MEL related Flashcards
After engine start and before takeoff illumination of a Master warning or Master Caution requires
QRH CI 2.3/ MEL Section 00/05/06 5.5
Completing of NNC checklist And MEL
Master Caution illuminates during recall the NNC is NOT required BUT referring to the NNC is a good practice and refer to MEL
IF MEL is a go item with no restrictions affecting the planned route the captain may continue and the MEL should be entered in the technical logbook on the completion of the sector
Contact MCC for guidance
IF (M) return to the gate
What is (R), (O),(*),(M)
MEL Section 00/05/06 5.0
(R) - PIC may insist that a particular defect be rectified prior to flight. PIC shall mark (R) in Tech log and shall specify the reason
(O) - operational procedure
(*) - Item requires
(M) - aircraft MUST return to gate for maintenance
Category A, B, C, D and when does the time start
MEL Section 00/05/09
A - Refer to the remarks or expect ions column
B - 3 days
C - 10 days
D- 120 Days
Time starts after midnight from the day of discovery
MEL Section 00/05/3 13
PIC shall also complete fueling and hydraulic section
At outstations or when NO AME is available pilot may release under MEL condition provided MEL does not have an (M)
The pilot SHALL communicate with MCC and write in the action field as per MEL 13.3
Auto speedbrake INOP
Refer to MEL and PI normal landing calculations and apply correction to landing distance with manual speed brake
1 Thrust reverser INOP
Refer to MEL and FCOM PI 27.5
Only allowed on wet runway
- Reduce weight by 1050KG and V1 by 2kts
Anti Skid INOP
FCOM PI 27.4 /NP 60.4
Refer to PI text
- No reduced thrust
- Only allowed on dry runway
- No improved climb
Refer to NNC and Landing distance in PI
- Taxi speed adjusted to allow for light braking
Landning(FCTM 6.47)
- initiate wheel braking using very light pedal pressure
and increase as ground speed decreases