Periodontal Disease Flashcards
What is the most common oral disease and what age group does it affect?
Periodontal disease in dogs/cats over 3 years old
What is the #1 cause of tooth loss?
Periodontal disease
What is the initial type of plaque bacteria?
Gram + aerobic
What is the later type of plaque bacteria?
Gram - anaerobic (more destructive)
Mineralized plaque containing bacteria which release endotoxins that cause gingivits
What do bacteria attach to on the surface of the tooth?
Acquired pellicle
Thin layer of salivary proteins
Acquired pellicle
What comprises plaque?
Bacteria, food, debris, oral epithelial cells, mucin
Inflammatory response (reversible)
Destruction of junctional epithelium and epithelial attachment at base of gingival sulcus
Is periodontitis reversible?
What seals off air access to allow anaerobic bacteria to grow?
What are clinical signs of periodontal disease?
Halitosis, accumulation of plaque and tarter, inflamed/ bleeding gingiva
Is decreased appetite common with periodontal disease?
What feline viral disease exacerbates periodontal disease?
Why is saliva important for teeth?
Helps w/oral defense mechanisms
Why is periodontal disease implicated in the formation of chronic nephritis, hepatopathies, and endocarditis?
Chronic showering of bacteria into circulation
Measures the amount of overall loss of support
Attachment loss
Gingival recession + pocket depth
Attachment loss
Amount of attachment loss compared to the normal length
Periodontal index
What is the primary criteria in assessing the likelihood of being able to retain a tooth?
% of attachment loss
Gingivitis only, no attachment loss
Stage 1 periodontal disease
<25% attachment loss, good cleaning may allow for reattachment
Stage 2 periodontal disease
25-50% attachment loss
Stage 3 periodontal disease
> 50% attachment loss, pathologic tooth mobility, imminent that tooth will be lost
Stage 4 periodontal disease
Incipient furcation exposure, soft tissue only
Stage 1
Probe passes horizontally through furcation
Stage 3
What is considered normal physiologic tooth mobility?
Up to 0.2mm
What does normal gingival tissue look like?
Firm and pink w/defined stippling
Gingival swelling, bleeds when proved
Gingivitis (stage 1)
Hyperplastic gingiva - controllable but not reversible
Early periodontitis (stage 2)
Gingival hyperplasia + bone loss
Moderate periodontitis (stage 3)
Gingival recession + bone loss + furcation exposure + advanced tooth mobility
Advanced periodontitis (stage 4)
Expression of vertical pocket formation filled w/granulation tissue and osteitis
Feline buccal bone expansion
Which tooth is most commonly affected by FBBE?
Canine tooth
What often accompanies FBBE?
Supereruption of the tooth (tooth looks longer than it should)
What is the goal of periodontal disease treatment?
Prevent further destruction of affected sites and prevent development of new sites
What is the best way to prevent periodontal disease?
Mechanical destruction of plaque
Do antibiotics cure periodontal disease? Why or why not?
No - biofilms very resistant
What is the #1 antibiotic used for systemic periodontal disease therapy?
What is the #1 antibiotic used for local periodontal disease therapy?
Chlorhexidine spray, gel, rinse
What anesthetic ETTs should you use for oral procedures?
Guarded/armored tubes
What can happen when using a spring-loaded divide to fully open an animal’s mouth
Maxillary artery compression = ischemic injury
What grip should you use for dental procedures?
Modified pencil grip
Which hand instrument has a pointed tip and 2 cutting edges and should never be used below the gingival margin?
Which hand instrument has a rounded tip and back w/flat face and only one cutting edge?
Used to measure sulcus (pocket) depth
Periodontal probe
Used to assess pulp cavity and for caries lesions
Periodontal explorer
Thicker scaler
Dental hoe
Why do you want to use a light touch for an ultrasonic scaler?
Light touch maintains vibrations
How do you decrease risk of thermal damage assoc. w/ultrasonic scalers?
What is a benign tumor that looks like a real tooth?
Compound odontoma
What is the first step of a dental cleaning?
Flush the oral cavity
Is a calculus or gingivitis index more reliable to determine the severity of disease?
Gingivitis index
If you missed a calculus, how will air identify remaining infractions?
Calculus appears chalky white when tooth is dry
How many sides of each tooth should you probe once you have polished and flushed the teeth?
At least 4 (6 for multi-rooted teeth)
Where should you pay close attention to look for deep pockets in small dogs and why?
Palatal surface of maxillary canines pockets commonly enter nasal cavity
How can you tell if there is horizontal bone loss on a radiograph?
“Neck” lesion, furcation exposure
How can you tell if there is vertical bone loss on a radiograph?
Periapical lucency, infrabony pockets