post/med aspect of the distal fibula in the distal tibiofibular joint line (approach med to lat)
Tx: hip external rotation, fibular external rotation and fine tune with dorsi/plantar flexion
TP: posterior/lateral aspect of the distal tibia in the distal tibiofibular joint line (approach lat to med)
Tx: hip internal rotation, tibial internal rotation and fine tune with dorsi/plantar flexion
TP:anterio/lateral aspect of the distal tibia in distal tibiofibular joint line (lat to med)
Tx: hip external rotation, tibial external rotation,
fine tune with dorsi/plantar flexion
TP: superior 1/3 of the ant/lat aspect of the fibula
Tx: knee flexion, ankle plantar flexion and glide mid fibula in an ant/lat/sup direction
TP: superior 1/3 of the post/lat aspect of the fibula (approach post/lat ot ant/med)
Tx: glide mid fibula in a post/lat/inf direction