Performance Flashcards
Accelerate-Stop Distance
The distance required to accelerate on all engines to VCEF, experience an engine failure, commence deceleration at V1 and stop the aircraft. At engine failure, there is a gradual spooldown for the failed engine. Maximum braking will be instantly applied at V1. All maximum brake energy and tire limits are observed. The decision to abort the takeoff must be made in time to start the aborted takeoff maneuver at or before V1. No credit for reverse thrust is applied for accelerate-stop
Climb-Limited Takeoff Weight
The maximum weight at which the aircraft can maintain a 2.5 percent climb gradient at V2 with one engine inoperative, flaps at the takeoff position and the gear retracted.
Critical Field Length
The sum of the distances required to accelerate to VCEF with all engines operating, experience a failure of the critical engine, then either accelerate to liftoff speed or decelerate to a stop, whichever is higher. A “balanced CFL” occurs when accelerate-stop distance equals accelerate-go distance. CFL is a function of altitude, temperature, Brake Release Gross Weight (BRGW), aircraft configuration, runway condition, and thrust setting. CFL is based on the following: a. At engine failure, the aircraft will continue to accelerate for 3 seconds with the operating engine at the thrust setting being used for takeoff, and with the inoperative engine at a drag level representing the most critical engine failure condition. This period is to account for recognition of the engine failure and initiation of a response. The airspeed at the end of this period is V1. b. At engine failure, there is an instantaneous loss of thrust for accelerate-go, but a gradual spooldown for accelerate-stop. c. For the accelerate-go portion of CFL, no action will be initiated to increase thrust on the operating engine. d. For the accelerate-stop portion of CFL, maximum braking will be instantly applied at V1. All maximum brake energy and tire limits are observed. The decision to abort the takeoff must be made in time to start the aborted takeoff maneuver at or before V1. e. No credit for reverse thrust is applied for accelerate-stop.
Engine Failure Procedures
Denotes the type of engine failure procedures associated with the selected runway. “NO EMERGENCY TURN” indicates a straight ahead departure is authorized. “SEE SPECIAL PROCEDURES FOR THIS RUNWAY” indicates a turning departure is required in the event of an engine failure. Procedure specifics can be accessed by selecting ARPT INFO and RWY COMMENT. Warning “NO EMERGENCY TURN” and “SEE SPECIAL PROCEDURES FOR THIS RUNWAY” represent the least risk path associated with the obstacles in the departure corridor. They do not take into consideration other airfields or air traffic that may conflict with a straight ahead or turning departure. These procedures are based on known obstacles in the OPT database and may not have been coordinated with local ATC facilities. Aircrews shall review these procedures and local restrictions to determine the best course of action in an emergency to ensure aircraft safety.
Vmbe, Maximum Braking Speed
The highest speed from which the aircraft can be brought to a stop, with maximum braking, without exceeding the maximum design energy absorption capability of the brakes for a specified altitude, temperature, weight, and configuration.
Vmcg, Ground Minimum Control Speed
The minimum speed on the ground at which it is possible to recover and complete a takeoff with a failure of the engine most critical to directional stability, under the following conditions: a. Only aerodynamic forces are used to steer (no nosewheel steering). b. Maximum runway deviation of 30 feet. c. Maximum takeoff thrust set with bleed air off. d. Most unfavorable (aft) center of gravity. e. Most critical configuration for engine and flap settings. f. Airplane trimmed for takeoff.
Displays the minimum engine out acceleration height, in AGL, associated with the designated runway. The minimum ACCEL HT is 1,000 ft above the field elevation. This value will increase if a listed obstacle (or obstacle added through NOTAM) penetrates the clearance plain of the departure corridor or the engine failure procedure applicable to the runway in use. This higher acceleration height value will ensure obstacle clearance through clean-up, however, may not guarantee obstacle clearance in a single engine climb outside the departure corridor or special procedure path. Warning This value does not ensure obstacle clearance. Note The default ACCEL HT is set at 1,000 ft. above field elevation displayed as an AGL altitude. This height does not guarantee 1,000 ft. AGL in the departure corridor when rising terrain is present. Setting an ACCEL HT above 1,000 ft. will increase the time the engines are operating at takeoff thrust and may approach or exceed EGT limits.
