Pericardial and Congenital Heart Disease Flashcards
What is acute pericarditis?
An idiopathic syndrome, most likely viral, that lasts 1-3 weeks and presents with sharp substernal pleuritic positional pain with pericardial friction rub
What does an ECG of acute pericarditis look like?
STEMI not confined to a coronary artery, shows concavity upwards!
What are the 2 pathologic types of pericarditis?
Serous Fibrinous Hemorrhagic Purulent constrictive
Describe the appearance of serous pericarditis.
smooth surface, scant neutrophils, lymphocytes and macrophages, usually with effusion of 50-200 ml of thin fluid (protein <50% of serum level)
Describe the appearance of fibrinous pericarditis.
dry, roughened, shaggy, “bread and butter” surface, more neutro-phils, lymphocytes and macrophages, serofibrinous if with effusion
What are the causes of serous pericarditis?
heart failure, lymphatic obstruction by tumor, hypoalbuminemia
What are the causes of fibrinous pericarditis?
viral myopericarditis, uremia, acute myocardial infarction, metastatic malignancy, autoimmune
Describe the appearance of hemorrhagic pericarditis.
serous, fibrinous or purulent plus hemorrhage, +/- effusion or exudate with blood added
Describe the appearance of purulent pericarditis.
red granular surface coated with pus, lots of subsurface neutrophils, up to 500 ml exudate in the pericardium
Describe the appearance of constrictive pericarditis.
very rare
What are the two forms of post-MI pericarditis?
1) Extension of visceral pericarditis to parietal over large transmural infarct (uncommon, <5% of MIs)
2) Dressler syndrome 2-12 weeks after infarction (autoimmune, rare)
Who gets autoimmune pericarditis?
30% of lupus patients with polyserositis and simultaneous pleuritis and peritonitis
RA patients
What drugs can induce pericarditis?
Hemorrhagic pericarditis is associated with what 3 conditions?
1) metastatic carcinoma
2) Leukemia (thrombocytopenia)
3) Tb
What are 2 important tests for unexplained pericarditis?
Tb skin test
Chest X-ray
What is “constrictive pericarditis”?
Encasement of the heart in a dense fibrous or fibrocalcific scar which prevents cardiac hypertrophy or dilatation
What usually causes (rarely) constrictive pericarditis?
purulent or Tb pericarditis
Constrictive pericarditis has a pathophysiology similar to what?
cardiac tamponade
How do you treat constrictive pericarditis?
surgically strip off the thickened pericardium
How much fluid is normally contained in the pericardial sac?
15-50 mL (used to lubricate the touching of the pericardium and the heart)
How high must the pericardial fluid raise (suddenly) to cause a problem?
between 250-300 mL
If the pericardial fluid increases slowly, how much fluid can be contained within the pericardial sac?
up to 1 L
List the common causes of pericardial effusion.
Viral myopericarditis Metastatic malignancy Autoimmune disease Drug-induced Renal failure Bleeding (Hemopericardium)
What are the signs of cardiac tamponade?
JV distension, muffled heart sounds, hypotension, pulsus paradoxus
How do you detect cardiac tamponade?
echocardiogram shows diastolic collapse of RA and RV
How do you treat cardiac tamponade?