Myochains/Cartilage/Superficial Fascia Flashcards
TP#1: lateral aspect of the C1 transverse process (lat to med)
TP#2: superior aspect of the coronoid process of the mandible
Tx: upper c/s flexion and rotation towards the involved side, TMJ deviation toward the involved side with TMJ retraction
TP#1: lateral aspect of the C2 transverse process (lat to med)
TP#2: post/inf aspect of the superficial masseter muscle (lat to med)
Tx: upper c/s flexion and rotation towards the involved side, TMJ deviation toward the involved side with TMJ retraction
TP#1: lateral aspect of the C3 transverse process (lat to med)
TP#2: origin of the superior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle (sup/med to inf/lat) onto the medial aspect of the zygomatic process of the zygomatic bone
Tx: mid c/s flexion and rotation towards, TMJ deviation away from involved side
TP#1: lateral aspect of the C4 transverse process (lat to med)
TP#2: mid belly of the inferior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle (inf/lat to sup/med) under zygomatic arch (just ant to coronoid process)
Tx: mid c/s flexion and rotation towards, TMJ deviation away from involved side
LC5 and LC6
TP#1: lateral aspect of the C5 and C6 transverse process (lat to med)
Tx: upper c/s flexion and rotation towards, and TMJ deviation towards involved side
TP#1: lateral aspect of the C7 transverse process (lat to med)
Tx: c/s flexion and side bend towards and rotation away
eye myochains 1 and 2 are good for?
make a runner brand new
eye myochains 3 and 4 are good for?
are for the pelvic floor
eye myochains 5 and 6 are good for?
like stevie nicks (diaphragm)
TP: medial most aspect of the supraorbital margin of the frontal bone (lat to med)
Tx: glide the eye in a medial direction
TP: superiomedial aspect of the supraorbital margin of the frontal bone (lat to med)
Tx: glide the eye in a superio-medial direction and utilize slight rotation to fine tune
TP mid supraorbital margin of the frontal bone ,medial to the supraorbital notch (lat to med)
Tx: glide the eye in a superiolateral direction with slight rotation to fine tune
TP: mid supraorbital margin of the frontal bone (lateral to the supraorbital notch) (lat to med)
Tx: glide the eye in an inferio-medial direction
with slight rotation to fine tune
TP: superior-lateral aspect of the supraorbital margin of the frontal bone (lat to med)
Tx: glide eye in the inf/lat direction
with slight rotation to fine tune
TP: lateral aspect of the supraorbital margin of the frontal bone (lat to med)
Tx: glide the eye in a lateral direction
TP: post/sup aspect of the zygomatic process of the temporal bone (post/sup to ant/inf)
Tx: rotate the ear in an anterior arc and distract the ear in a post/lat direction
TP: post/inf aspect of the zygomatic process of the temporal bone (post/inf to ant/sup)
Tx: rotate the ear in a post arc and compress the ear in an ant/med compression
TP: superior aspect of the external auditory meatus (12:00) from inf to sup
Tx: slide external ear cartilage in a superior direction
TP: ant/sup aspect of the external auditory meatus (1:30) post/inf to ant/sup)
Tx: glide the external ear cartilage in an anterior direction
TP: ant aspect of the external auditory meatus (3:00) post to ant
Tx: glide external ear cartilage laterally in the plane of the zygomatic arch
TP: inf/med surface of the zygomatic arch (1/2 fw ant to the mandibular condyle) approach inf to sup
Tx: open jaw mildly, deviation away and translate ipsilateral mandibular condyle medially
TP: inf/med aspect of the zygomatic arch (1 few post to the mandibular condyle (approach inf to sup)
Tx: TMJL open jaw mildly, deviation toward involved side, and translate the opposite mandibular condyle medially
Eustachian tube protocol
TP: sup/lat aspect of the hyoid bone (1cm med to the lateral edge) approach sup to inf
Tx: c/s rotation towards with flexion and mild compression
TP: inf/lat aspect of the hyoid bone (1cm med to the lat edge) approach inf to sup
Tx: c/s flexion with ipsilateral rotation, mild compression inf through the top of the head
TP: center of the manubriosternal joint, approach ant to post
Tx: LTR to opp side, t/s extension, and shoulder horizontal flexion and adduction
TP: center of the xiphisternal joint (ant to post)
Tx: LTR opposite side (rotate knees R with a L XST)
TP: ant/sup aspect of the 3rd rib (sup to inf)
Tx: glide sup lobe of ipsilateral lung in an inf/med direction
TP: ant/sup surface of the right 4th rib 1-2 fw lateral to the palpable (inf) angulation of the rib, approach sup to inf
Tx: glide the lateral aspect of the mid/right thorax in a medial direction
TP: located on the ant/sup surface of the 5th ribs 1-2 fw lateral to the palpable (inf) angulation of the rib, approach sup to inf
Tx: glide the inf lobe of the lung in a sup/med direction
Rib 1(C)
TP: inf aspect of the medial 1/3 of the clavicle (1.5 to 2cm lat to the end of the 1st rib) (inf to sup)
Tx: c/s flexion and rotation towards the TP
R2-R10 (C)-MS
TP: ant/sup rib margins of the ribs 2-10 in the anterior axillary line (sup to inf)
tx: c/s flexion and rotation toward, t/s flexion, thoracic rotation towards and translation away from the tender point side
What system does the costal cartilage impact?
