Periapical Exam Flashcards
RULE maxillary
PID pointing down
RULE mandibular
PID pointing up
vertical angulation max central and lat inc.
+40 degrees
vertical angulation max canine
+45 degrees
vertical angulation max premolar
+30 degrees
vertical angulation max molars
+20 degrees
vertical angulationmand central and lat inc.
-15 degrees
vertical angulation mand canines
-20 degrees
vertical angulation mand premolars
-10 degrees
vertical angulation mand molars
-5 degrees
point of entry max cent. and lat. inc
tip of nose
point of entry max canines
root of canine, ala of nose
point of entry max premolars
on ala-tragus line below pupil of eye
point of entry max molar
on ala-tragus line below lateral canthus
point of entry mand cent and lat inc.
center of chin, 1 in. above inferior border of mandible
point of entry mand cancines
root of canine 1 in above inferior border of mandible
point of entry mand premolars
1 in above inferior border of mandible, inferior to pupil of eye
point of entry mand molar
1 in above inferior border of mandible, below lateral canthus