Periodontal Assessment Flashcards
define assessment
data gathering process
systematic survey of patient to collect information relevant to hi/her oral health
(purposes) for periodontal assessment
nine reasons for doing a thorough perio assessment include
what are the nine reasons?
- **1. establish baseline data prior to treatment (benchmarking) determines success/failure of treatment and future home care planning
2. determine diagnosis –Primary Diagnosis
3. determine prognosis (forecast) of - ***4. aid in treatment planning
5. facilitate implementation of treatment plan
6. provide reference for evaluation of treatment - **7. provide legal evidence
8. aid in forensic dentistry - **9. establish rapport
what composes a complete evaluation?
health survey: med/dent history updated at each visit
general dental survey -complete baseline dental charting
deposits survey–including plaque, stain, calculus
occlusal survey–occlusal analysis
radiographic survey–FMS, vertical and horizontal bitewings, panelipse
periodontal survey–probe depths, bleeding gingival conditions, mucogingival involvement, attachment levels, furcas, etc.
treatment record–of past, current, and potential future treatment
Radiographic Survey
contents (that what)
why do we take radiographs? to show what you can not se in the mouth
when do we take them?
periodontal survey
contents: (write these down)
1. gingival assessment (conditions)
2. clinical attachment loss (CAL) and mucogingival level
3. probe depth
4. sulcular bleeding (SBI)
5. furcation
6. mobility
7. exudates
8. local etiologic factors
9. calculus–Supra/Sub
10. location of plaque (PCR) —done after perio assess VERIFICATION!!!!
periodontal survey
why do we do it?
when do we do it?
we will be reviewing/learning the how
pocket (sulcus) depth
why do we probe?
what are the types of pockets? Pseudo & Real
Gingival: “pseudo or false”
Periodontal Pocket: “true pocket (bone loss)
when are number in RED? 5mm and above
an indicator of present disease “what is going on in their home care. if they have a lot of area of recession, then we need to look at their tooth brushing
sulcular bleeding (SBI)
one of our indicators of inflammatory process
very useful for a pt. motivator
3. guideline for referral
Gingival Conditions
use air and light look at the margin, papilla, color, contour and the consistency
use mirror and mirror handle
helps determine the prognosis
Class I= 1mm
Class II=>1mm
Class III=>2mm in different directions press down on it, you will see it compressed
*severe mobile tooth (we would use extreme caution in scaling!)
it helps show ACTIVE disease =necrotic DEAD tissue)
record direct surface example: DB or #30 or MF #30
helps us guide our instrumentation
helps us guide to prognosis
tells us how much bone loss we do have
*it is only a furcation if we can hook the explorer in the area
max: 1-3; 14-16 (B) and PreMolar
mand: 17,18,19, 30, 31, 32 (B) (L) we turn it towards the (M/L) and (D/L) because that is where the root bifurcates
Class I: barley hooked
Class II: hooked and explorer tip get flush
Class III: through/through there is no bone left
Class IV: you can see it
record in dentrix (surface: I, II, III, IV)