Visceral system
DC2-DC6 (C)-MS
TP: inf aspect of the corresponding c/s laminae at the joint line (inf to sup)
Tx: c/s rotation and side bend toward, glide the opp laminae or transverse process of the involved segment in a sup/lat direction to decompress the segment
DC7-DT5 (C)-MS
TP: inf aspect of the scapular spine, approach inf to sup (along the under surface of the spine)
Tx: cervicothoracic rotation and side bend toward
OPP shoulder flexion (marked) with traction of the arm (for t/s side bend toward the involved side) with shoulder horizontal adduction (to create shoulder rotation)
DT6-DT10 (C)-MS
TP: medial aspect of the costal (inner margin) of the corresponding rib (approach post/med to ant/lat) under costal margin
Tx: preset by dropping the ipsilateral shoulder
Shoulder horizontal adduction of the opp arm to create thoracic ipsilateral rotation and side bending (shoulder flexion is above 90*)
DT11- DT12(C)-MS
TP: medial (inner margin) of the corresponding rib 2cm from the tip
Tx: preset by dropping the ipsilateral shoulder
Shoulder horizontal adduction of the opp arm to create thoracic ipsilateral rotation and side bending (shoulder flexion is above 90*)
DL1 (C)- DL5 (C)-MS
TP: sup aspect of the iliac crest from the superior PSIS to the ant axillary line (sup to inf on to the sup aspect of the iliac crest)
Tx: hip extension of contralateral leg, traction in a post/inf and medial direction
TP: located over the ant/sup aspect of the pubic symphysis (ant to post)
Tx: hip flexion (mod) on the side of the superior pubic shear dysfunction, glide the pubic rami on the side of the inf pubic shear dysfunction in an inf/lat direction (through ASIS)
TP: ant glenohumeral joint line in multiple locations, approach ant to post (probing deep into the joint line)
Tx: slide posterior GH labrum in an ant and sup direction using rotary motion
TP: post glenohumeral joint line in multiple locations (post to ant)
Tx: glide ant GH labrum in a post/inf direction using a rotary motion
TP: sup aspect of the 1st rib anteriorly (1-2cm lateral to the costo-sternal junction) (sup to inf)
TX: shoulder IR, scapular abduction/shoulder girdle protraction. Fine tune with elevation and depression of scapula.
medial clavicle is posteriorly subluxed. Anterior-inferior capsule and fibrocartilage of disc is restricted/contracted.
TP: ant aspect of medial 1/4 of the clavicle (sup to the lateral end of the 1st rib) approach ant to post
Tx: scapular adduction/shoulder girdle retraction (fine tune with scapular elevation and depression)
medial clavicle is subluxed anterior. Posterior-superior capsule and fibrocartilage of the disc is restricted/contracted.
TP: inf surface of the ant border of the acromion (1-2cm lat to the distal end of the clavicle)
Tx: inf and lat glide of the distal clavicle and counter pressure to the scapular spine in a post and med direction
\TP: inf surface of the posterior border of the acromion, 1-2cm med to the distal end of the acromion
Tx: poster, superior and medial glide of the distal clavicle, add counter pressure through the scapular spine.
TP: distal end of the ulna (approach dist to prox)
Tx: wrist extension and ulnar/carpal supination
TP: distal end of the ulna (post/lat) approach TP distal to proximal
Tx: wrist flexion and ulnar/carpal supination
TP: located over the ant hip labrum (1-3cm inf/med to the AIIS) ant to post
Tx: glide the post aspect of the acetabular labrum ( 1/2 the distance b/w the sacral ILA and the superior aspect of the greater trochanter in an ant/sup direction using a rotary motion
TP: located over the post hip labrum (1/2 the distance b/w the sacral ILA and the sup aspect of the greater trochanger (approach post to ant)
Tx: glide the ant aspect of the acetabulum labrum (1-2 cm inf/ med to AIIS in a post/inf direction using a rotary motion
TP: multiple locations in the ant/med joint line of the tibiofemoral joint
Tx: glide the post horn of the medial meniscus in an ant/med direction towards the tender point. fine tune with a rotational glide toward the patella
TP: located in the anteriolateral joint line of the tibio-femoral joint
Tx: glide the post horn of the lateral meniscus in an ant and lat directions toward the tender point.