Climb-Limited Landing Weight
The maximum weight at which the airplane can maintain a climb gradient of 2.5 percent for a given gross weight, flap setting, gear position, altitude, temperature, state of the anti-ice system and aircraft configuration. The climb limited landing weight is calculated at either VREF (two engine) or VREF +5 (single engine) and the runway pressure altitude and OAT. All-Engine Operative Climb Limited Landing Weight is based on the thrust that can be attained 8 seconds after the thrust levers have been advanced to Go-Around Thrust. For the Single-Engine Operative (flaps 1 and 15 gear up), the operating engine is assumed to be at the Full Go-Around thrust. Data are based on the following: a. Minimum climb gradient of 2.5 percent. b. Air conditioning packs in AUTO for Engine Bleeds ON data. c. Thrust is set at Go-Around thrust.
Accelerate-Go Distance
Distance required to accelerate on all engines to Critical Engine Failure Speed (Vcef), experience an engine failure at Vcef and continue the takeoff to rotate at Vr and reach Vlo. At engine failure, there is an instantaneous loss of thrust. No action will be initiated to increase thrust on the operating engine.
Total Landing Distance
The sum of the Landing Air Run Distance and Ground Roll Distance
Brake Energy Limits
a. The Maximum Brake Energy limit denotes the brake energy absorption capability of the aircraft. Braking in excess of this limit is not advised as reduced braking performance (brake fade), a brake fire or other failures may occur. b. The Fuse Plug Melt limit is the maximum brake energy that can be attained and the fuse plugs are designed to melt.
Ground Roll Distance
The distance to decelerate from Touchdown Speed to a full stop. Ground Roll Distance is calculated for a specified weight, altitude, and configuration.
Vr, Rotation Speed
The speed at which body rotation is initiated from the ground run attitude to the liftoff attitude, for a specified altitude, temperature, weight, and configuration. VR is greater than V1, VMCA and the Power-Off Stall Speed (also protects you from power-off stall, minimum unstick, failing to reach 50 ft at V2 with an engine failure, and minimum unstick, both single and all engine). VR is determined from flight test and cannot be less than: — Minimum speed at which the controls can generate sufficient moments to initiate rotation — V1 — 1.05 VMCA — The VR that results in VLOF at least 1.05 VMU(engine out) and at least 1.10 VMU(all engine) — The VR that results in V2 at 50 feet after engine failure at VCEF — VS 1g, Power-Off Stall Speed – the 1-g stall speed based on CLmax with the engines.
Vmca, Air Minimum Control Speed
The minimum speed in the air at which it is possible to recover and maintain straight flight with a failure of the engine most critical to directional stability, under the following conditions: a. May use full rudder and up to 5 degrees angle of bank. b. Must be less than 20 degrees of heading change during the recovery. c. Maximum takeoff thrust set with bleed air off. d. Most unfavorable (aft) center of gravity. e. Most critical configuration for engine and flap settings. f. Airplane trimmed for takeoff or landing. g. Roll control less than or equal to 75 percent maximum available.
Conditions Affecting Landing Performance
- Temperature. 2. Pressure altitude. 3. Wind. 4. Runway surface condition. 5. Aircraft gross weight. 6. Reverse thrust. 7. Flap configuration. 8. Braking level. 9. External configuration.
Takeoff surface
Runway surface plus any displaced threshold and/or stopway used for takeoff performance calculations. The total takeoff surface used for takeoff planning shall be taken into consideration when determining runway condition.
Touchdown Speed (Vtd)
The speed at which the aircraft touches the ground, for a specified altitude, weight and configuration. (Basically protects you from tailstrike with power off, ground effect power-off stall, and VMCA with gear down; see below) VTD can be no less than: a. 110 percent of the out of ground effect power-off stall speed in the landing configuration, gear down. b. 105 percent of VMCA in the landing configuration, gear down. c. A speed in the landing configuration with power off that would result in a tailstrike.
Total Takeoff Distance
The horizontal distance required for the aircraft, with the landing gear extended, to reach 50 feet above the height of the airfield surface with an engine failure at VCEF. This distance may exceed the length of the runway or clearway. It is defined as the sum of the ground run distance plus the airborne distance needed to accelerate and climb to clear the 50 feet height at V2 (CFL + distance to 50 ft).
V2, Obstacle Clearance Speed
The flight path speed, with landing gear extended, with which the aircraft reaches 50 feet above the airfield height during climb out, for a specified altitude, temperature, weight, and configuration. V2 is greater than the out of ground effect Power-Off Stall Speed and VMCA in the takeoff configuration. Additionally, it is the minimum speed at which the aircraft has a Climb Gradient potential of 2.5% with flaps in the takeoff position, landing gear retracted, with the thrust (power) setting being used for takeoff, out of ground effect. (Basically protects you from VMCA and out of ground effect Power-Off Stall) It cannot be less than either of the following: — 110 percent of VMCA in the takeoff configuration. — 113 percent of out of ground effect Power-Off Stall Speed in the takeoff configuration.
