Perforator Flaps Flashcards
What is the arterial source of a perforator flap?
Either septocutaneous or musculocutaneous vessels.
What is an angiosome?
The angiosomes of the body are distinct vascular territories that are composed of muscle and the overlying skin and the adipose tissues. The angiosomes define the anatomical borders from which tissues are available for composite transfer.
How are the cutaneous vessels defined according to their course?
They are defined as septocutaneous and myocutaneous vessels. Septocutaneous vessels course either between the tendons or muscles following the intermuscular septa. Myocutaneous perforators penetrate through the muscle to nourish the subcutaneous tissue.
What is the anatomical basis for perforator-based skin flap design and harvest?
The size, length, direction, and connections of the cutaneous perforators provide basis of flap design. At least one
adjacent anatomical cutaneous vascular territory can be captured with safety when based on a particular perforator.
What is the contribution of Taylor and Daniel to the evolution of the perforator flap surgery?
These authors were the first who attempted to harvest skin flaps on the septocutaneous and myocutaneous perforators that they had identified during their vascular anatomy studies on cadavers. They mapped the vascular anatomy of the skin and identified an average of 374 dominant cutaneous vessels of 0.5 mm or greater in diameter, and introduced the angiosome concept for further perforator flap surgery.
What is a true perforator flap?
A “true” perforator flap relies on perforator vessels from a given source vessel that must first penetrate a muscle before piercing the deep fascia to reach the skin.
What are the advantages of the perforator flaps?
- Less donor site morbidity.
- Muscle sparing.
- Versatility in design to include as little or as much tissue as required. 4. Improved postoperative recovery of the patient.
What is the definition of a reliable perforator vessel?
The reliable perforator is defined as a perforator that sprouts from the carrier muscle with a “visible” pulsation, usually greater than 1 mm in diameter. A reliable perforator is believed to have the ability to expand its perfusion over its territory after the perforator flap elevation.
How are the perforator vessels identified?
Currently, the most practical, simple, safe, speedy, and inexpensive method is the use of handheld Doppler ultrasound probe. Other techniques include computed tomographic angiography, magnetic resonance imaging, and color-flow duplex scanning.
How are the axial artery and perforators discriminated with the Doppler probe?
The axial artery has a unidirectional pulsating course whereas there is no evident pulsating sound around the
What are the available preoperative tools to identify the exact location of the perforators?
The available and reliable image studies include multidetector-row helicon computed tomography angiography and
magnetic resonance imaging.
What is the most common consequence when a tiny perforator is selected?
Marginal flap necrosis beyond the territory of the perforators.
What are the requirements for an acceptable perforator flap donor site?
- Predictable and consistent blood supply;
- At least one large perforator with the diameter greater than 1 mm;
- Sufficient pedicle length; and
- Primary closure of the donor site with the absence of excessive wound tension.
What are the most commonly used perforator flaps?
Anterolateral thigh perforator flap, deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap, super gluteal artery perforator flap, inferior gluteal artery perforator flap, thoracodorsal perforator flap, tensor fascia lata perforator flap, medial plantar perforator flap, deep circumflex iliac perforator flap, medial sural artery perforator flap, transverse gracilis perforator flap, and internal mammary artery perforator flap.
What is a free-style free flap?
An anatomic region that is not the traditional flap territory with the appropriate size, color, and pliability is selected, and the skin perforators in that region are mapped using a Doppler probe. Mapped perforators are dissected toward source vessels to provide adequate vessel length and size. By applying the concept of free-style free flap, small- or moderate-sized flap can be designed and harvested to almost any part of the body as long as the donor site appearance is acceptable to the patient.
What is the main advantage of free-style free flap?
The advantage of this concept is that it provides the surgeon an extra sense of freedom and variability when
approaching a flap harvest and choosing the recipient site.
What are the most common causes of the perforator thrombosis?
Stretching, twisting, drying, and compression of the perforator.
What are the strategies to reexplore a thrombosed perforator flap?
- Explore early.
