Perinatal psych and psychosexual disorders Flashcards
What is baby blues and how should it be managed?
- transient low mood seen in 75% mothers, most often 3-5 days after delivery, pts feel tearful, anxious, irritable
- lasts 1-2 days usually but may last for 2 weeks
- reassurance from midwife and increased social/ family support is sufficient usually
Give 4 RFs for postnatal depression
- history of post partum depression
- young maternal age
- unplanned pregnancy
- lack of support
- marital problems
- social circumstances
- sleep deprivation
- hormonal changes
What consequences can post natal depression have?
- inpair cognitive and social skills of the infant due to poor attachment
- may lead to self harm/ suicide of mother
How should postnatal depression be managed?
- low threshold to refer to MDT
- involve father
- may arrange emergency admission under mental health act if indicated
- Anti depressants: SSRI and TCA, AVOID FLUOEXETINE, stop breast feeding if large dose
- MBU admission + ECT considered if severe
- most should resolve within 6 months
How does post partum psychosis present?
- peak onset 2 weeks post partum
- psychotic episode with prominent affective symptoms (depression or mania) occurring with rapidly fluctuating symptoms
- labile mood
- Usually starts w/ insomnia, restlessness
- disorientation
- RFs: single parent, reduced social support, previous mental health
How should post partum psychosis be managed?
- any suspicion should trigger emergency referral to specialist ream as risk of infanticide
- mother and baby unit admission
- combination of medication to treat affective symptoms (mood stabilisers, antidepressants or ECT)
- psychotic symptoms (second gen antipsychotics, long acting benzos)
- combined with therapy, reassurance and emotional support
- discharge: local mental health services and health visitors
What should be asked in the history of someone presenting with a psychosexual disorder?
- early experiences
- present practices
- hints towards transsexualism
- commercial sex work or drug abuse
- orientation to either or both sexes
- difficulties with other partners
- history of current relationship
name one medication that can cause each of the following: erectile dysfunction, delayed ejaculation, loss of libido
ED: hypotensives, alcohol (also think about organic and psychological causes)
Delayed ejaculation: SSRIs (can also be used as an treatment for premature ejaculation)
Loss of libido: B blockers, finasteride, OCP, penothiazines