Period 2 Spex Flashcards
Act of Tolerance
1649- Put in place in Maryland ensured religious freedom for all Christians
Anglican Church (Church of England)
A church that formed due to the Protestant Reformation, a branch of Protestant
Anglo-Powhatan Wars
1622-1626- Wars fought between the colonists and the Algonquin of the Powhatan Confederacy
Anne Hutchinson
1636-1638- She was a preacher in Massachusetts who questioned Puritan beliefs. She was banished for this eventually.
Atlantic Slave Trade
Trade of goods and slaves between Africa, West Indies, and the colonies.
Bacon’s Rebellion
1676- Uprising in Virginia colony when they were not happy with how the Natives were attacking them. Nathaniel Bacon joined with frontiermen stormed and burnt down Jamestown. Only created tensions between lower and upper class.
Barbados Slave Code
1661- Laws that defined slavery as something that is inherited and that they are property and have no rights that a white person would have.
Ben Franklin
Owner of Pennsylvania Gazette, the colonies newspaper
Charles I
King of England from 1625-1649
Charles II
King of England from 1660-1685
Chief Opechancanough
Head of the Powhatan Confederacy
coureurs de bois
A woodsman or trader of the french
Dominion of New England
All the British colonies combined
Elizabeth I
Queen of England from 1558-1603
A movement where land in England could only be used by one person, meaning the landowner would kick off any families using their land that could not afford thier own. Created a large homeless population.
English Civil War
1642-1651 Wars over England’s governing and issues with religious freedom
An idea popular in the 1700s that was centered around rational thinking instead of religion and superstition
George Whitefield
Preached to large crowds in the New England area about enlightenment
Glorious Revolution
1688-1689 war that overthrew Catholic James II replaced with Mary and William of Orange
Great Awakening
Series of religious revivals in colonies
Headright System
50 acres of land was given to any settlers who came and settled and farmed land.
Henry Hudson
English explorer is known for exploring Canada
House of Burgesses
The first governing body of the colonies in Virginia
Protestants who held to the Calvinists tradition
Iroquois Confederacy
Five nations joined together to become a peacful nation
Jacques Cartier
French explorer to create the first map of the gulf of St. Lawerence
The First English colony established in 1607 in Virginia
A new type of sermon from Puritan preachers
John Peter Zenger
Printer and journalist of the New York Weekly Journal. Accused by governer but then acquitted to show freedom of press
John Rolfe
English settler known for successful tobacco growth and married Pocahantas to create a positive relationship with Powhatan people
John Smith
Explorer and played important role in founding Jamestown
John Wesley
Clergyman, Newlight minister
John Winthrop
Puritan lawyer and leader in the founding of Massachusetts
Jonathan Edwards
Joint-Stock company
Large numbers of investors hold stocks and are able to raise money quickly
King’s George War
1739-1748- Spain was angry that England founded the Georgia colony
King Phillip’s War
1675-1678- War between Natives and colonists
Leisler’s rebellion
Rebellion against centralized government and taxes
Lord Baltimore
Founder of Maryland
Martin Luther
Leader of the protestant reformation
Massachusetts Bay Colony
Colony at the bay of Massachusetts leader was John Winthrop
Mayflower Compact
The original agreement made my the Plymouth settlement
Leader of the Wampanoag
Middle Passage
The trip across the Atlantic Ocean
Molasses Act
1733- British law that put taxes on all sugar products
Nathanial Hawthorn
Dark writer in Salem, MA
Navigational Act
Laws put in place by Britain that caused restrictions on colonial trade
New England Confederation
Alliance between Plymouth, Newhaven, Connecticut, and Massachusetts bay
New Amsterdam
the colony established by the Dutch in present-day Manhattan Island
New light/ Old light Clergy
New light clergy adopted the ideals of the Great Awkening. Whereas the Old light stuck with original ideals.
New Netherland
Dutch colony in present day New York
New York
1644 land taken from the Dutch by English and renamed New York
Oliver Cromwell
Leader of parliament during the English civil war
A Christian religious group that was known for being a radical pacifist. They settled in Pennsylvania hoping for a religious safe haven.
Queen Anne’s War
War against Spain, England, and Natives because the Spanish monarch was left without an heir.
Pequot’s War
War against the settlers from Massachusetts Bay and the surrounding colonies, destroyed the Pequot tribe.
Came to New England on the Mayflower to settle in 1620. Settled in Plymouth, Massachuetts.
1620- Colony in Massachusetts settled by the Pilgrims
Powhatan/ Pocahantas
Native group near the Jamestown settlement. Pocahantas helped to join a powerful alliance by marrying John Rolfe
Powhatan’s Confederacy
Union of over 30 Algonquin speaking Natives
Protestant Reformation
The split of the Protestants from the Catholic church
Wanted to purify the church of England of catholic practices
Roanoke colony
A colony that was attempted to be settled in North Carolina but was abandoned when other settlers found it.
Roger Williams
Puritan minister and founded the colony of Rhode island
Salem Witch Trials
A series of prosecutions of people who were accused of witchcraft in Salem, MA
Salutary neglect
regulations were not strictly enforced on the colonies as long as they were loyal to Britain.
Sir Francis Drake
first English man to circumnavigate the world also helped conquer the Spanish armada.
Slave codes
laws that defined how slaves were treated, that they were property, and slavery is inherited
Spanish Armada
Spanish fleet of 130 ships
Interpreter and guide for the Pilgrims
Stono Rebellion
Large slave rebellion in Charleston, North Carolina
Transatlantic Trade
The trade between England, Africa, and the British colonies
Treaty of Utrecht
Made Phillip V king of Spain and ended the war
Natives that lived in North Carolina
Virginia Company
English trading company charted by King James I
Willam and Mary
1688- where declared rulers of England after the glorious revolution
William Penn
Founder of Pennsylvania