- Resect the thrombosed vessel segment and reanastomose with or without vein graft.
- Open the vessels and squeeze the proximal vessel to evacuate the thrombus.
- Do not inject any solution from the cut end since this maneuver may cause migration and plugging of thrombus into the smaller perforators.
- Relieve the tension from the flap.
- Inject few thrombolytic agents, such as urokinase, streptokinase from the donor artery and drain it out from the
donor vein in an attempt of thrombolysis. - Systemic infusion of low-dose heparin 2,500 to –5,000 units/day.
What are the principles in “thinning” of a perforator flap?
- Preserve the fat and the fascia within a circle of 1 cm diameter around the perforator;
- Use loupes or microscope to perform the procedure;
- Perform thinning when there is circulation in the flap, either before division of pedicle or after restoration of blood circulation.
What is “supermicrosurgery” technique?
Supermicrosurgery technique involves division of the perforator flap pedicle above the deep fascia and anastomosing small vessels that are less than 1 mm (0.5–0.7 mm) using 12-0 Nylon with a greater magnification microscope. It allows free transfer of flaps on vessels harvested without breaching deep fascia, so-called “perforator-to-perforator” free flap transfer.
What are the advantages in applying supermicrosurgery technique in perforator flap surgery?
The donor site morbidity is reduced since the fascia remains intact and the muscle is not dissected. Flap harvest can be performed quickly without intramuscular dissection. Besides, only a short vascular pedicle is taken without sacrificing perfusion to the surrounding tissues.
What are disadvantages to apply supermicrosurgery technique in perforator flap surgery?
The primary disadvantage is the short and small pedicle rendering the inset and the difficulty of performing anastomosis on tiny diameter vessels on a short pedicle.
What does the “supermicrosurgery” impact on management of extremity lymphedema?
Multiple lymphaticovenular anastomoses on a single limb were reported to improve the lymphedema significantly.
List the perforator flaps and their accompanying nerves that can be harvested as a sensate flap.
Thoracodorsal perforator flap—lateral branch of the intercostal nerve;
Medial plantar artery perforator flap—medial plantar nerve;
Anterolateral thigh flap—lateral femoral musculocutaneous nerve;
Deep inferior epigastric perforator flap—sensory branch of the intercostal nerve; Superior gluteal artery perforator flap (SGAP)—super and middle gluteal nerve.
What is a pedicled perforator flap?
By applying the concept of perforator flap into regional reconstruction, a perforator flap close to the defect is dissected and transferred by meticulous intramuscular dissection of the perforator without division and reanastomosis of the vascular pedicle.
What are the advantages of pedicled perforator flap?
The microsurgical anastomosis is eliminated and the potential risk of flap loss diminished. A perforator flap is designed near the defect and can be based on traditional flap design, like rotation, transposition, advancement and interposition/island flaps and transposed to the recipient site based on the perforator. Traditional flaps can be designed with improvement of providing an axial and reliable blood supply. Owing to the preservation of the perforator, the traditional pedicle flap length-to-width rule is no longer needed.
List examples of pedicled perforator flap in head and neck reconstruction.
- Submental artery perforator flap;
- Facial artery musculomucosal flap;
- Temporoparietal artery perforator flap;
- Internal mammary artery perforator flap.
Who described anterolateral thigh flap?
Song et al. described it as a septocutaneous perforator flap in 1984.
What is the source artery of the ALT perforator flap?
Septocutaneous or musculocutaneous perforators derived from the descending or transverse branch of lateral
circumflex femoral system.
What is the landmark for the perforators in the anterolateral thigh region?
A line is drawn from anterior superior iliac spine to the lateral border of the patella and the perforators are usually located in a circle 3 cm around the midpoint of this line.
What is the ratio of septocutaneous versus myocutaneous perforators in the anterolateral thigh perforator
In different reported series, only 12% to 33% of the patients were reported to have septocutaneous vessels while 67% to 88% had myocutaneous perforators.
What can be the maximum dimension of an anterolateral thigh perforator flap?
8 × 20 cm.