performance directions (Italian grade 1-5 part 2) Flashcards
a piacere
at pleasure, meaning that the performer is not bound to follow the given rhythm exactly
with passion
a punto d’arca
see a la pointe (use the bow (of a string instrument) at the point, ie the end opposite to that held by the player
bow of a string instrument, a directon after pizzicato
very, extremely (but sometimes used in the same sense as assez)
enough, sufficiently (but sometimes used in the same sense as assai)
a tempo
in time, indicating a return to the original speed after eg rit., rall.
capriccioso, capricieux (F)
in a whimsical, fanciful style
colla parte
keep with the soloist, a direction to an accompanist
colla voce
keep with the singer, a direction to an accompanist
corda, corde
string, strings (see una corda, tre corde)
with determination
decrescendo, dimin., dim.
graduallly getting softer
fin (F), fine(I)
flautato, flautando
flute-like, a direction for natural harmonics on string instruments
flexible, i.e. not in strict tempo
glissando, gliss.
slide (a rapid scale passage produced by e.g. drawing a thumb or finger-tip along the white keys of a piano, or by sweeping the fingers across the strings of a harp or by sliding the finger along a spring of a string instrument)
lacrimoso, lagrimando, lagrimoso
sad (lit. ‘tearful’)
licence, freedom (con alcuna licenza: with some freedom, particularly with ragard to tempo and rhythm)
the same (l’istesso tempo: at the same speed)