fine tune with a rotational glide toward the patella
TP: multiple locations in the posterioro-medial tibio-femoral joint line (deep in the popliteal fossae)
Tx: glide the ant horn of the medial meniscsus in a post and lat direction
fine tune with a rotational glide toward the patella
TP: multiple locations in the posterio-lateral joint line of the knee
Tx: glide the ant horn of the lateral meniscus in a post and medial direction
fine tune with a rotational glide toward the patella
TP: located over the medial aspect of the corresponding flexor tendon just proximal to the MCP joints,
Tx: MCP deviation toward the TP side in neutral or slight MCP extension, fascial glide in DIP pronation and proximal glide of the overlying fascia
TP: located over the lateral aspect of the corresponding flexor tendon just proximal to the MCP joints
Tx: MCP: flexion and deviation towards the TP side and glide fascia into DIP supination and proximal glide
TP: ant aspect of the deep transverse metacarpal ligament between digits 2 and 3 (ant to post)
Tx: MCP flexion and deviation towards TP side with proximal glide “spiraling” into supination (towards thumb)
TP: located over the posterior aspect of the deep transverse metacarpal ligament between digits 3 and 4 (post to ant)
Tx: MCP extension of joints 3 and 4, and glide the volar digital fascia utilizing a “spiraling” pronation motion (towards thumb)
TP: located medial to the distal bicipital tendon (deep in the medial cubital fossa distal to the medial epicondyle) ant to post
Tx: marked forearm pronation, wrist extension and glide the dorsal hand (4th and 5th metacarpal fascia) toward the TP
TP: located lateral to the distal biceps tendon (deep in the lateral cubital fossa and distal to the lateral epicondyle) (ant to post)
Tx: forearm supination, glide the volar/palmar (3rd and 4th metacarpal) fascia toward the TP
TP: ant humerus at the convergence of the deltopectoral fascia (lateral deltopectoral groove) approach ant to post
Tx: glide the lower medial infraspinatus fascia in a lateral and superior direction
TP: over the insertion of the lower trapezius to the mid posterior scapular spine (post to ant) medial 1/3 of the spine of the scapula
Tx: fascial glide of the lower pectoralis major/sternal border in a superior/lateral direction
TP: ant/lat aspect of the supra-hyoid fascia, approach inf to sup
Tx: glide lateral supraspinatus/upper trapezius fascia in a medial/anterior and superior direction
stacks with utrap
TP: over the upper trapezius at the level of C1 (approach post to ant)
Tx: glide the mid axillary fascia in an ant,sup, medial direction
stacks with hyoid
TP#1: post aspect of the neurovascualr bundle at the level of the deltoid tuberosity (drag across the neurovascular bundle)
TP#2: superior border of the scapula (3-4fw medial to the scapular notch (approach post to ant - deep in the supraspinatus fossa)
Tx: shoulder abduction 80-90*, glide brachial fascia and axillary sheath proximally into internal rotation (rotate and approximate the tissue internally)
TP#1: located over the anterior aspect of the neurovascular bundle at the level of the deltoid tuberosity
TP#2: located over the superior border of the scapular notch (deep in the supraspinatus fossa) approach post to an
Tx: shoulder abduction 80-90*, glide the brachial fascia and axillary sheath proximally into external rotation and approximate the tissue externally
TP: ant aspect of the axillary fascia (sup to inf drag along the ant aspect of the axilla)
Tx: glide the lower, medial lattismus muscle/fascia superiorlaterally toward the TP
TP: posterior aspect of the axillary fascia (utilizing a sup to inf drag along the posterior aspect of the axilla)
TX: fascial glide of the external oblique/lateral costal fascia at the 6th rib in a superior/lateral direction
TP: located over the post aspect of the posterior scalene muscle between the 1st and 2nd ribs
Tx: glide the endothoracic fascia (via the 8th rib contact in the post axillary line) in a medial, anterior and superior direction
TP: over the lateral aspect of the costocoracoid ligament (medial to the coracoid process) approach ant to post)
Tx: glide the middle fibers of the lattismus dorsi muscle (inf to the scapula) in a lateral, anterior and superior direction maintaining contact on the rib cage
TP#1: over the side of the proximal xiphoid process (lat to med)
TP#2: located over the post TFL fascia on the contralateral side (approach post to ant with a snapping motion)
Tx: glide on the anterior axillary line (at the level of the lower scapula) in an anterior, inferior, and medial direcion
TP: over anterior external oblique fibers (2fw medial to the tip of the 10th rib)
Tx: superior-medial posterior thigh in an ant/sup and lat direction (as post as you can get)
TP: posterior aspect of the posterior fibers of the external oblique muscle. 2fw inferior to the 12th rib at the mid rib (post to ant) (2fw below the mesenteric root)
