Periodontitis (Staging and Grading) Exam 5 Flashcards
What are the three components for defining a periodontitis case?
- Identification of a patient as a perio case
- Identification of the specific form of periodontitis
- Description of the clinical presentations- elements affecting clinical management and prognosis, broader influences on both oral and systemic health.
What are the stages of periodontitis?
- Stage i: initial
- ii: Mod
- iii: Severe: may have additional tooth loss
- iv: Severe: loss of dentition
Based on severity and complexity managment
Extend and Distribution is based on what?
Localized , Generalized and molar-incisor
What are the Grades of Periodontitis?
Grade A- slow rate
B- Mod rate
C- rapid rate
evidence or risk of rapid progression, anticipated treatment response
Defining a perio case differes based on what ?
- Age of the patient
- Lesion number
- Distribution
- Severity
- Location within the dental arch
- Level of oral biofilm contamination
Staging is determined at presentation of three elements what are they?
Complexity of management
Extent and distribution
what is the meaning of changes in severity?
Loss of worse affected tooth= decrease severity
Severity at slight cal measurement ?
Severity at moderate cal measurement ?
Severity at severe cal measurement ?
greater than or equal to 5mm
What are the measurement for radiographic bone loss (RBL) for severity?
Coronal 3rd- <15%
Coronal 3rd - 15%-33%
Middle 3rd and beyond - >33%
What is the amount for tooth loss during the each stage?
- None
- Less than or equal to 4
- More than or equal to 5
What is the severity destruction levels?
Slight (Mild)
No more than 1 to 2 mm of attachment loss
3 to 4 mm of attachment loss
Class I or II furcation involvement
Tooth mobility
Major loss of bone support > 30%
5 mm or more of attachment loss
Class III furcation involvement
What is the staging complexity management for local factors?
- Probing depths
- Type of bone loss (vertical and/or horizontal)
- Furcation status
- Tooth mobility
- Missing teeth
- Bite collapse
- Ridge defect size
What are the three patterns ?
- Localized
Few sites demonstrate attachment and bone loss 30% or less - Generalized
Many sites affected
>30% - Molar-incisor
Extend and distrubution is based on what?
- Extent: Different degrees or amounts of destruction
- Distrubtion: Based on number of teeth with tissue destruction