Performance Related Flashcards
Damp Runway
When the surface is not dry, but when the moisture on it give it a shiny appearance.
For performances it is considered dry
Wet runway
covered with less than 3mm of water or when there is sufficient moisture to make it appear reflective
A dry runway with water puddles covering more than 10% of the runway must be considered wet for performance calculations
Contaminated runway
when more than 25% of the runway is covered by:
- water 3mm or more
- slush, loose snow equivalent to 3mm or more
- compacted snow
- ice, wet ice
Operations on contaminated runways should be
Should be avoided whenever possible
Take off and landing on a runway with braking action poor is
Calculate Takeoff From contaminated runway
FCOM PI 27.3 (737-800)
FCOM PI 20.7 (737-800)
FCOM SP 16.1
Take off is not recommend when slush, wet snow or standing water is more than 13 mm
Dry snow depth is more than 102mm
FCOM NP 60.4
- Reduced thrust is not allowed on contaminated/slippery
A runway is contaminated when more than 25% of the runway is covered by:
- water 3mm or more
- slush, loose snow equivalent to 3mm or more
- compacted snow
- ice, wet ice
What are two methods to reduce engine thrust
FCTM 3.21
- Derated take off thrust
- Assumed temperature method (ATM)
What is the difference between slippery runway charts and contaminated charts
FCOM 27.4(737-800)
Slippery runways are runways with reported braking action that are not contaimanted
Max depth for contaminated runway
FCOM SP 16.1
Take off is not recommend when slush, wet snow or standing water is more than 13 mm
Dry snow depth is more than 102mm
Conditions not allowing the use of Reduced thrust takeoff
FCOM NP 60.4
Windshear or surface temperature inversion Intersection takeoff less than 2438m(8000') Self dispatch using PD in FCOM EEC alternate Contaminated/slippery runway Using MEL/AFM restrictions Using improved climb Bleeds off Anti-skid inop
Dispatch with gear down requires
FCOM NP 60.4
Temporary charts will be produced
Intersection take off is not allowed when
FCOM 60.5
- Contaminated runway
- Windshear conditions are anticipated
- When braking action is poor
Improved climb is not allowed when
FCOM 60.3
- Anti-skid inoperative
- Contaminated runway
Oman Air preference for RTOW charts
FCOM NP 60.3
Engine bleeds ON Reduced
Engine bleeds ON Maximum
Engine bleeds OFF Maximum
Engine bleeds ON Maximum/Improved climb
Engine bleeds OFF Maximum/Improved climb
Engine bleeds off comes before improved climb because a bleeds off take off is less risky than high speed take off
Anit-Ice ON and RTOW corrections
FCOM NP 60.5/Preamble RTOW pg. 7
Most restrictive is to climb limit weight
Engine AI ON -250 KG
Engine and wing AI ON -1500 KG
However FPPM Ch 1.2 MUST be referred to for the latest revision