Tx: glide the lower, anterior abdominal wall (supra-pubic) in a superior-lateral direction
TP: sacrospinous ligament (inf aspect of the sciatic notch 2 fw lateral to the inf/lat angle of the sacrum) approach post to ant
Tx: distal post/lat hamstring muscle in an anterior/medial/superior direction
TP: over the post aspect of the adductor longus muscle inferior to the musculo-tendinous junction (prox 1/4 of the muscle) approach post/med to ant/lat
Tx: glide lateral patellar retinaculum/distal ITB in a post/lat/sup direction
TP: medial aspect of the corresponding flexor tendons proximal to the met heads. approach med to lat (using snapping motion) (proximal sesamoid bone)
Tx: MTP flexion, glide into DIP supination and proximal glide of the overlying fascia (roll toe towards the tender point)
TP: located over the lateral aspect of the corresponding flexor tendons (prox to met heads), approach lat to med “snapping”
Tx: MTP neutral to extension and deviation toward the TP side, glide the DIP pronation and prox glide of the overlying fascia (roll toe towards TP)
TP: plantar aspect of the deep transverse ligament (b/w digits 1 and 2)
Tx: glide the dorsal fascia of digits 1 and 2 proximally using a spiral motion into supination and flexion
TP: dorsal aspect of the deep metatarsal ligament b/w digits 3 and 4
Tx: glide the plantar fascia of digits 3 and 4 proximally, utilizing a spiral pronation and extension movement
TP: over the ant/med aspect of the proximal achilles tendon (drag medial to lateral on the ant aspect of the tendon)
Tx: ankle eversion, glide the dorsal fascia of the 3rd and 4th digits in a superior/medial direction toward the tender point side
TP: located over the anterio-lateral aspect of the proximal achilles tendon, drag lat to med on the anterior aspect of the tendon to identify
Tx: ankle inversion, glide the 1st metatarsal and the dorsal fascia over digits 1 and 2 in a superior-lateral direction toward the tender point
TP: located over the distal medial hamstring 1-2cm proximal to the superior aspect of the medial femoral condyle
Tx: glide the lateral aspect of the Achilles in a spiral, superior-medial direction
TP: distal hamstring 1-2cm proximal to the superior aspect of the lateral femoral condyle
Tx: medial aspect of the achilles in a spiral, superior and lateral direction
TP#1: medial patellar retinaculum at mid patella (med to lat)
TP#2: medial aspect of the lateral gastrocnemius head (pull/drag the lateral head from medial to lateral to identify)
Tx: glide the lateral head of gastrocnemius muscle in a medial and superior direction
TP#1: lateral retinaculum at mid patella (lat to med)
TP#2: lateral aspect of the medial gastroc head (pull/drag the medial head from lat to med)
Tx: glide the medial head of the gastroc in a lat and sup direction toward the tender point
TP: medial half of the fascial lata in the femoral triangle. med to lat drag across the medial fascia late
Tx: glide the post/lat distal hamstring mass in a superior and medial direction toward the tender point
TP: lateral half of the fascia lata in the femoral triangle (med to lat drag across the lat fascia lata)
Tx: glide the post/med distal hamstring mass in a sup, ant and lat direction towards TP
TP#1: ant aspect of the angle of the scapula
TP#2: superior/lateral surface of the sacral base
Tx: supine, t/s side bend toward, glide below mid clavicle (ribs 2-3) inferomedial
TP: located over the medial most aspect of the supraorbital margin of the frontal bone. Approach TP from lateral to medial.
Tx: glide the ipsilateral frontal bone in a superior, posterior and lateral direction while simultaneously stabilizing the parietal bone with anterior, medial and inferior pressure.
TP: posterior and deep to the middle aspect of the Pectineus mm. Approach TP from posterior to anterior behind the muscle fibers.
Tx: glide the proximal femur from posterolateral to anteromedial, allow the hip to roll into slight internal rotation.
TP: 2-3 finger widths proximal to the greater trochanter, posterior and medial to the distal fibers of the Tensor Fascia Lata mm. Approach TP from posterolateral to anteromedial under the distal TFL fibers.
Tx: glide the proximal posterior femur superolateral, allowing the hip to roll into slight external rotation.
FAI Protocol
What are the segmental impacts of SF chains?
Upper SF: MDSGR C7-T1
Thoracic SF: MDSGR T7-8
Lower SF: MDSGR L1-2
TP: located in the dorsal, middle aspect of the calcaneocuboid joint line.
TX: Glide superolaterally in the plantar joint line of the calcaneocuboid joint.
presents as everted cuboid with posteriorly subluxed fibula.
TP: located in the plantar aspect of the calcaneocuboid joint line.
TX: glide inferolaterally in the dorsal joint line of the calcaneocuboid joint.
presents as an inverted cuboid with an anteriorly subluxed fibula.