periodic trends Flashcards
core charge
number of protons-number of inner shell electrons
core charge down a group
It says constant down a group but the valence electrons are held less strongly as there are further from the nucleus
core charge across a period
Increases.The valence electrons are more attracted to
the nucleus as the core charge increases.
The ability of an atom to attract electrons, the greater the core charge the greater electronegativity
electronegativity down a group
Decreases. the core charge stays constant and the number of shells increases down a group. valence electrons are less attracted to the nucelsu
electronegativity across a period
Increases, the number of occupied shells in the atoms remain constant but the core charge increases therefor the the valence electrons become strongly attached the the nucleus.
Atomic radius
A size of an atom
atomic radius shown a group
Increases. Core charge stays constant and the number of shells increase resulting the the radii to increase.
Atomic radius across a period
Decreases. As you move across, the number of occupied shells remains constant but the core charge increases. So the valence electrons become more strongly attracted to the nucleus.
Ionisation energy
Energy require to remove an electron from an atom. The further from the nucleus, it is easier to remove electrons
Ionisation energy down a group
Decreases. Core charge stays constant and the number of
shells increases down a group. more energy to overcome the attraction force between valence electron and nucleus
Ionisation across a period
Increases. Core charge increases and the number of
occupied shells remains constant across a period.
less energy to overcome the attraction force between valence electrons and nucleus
Metallic character
Elements with one, two or three electrons in their valence shells are metals.
Elements with four or more electrons in their valence shells are non-metals.
Metalloids have both metallic and non-metallic characteristics. They generally have three or four or five electrons in their valence shells
Metallic character down a group
Increases ad it had a greater number of shells to lose electrons
Metallic character across a period
Decreases as the increasing core charge makes it difficult for metals to lose the electrons