Conditions Affecting Takeoff Performance
- Temperature 2. Pressure altitude. 3. Wind. 4. Runway slope. 5. Runway surface condition. 6. Aircraft gross weight. 7. Engine thrust. 8. Flap configuration. 9. External configuration. 10. Reverse thrust.
Approach Climb Limited Weight (OPT)
The maximum weight at which a go-around can be initiated and maintain a 2.5% climb gradient in an approach configuration. This weight is based on: i. Single engine operation ii. Go-around flaps iii. Landing gear retracted
Approach Speed (Vapp)
The airspeed which the aircraft maintains to a 50-foot height above the runway during the approach for a specified altitude, weight, and configuration. (Basically protects you from out of ground effect power-off stall, VMCA, and failing to achieve a 2.5% climb w/ eng-out.) VAPP may not be less than: a. 123 percent of the out of ground effect power-off stall speed in the landing configuration, gear down. b. Air Minimum control speed in the landing configuration (VMCA). c. The minimum speed at which the aircraft has a Climb Gradient potential of 2.5 percent with gear up, in the approach configuration, with Go-Around thrust out of ground effect, and the most critical engine inoperative.
Density Altitude
Pressure altitude adjusted for non-standard temperature. When either temperature or atmospheric pressure deviates from standard, density altitude will change. As temperature increases or atmospheric pressure decreases (increase in pressure altitude), density altitude will increase. The converse is true for a decrease in temperature or increase in atmospheric pressure.
Landing Air Run Distance
The horizontal distance from the runway threshold to touchdown. Aircraft is in the landing configuration, at the specified thrust (power) setting, weight, and altitude. a. OPT Air Run Distance is based on 96% of VREF + 5 knots for 7 seconds (96% is used to represent the deceleration from VAPP to VTD). Note The current P-8A NFM-500/-200 landing data are based on a fixed landing air run distance of 1,000 ft (1 December 2014).
EXT option (OPT)
Permits the selections of authorized external configurations. WARNING Although the selection of an external configuration has no effect on the approach speed or landing distance, it is used to determine landing climb limit and approach climb limit weights and gradients. Improper entry of external configurations may result in inaccurate climb limited weights and gradients resulting in an unsafe waveoff condition.
Climb Gradient
The vertical distance (height) achieved divided by the horizontal distance covered during a climb, expressed in percentage (ΔHeight / ΔHorizontal Distance *100). For example, 152 feet per nautical mile is a 2.5 percent gradient (152 feet/ 6,076 feet = .025) using 6,076 feet in a nautical mile. Multiplying climb gradient by groundspeed will determine the resultant (or required) rate of climb in feet per minute (e.g. 2.5 X 180 kts=450 ft/min).
Improved Climb (IC)(OPT)
An increase in V2 that results in an increased climb gradient or climb limited gross weight for a given flap setting and CG. In addition to a higher V2, V1 and Vr are increased accordingly. Selecting “Optimum” enables OPT to utilize available runway in excess of CFL requirements to increase maximum TOW or reduce required thrust when the desired TOW is below CLTOW. Requirements: -Antiskid shall be operative -Runway must be DRY or WET. Not authorized if runway is contaminated or icy -Takeoff with a tailwind is prohibited (real, not wind adjusted)
Contaminated Runway
A runway is considered contaminated when 25 percent or more of the takeoff surface is covered with one or more of the following: a. Standing water, slush or loose snow greater than 1/8 inch (3mm) in depth. b. Snow of any depth which is compressed into a solid mass. c. Ice of any type.
V1, decision speed
The maximum airspeed at which the pilot must take the first action to either stop the takeoff or commit to continuing the takeoff and remain within the CFL. V1 is the airspeed 3 seconds after VCEF at the conditions described under CFL. V1 cannot exceed VMBE or VR. A “balanced V1” is the V1 associated with a balanced CFL.
Landing Climb Limited Weight (OPT)
The maximum weight at which a go-around can be initiated and maintain a 2.5% climb gradient in a landing configuration. This weight is based on: i. Two engine operation ii. Landing flaps (as entered on DISPATCH page) iii. Landing gear extended
Vcef, Critical Engine Failure Speed
The speed during the takeoff run at which an engine can fail and the same distance is required to either liftoff or stop the aircraft, for a specified altitude, temperature, weight, configuration and thrust. Critical engine failure speed will not be less than minimum engine-out ground control speed (VMCG).