Perioperative care Flashcards
Describe the time frame for the 3 levels of urgency : elective, urgent, emergent
- elective : can be scheduled more than 48 hrs out (does not mean that it is not necessary)
- urgent : need w/i 24-48 hours or else probably gonna die
- emergent : need rn or gonna die
What is the time frame for the preoperative phase?
from the time the surgery is scheduled to the time the pt enters the surgical suite/OR
–> this can vary based on level of urgency
What is the nurse’s priority in the preoperative phase?
What factors are a part of this?
- priority : getting the pt to the OR safely
- factors in this : pt edu, advocacy, evaluation of resources needed for recovery
What medications should be stopped prior to surgery?
What medications should we continue to give?
(both are drug categories)
- stop : blood thinners
- cont : beta blockers
If a pt states they have an allergy to strawberries or bananas what would the nurse’s follow up question be?
has the pt ever experienced a reaction to latex
if the pt states they have a peanut allergy the nurse knows they have an increased risk of hypersensitivity reaction to which drug?
Why would the nurse want to ask the pt if they have had anesthesia prior to this surgery? If the pt says no (they have never been under anesthesia) what should the nurse ask next?
- ask this to see if they had a previous reaction that is indicative of malignant hyperthermia
- the nurse should then ask about if anyone in their family has had a reaction to anesthesia
When asking about alcohol, drug, and tobacco use, the patient states they chronically use all of them what would the nurse be concerned about regarding each substance?
- EtOH : inc risk for cv complications, and withdrawal after surgery
- drugs : inc risk for cv event during surgery, interaction with anesthetic, tolerance to pain meds
- tobacco (smoking) : inc risk for pulmonary complications during surgery, and complications after surgery like PNA and atelectasis
Why would the nurse need to notify the surgeon if the pt has high BP before the surgery?
inc risk for bleeding
Why is a pt more likely to have a cv event during surgery if they have a high heart rate before/during surgery?
a high HR indicates an increased metabolic rate, anesthesia will further inc the metabolic rate –> inc risk for cv event
Why is it important to evaluate renal status before surgery?
to ensure they can clear the anesthetic effective or to make necessary adjustments
Why is it important to know the neurological baseline of the pt before surgery?
you need to know baseline so you can accurately assess the pt after surgery –> we are looking for a return to baseline
What labs are commonly ordered prior to surgery?
- urinalysis
- preg
- blood work : CBC, BMP, blood type, blood co-agg
What is the nurse’s role with informed consent?
- clarify facts presented by the surgeon
- verify the formed was signed (may be an order)
- serve as a witness to the formed being signed
What are the key components of informed consent? (6)
- nature and reason for surgery
- who is preforming the surgery
- who will be in the room
- alternatives to the surgery
- risks associated with the surgery and alternative options
- correct site verification between the pt and the surgeon
- consent for anesthesia is usually separate*
If there is a special circumstance regarding informed consent you should default to ___ ___
institutional policy
Why is a pt required to be NPO for a surgery?
if there is stuff in their stomach they are at a high risk of vomiting and aspirating
What size IV is preferred for surgery?
large bore : 18-20 g
When should the 3 WHO surgical safety checks be preformed?
- before the administration of anesthesia
- before the first incision : time out
- before the pt leaves the OR : typically before they close the pt up
What are the 5 things verified in the time out? Who participates?
- pt verification : 2 identifiers
- correct procedure
- correct site
- were antibiotics given w/i the 1 hr window prior to surgery (in necessary)
- is imaging available (if necessary)
- everyone stops and participates in the timeout
When preforming the surgical scrub you start at the ___ and end at the __ washing for __ to __ minutes
wash from finger tips to elbows for 3-5 min
When can malignant hyperthermia occur?
from the time anesthesia is administered, until it wears off (through recovery)
What are the early signs of malignant hyperthermia?
the late signs?
Early : drop in O2, inc HR, inc end tidal CO2
late : muscle rigidity, HIGH body temp, cola colored urine, hypotension, skin mottling
What is the nurses role during the administration of anesthesia?
- pt positioning : prevent pressure ulcers
- assist anesthesiologist
- observe for breaks in sterile technique
- soothe pt
What are the aspects of the pre-surgery checklist?
- informed consent signed?
- allergies / previous rxn to anesthesia
- dentures : need to remove - can’t intubate
- jewelry : can burn the pt
- glass/contacts
- hearing aids
- advanced directives
- medications taken
- NPO status
- need for blood products
- physical assessment
What is the priority of a PACU nurse?
anticipate prevent and manage complications after surgery
Who typically transfers the pt from the OR to the PACU? Why?
- the circulating nurse and the anesthesiologist
- so they can have a verbal hand off with the PACU nurse
What should the nurse do if a pt is snoring after surgery?
What should the nurse do if the pt has stridor after surgery?
- snoring : simple airway maneuver
- stridor : get help - airway is closing
Why is it important to frequently monitor BP and HR after surgery will the pt is still unable to communicate?
can indicate pain and need for pain management
What is the normal value for urine output?
> 30 mL / hr
Why is N/V a concern post surgery?
- inc risk for aspiration
- inc intracranial and intraocular pressure
Why might chewing gum be beneficial for a person who has recently returned to baseline LOC after surgery?
help stimulate the GI tract to move
What are you looking for regarding drainage?
What type of drainage should you always report?
- looking for improvement
- should always report purulent
If a pt had a high HR and BP after surgery, despite appropriate pain management what should the nurse be concerned about?
shock and bleeding (can be internal)
a paralytic ileum can have this sx
waves of N/V
An infection can be linked to surgery if it occurs w/I ___ days. If something was implanted into the body this is extended to __ days
- no implantation : 30 days
- implantation of device : 90 days
Who is at risk for delayed wound healing?
- old ppl
- diabetics
- immunocomp
- malnourished